Too old for video games
My wife says that I need to grow up and stop playing video games. She believes that someone my age(32) is too old to for such rubish and that it isn't normal for me to still be intrested in them.
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My wife says that I need to grow up and stop playing video games. She believes that someone my age(32) is too old to for such rubish and that it isn't normal for me to still be intrested in them.
The issue at the heart of this dispute is that your wife feels you're neglecting her for the sake of video games. She does not object to video games per se but the fact that you're so engrossed in them and not her. Keep her happy (by being open, engaged, and interested) and she'll pat you on the back while you're fragging noobs.
Happy women make a happy home. Unhappy women make an unhappy home.
Your wifes a cunt.
Video games are made for people of all ages and men in their 20-40's are still a key demographic.
She's probably just an ugly annoying bitch and is jealous that you'd rather play video games than spend 5 minutes with her bitching, talking about pointless shit, and telling you about her day which consisted of getting up drinking coffee and doing nothing remotely interesting.
no such thing as to old for video games, my grandma is 97 years old and she has a wii and ssbb xD she beats me every time >.>
I have a friend who 40 He plays games with his kids some times by him self he's smart educated and has a good job. playing games has no age limit
you can never get too old to play video games. its entertainment and keeps us occupied rather than just sitting there bored to death or being depressed about how sad our lives may be.
tell your wife she is not normal for thinking your not normal. it is only not normal is you are playing games for more than 3-4 hrs a day
The average age for a gamer is 29.
You're just above average. It's entirely normal. Tell your wife to stop whining and get a hobby of her own.
My dad (45) is a far better gamer than me; you can never be too old for games!
I just did an enormous essay about video games, one of my conclusions? Average age of a video game player...late twenties. Your fine dude.
Nah, I don't think you%%u2019re too old for video games.
But the real issue isn't the video games; it's your wife who feels that you're neglecting her, or your "responsibilities". I'm not saying your a bad husband or father, but I assume that she manages to emasculate you with her incessant nagging about the smallest thing, especially the video game issue. Majority of all females are like that. She just feels that you have something better to do with your time then play some game. That%%u2019s all. So since you%%u2019re a grown ass man, she thinks what you%%u2019re doing is stupid and pointless.
Your not too old. I am 40 ish and still play video games everyday with my 9 year old son. In fact I think some of the games are geared towards us since we played the first video games out when we were younger, you can see some of the old school games being reintroduced on xbox live for download and PS3 home. We can laugh at what we thought were games back matrix screens etc. hang man. lol
You're never too old. My brother is 30 and plays xbox. In fact, most of the games he plays are rated M for mature, meaning they're not for kids.
It's annoying wen you live with someone and it's the first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning. He sits up , turns on the tv and blasts call of duty in the tv right in front of us even if m still sleeping. So I have to wake up because Of the loud shooting. When I ask him to turn it down I'm sleeping he gets annoyed like he's a child and I'm his mom (I'm younger then him) Then he turns it off eventually and wNts to have sex. So unattractive! How bout waking me up with a kiss and then inatiate sex. Then when I go to work play ur stupid video game. He's 30 btw.
You should be happy that he has a resource at home to eliminate stress and he is not going to the bar or club. I'm sure it is annoying to have a wife that will not even entertain the idea of meeting him on his turf and joining one of his games. My wife understands and would never try to take away something that makes me happy for self centered reasons. You must have known that he liked games when you met him?
Me and that guy broke up. Not about the video games lol, and i agree with u if it had just been that or silly things.. Definitly live and let live. My new boyfriend is 23, he doesnt play videogames but watever he likes to do that makes him who he is i dont mind i find the key is not settling, find someone compatible who u really love and dont ever try and change them. If u dont like them, let them find someone who does.
its always good to be young :) just tell her this is what i like and if you really loved me you would accept it.
how can you be too old ? .. if its something you enjoy doing then obviously your gf is wrong... if you were to old then you wouldnt want to play vid games right? anyway i think vid games are best for older guys who have finished with school etc
Video games are just plain awsom and if I ever get to be like maby VERRY OLD I will still play video games!!!!!!!!!
Your wife is crazy. :) I play mw2 with men old enough to be my father's younger brother.
Too old for video games my Aunt Petunia!
I'm sure as hell NEVER going to quit playing Smash.
I know someone in their 80s who has been a reigning NBA Street Vol. 2 Trick PTs Elitist ever since the game came out.
i figured out if you play like some simulator or some robot building game like this one game on internet called incredibots then playing those doesn't count as vidoe games they're more of ingenuity bringer-outers.
It'd help to know more about the situation, like do you neglect her or your responsibilities while you play. But as a standalone question - is a 32 year old too old for video games - the answer is, hell no! For one thing, 32 is not that old. You're hardly out of your twenties. But even if you were 70, it wouldn't matter. Video games are like books. You can have an educational one or one that's a complete fantasy, you can have one meant for children or one meant for adults. Now, if you're playing Hello Kitty Happy Party Pals, then there may be an issue. But the issue is not about you playing a game, it's about you selecting a specific game that's not meant for your age. There are mature games, there are games with deep stories and themes, and you do not have to stop playing them at a certain age so you can go play gold or read the New York Times or whatever your wife thinks geezers should do.
But as mentioned, that might not be the problem. Just make sure you're spending enough time with your wife - though not clinging to her side and chatting with her whenever you're home, I hope she doesn't expect that. And if a new game comes out and you pull an all-nighter because you freakin' love it...that's not so bad once in a while.
Yeah just like what 1relyt was saying f**k her. I love video games, I don't give a damn how old they get. To be honest, I have nearly every game system made (that doesn't include arcade machines) other than the Sega Genesis. Your never too old to have fun. o.o
Video games are fun, but let them not rule your life.
There is more in life then videogames trust me. Try to ask your wife why she thing your not grown up and ask her if that is the main reason that she say it? Talk about it and try to make a plan how you can statisfi her and also that u can follow your own mind =)
It depends on how much time you end up spending playing them. If your wife is complaining, that suggests you are probably spending way too much time.
I find video games very addictive. When I was a teenager, there was a period of time (around one month) when I was playing them for 8 hours a day. I was addicted, and my parents even noticed this. But, I quit cold turkey and vowed never to allow that to happen again. I now purposefully avoid them.
I remember hearing about a friend, around 30, who was very addicted. He kept his computer in the bedroom, and played one of these long-running multi-player adventure games. Whenever his computer made a particular sound, he would leap out of bed to attend to it. This was particularly frustrating to his girlfriend, who would often be laying naked in bed, unsatisfied, craving his attention.
Seriously, there are better things you can be doing with your time. But that's a choice YOU have to make based on your own values and goals, not because your wife says so.
It's pretty normal to like video games as long as it is not preventing you from providing for your family there should really be no harm.
tell her that your games are rated "E" for everyone its funny and clever
hell yes this is normal!!
the average gamer is above 25(in 2005)
as long as your games aren't my little pony your acting your age.
I have a lot of experience in video games and a little bit of experience in their addiction etc
Personally I find it depends upon how often you play and what you are neglecting in order to play them
Whilst the average age for video games may be between 16-29 etc you've got to understand this may simply be because that is the generation that has grown up playing them?
My 55 year old dad plays a couple of hours ever month and the company I work for was started by a father and son that used to play call of duty together..."Gamers" play through all ages and as long as it is a healthy habbit where you arent neglecting more serious areas of your life for it its fine?
Perhaps your wife is frustrated because she feels like you are neglecting her for your games? But then would this be any different if you played tennis or golf? In fairness video games would actually be an easier area for her to connect with you and perhaps you could find something she wouldn't actually mind playing with you for an hour or two a week to help her feel more involved etc?
No one is too old for video games. It is just another hobby. Wifey-poo needs to get with the times. :)
As long as you aren't spending all your free time playing and are spending enough time with her and other social contacts, it shouldn't be a problem.
Like what others have said your never to old to be playing video games. If you enjoy playing them why should you have to give it up because I know I wouldn't.
my dads 45 and he plays games all the time. its nice, cause i can talk to him about the games and that, something we can relate about, only bonding i get with him so i'm not complaining. Your never too old for video games..
It is normal in small amounts, if you were spending more than 3 hours a day, then I'd be concerned.
My friend who's 35 love to sit in front of the PC all day long playing World OF War Craft. He also plays some shooting games every now and then.
I'm almost 30 and my best friend for a while was 50. We both play games and used to compete. Just don't play on the Xbox and make sure your choices are more mature.
For instance, play Half Life 2 instead of Saints Row or the such.
you cant be to old for video games man, i know a 72 year old who still plays them every now and then. why? because its legal incredibly fun and a great way to get away from the stress we take in everyday, unless your playing with 1 of those faggy kids who talk like lolcats without even being able to say anything but "hai guise" "LOL COOL STORY BRO" "Trolling troll r trolling" "OICWUTUDIDTHAR" oh wait im 1 of those ppl too :(
anyways all im saying is, age is a number get it in your head, if u wanna play video games it shows that you still have some youth,you can be a kid and have fun and to top it off, YOUR A MATURE KID WHOS HELPING THE WORLD HOW PWN IS THAT!?