Too much pool?

Is it wrong to play 13 hours of pool in a 16 hour period? One time I played from 12pm-5pm with one friend, then from 6:30pm-11:00pm, and the night cap was 12:30am-4:00am. The first and last session were at the same place, I saw the pool hall open in the morning, and close at night. That's by far the most I've ever done, but does that sound like too much, even for a one time thing? Is this normal?

Voting Results
37% Normal
Based on 52 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • tony10

    if you were playing pool as a profession (gambling,hustling, etc) then I might say yeah its normal to want to play that long but, I am going to assume that you aren't so I am thinking nah it's not normal

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    • lady_bug

      dude u must be a f***ing pool shark!!!

      u lucky b*tch

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      • insanelynormal

        Why are you afraid yo cuss? Grow some balls.

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