Trans man told me i'm crazy for not supporting surgery on minors

I was walking around today in a city I'd rather not mention which. We have a lot of trans/non binary people and there were a few talking asking me to sign something supporting transgender youth with surgery and hormones. I said I don't support it especially not children who are still finding themselves and they went off on me and said I belong in a mental institution for not using my brain. I got insulted and left. That's grooming to me and I don't support it at all.

When I was a kid I wanted to be the opposite gender too but I grew out of it. I also wanted to be a dinosaur. These are vulnerable children who are very impressionable and I don't support child abuse so put me in a mental institution.

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Comments ( 52 )
  • dabadedabadie

    Giving a minor gender reassignment surgery is child abuse there is special place in hell for these people

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    • Somenormie

      And it's also illegal.

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    • 555

      It's both child abuse and medical abuse. This mad scientist thing must be stopped

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Meh, kids are too young for that shit. Let them develop normally and let them have the decision to transition when they're 18 and their minds are more developed. XD

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    • LloydAsher

      Is that really such a hard thing for these extremists to wrap their heads around?

      That kids shouldn't have these massive choices until they are adults?

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    As far as I'm aware, the people who support legalizing surgery for minors make up a small minority of lgbt people. Maybe it's just because I don't live in a major city, but all of the gay and trans people I know are pretty down to earth, rational people just trying to live their lives.

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    • LloydAsher

      That's an even greater reason why the lgb community needs to break off their ties from the transgender and + communities.

      It's not even the same ballpark anymore

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Exactly. My gay friends don't support it so it's always strange to me when trans and non binary people call it homophobic lol it's not at all similar.

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    • darefu

      Spend some time in the area hosting the happiest place on earth, and you'll see how far off the edge things have gone.

      It's really sad, if you're a heterosexual in central Florida you are a minority and looked down on as well as called all kind of names. Especially in the month of June. I don't wear my sexual preference on my forehead, don't dress or have typical hair cut or displays of my preference. I could sure feel and see the pressure and hate put on the people of that area when they thought you were straight. Unfortunately I have to travel there about twice a year.

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  • KholatKhult

    How much is the CIA paying you

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  • Vvaas

    gender reassignment surgery i wouldn't support for anyone under 18 as once it's done it's a permanent thing and very hard if impossible to reverse the results depending on what was done.

    hormone blockers however i think are acceptable as all it does is put off puberty, there's no permanent effects or irreversible changes. putting off puberty while the young person decides whether or not this is actually what they want i think is a good thing as if they do decide they are actually transgender and it's not just a phase it will enable them to pass as their preferred gender easier as well as improving their mental health.

    an example would be a transgender woman would not have a deep voice as she would have never gone through puberty, or an opposite example a transgender man would not have to go through enduring periods or have as much developed breast growth which would also help their mental health as they most likely would not suffer with as much gender dysphoria.

    if the young person eventually changes their mind and that they're not transgender, they can just stop taking the puberty blockers.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      Hormone blockers are child abuse

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      • RoyyRogers

        I mean I understand both sides of this coin. Side A.its bad to give any drug to minors as it messes up development. Same can be said for riddlin but doctors hand that out like its candy. The abuse of psychological comminity is a seperate debate though. Side B.gender dysphoric people want surgery to develop less as teens so they can grow up as the gender they indentify with. I think this is being pushed by trans adults who are trying to fullfill the wishes they couldnt have as kids. The problem however is many trans folk often are not trans or detransition. There is also a huge push from society to label everything trans that isnt really trans. This specifically is being pushed by left and hard core liberals. I had a very left freind who kept trying to lsbel every queer presenting person as trans This was becuase they were displaying behavior they personally found queer. Which queer behavior and none gender confirming behavior has always been common in the LGBTQA community. It doesnt mean every fem male or masculine female is trans. Even a lot of cross dressers are not trans, even if I many of them indentify as Queer or Gay.

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      • Vvaas

        could you explain why you think hormone blockers are abusive

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        • LloydAsher

          Because you are unnaturally stopping puberty for someone who is not mentally developed enough to understand the repercussions of it in years to come. Kids are shortsighted.

          Plus for the trans argument if they start puberty blockers young they literally won't have enough "material" to transition the pseudo genitals.

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          • Vvaas

            there are no repercussions though, like i said before if the kid decides they no longer want to transition they can stop the puberty blockers and go through puberty normally, it's not a permanent effect.

            what do you mean by material? ftm genital surgery uses arm/leg grafts or plastic depending on which surgery is chosen, i'm not too well versed in mtf genital surgery however they're mostly just removing things than having to add in the surgery so i don't see how that's an issue.

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        • Anonnet

          I'd say it's just the basic thing of putting kids on pills that have permanent, long-term effects based on a choice that the kids don't understand. A internet search implies there could be a lot more side effects to delaying puberty than we want to talk about, so I actually want to ask you what source you were quoting when you said "there's no permanent effects or irreversible changes"?

          Just one of those being: ...Well, I read through some of your argument with Lloyd, and I found it weird that neither of you put much focus on the "underdeveloped genitals" thing, as if that wasn't enough of a side effect on its own.

          There's also the fact that purposely moving a kid's hormones in one direction will also move their mind in that direction (this applies to adults as well). Blocking hormones because the kid might think they're the opposite gender further encourages them to think they're the opposite gender, which greatly influences the "choice" they think they're making.

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        • hauntedbysandwiches

          Are you serious?

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      Fully agree with this.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    It's amazing how child abuse is seen as normal and when you don't agree with it they look at you weird -_-

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  • Whatintarnation

    There definitely needs to be an age limit and a mental health examination before doing anything that drastic. I think a number of them are just mentally unwell.

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    • LloydAsher

      A third of all women who transition are autistic.

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      • Whatintarnation

        Didn't know that. That's interesting.

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  • Normalmember

    If they aren't at least old enough to get a driving permit, 16 years old, they aren't ready to make a decision that will last a life time.

    I don't have anything against gay people, I have a family member who is in their mid twenties who is bisexual. I don't know what it's like to be gay. But there are alot more grade school students who are now saying they are gay then 10 years ago, the number has been rising.

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    • LloydAsher

      Its almost like if you make being trans/two spirt owl gender cool, kids WILL gravitate to being cool.

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      • Normalmember

        That's what it sounds like.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches


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  • Menacingduck

    That's the LGBTQ+ community for you. They'll go off on you if you don't agree with them. Just a bunch of people with their panties in a twist.

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    • Jem_Shadow

      SRS surgery isn't given to children.

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      • Menacingduck

        That's not really relevant to what I'm saying..

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  • Orphan

    I don't believe that not transitioning as a minor causes suicidal ideation. It's simply about not accepting their bodies, which I think for most, they grow out of these insecurities once they get older. I personally don't have an issue with adults transitioning because it's none of my business, but if u want my opinion, if u transition because u have insecurities about your body, u'll still have insecurities about your body after you're fully transitioned. Transition regret is sky rocketing left and right.
    But making kids transition should be considered child abuse.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    That's what i'm saying, it's the "vocal minority" of a group that spews batshit crazy things and makes things harder for other people. Like the small group of people who do support that kind of thing making it seem as if that's what all transgender people want, or the activists who call everyone racist and say all kinds of shit that gives a bad look to people of color.

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  • Yaidin

    You can't get a tattoo under 18 because it's permanent (even though laser surgeries exist), but pumping hormones into a child and deforming it's body forever should be legal...

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    New York just gave $307,000 dollars of tax payer money to an organization called "drag show story hour" so these queers can go to elementary schools and read books in drag and tell kids how normal they are. One of the founders of this organization also just got doxed right before this as a convicted p3d0phile and had to resign. New York still gave them the money.

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    • Anonnet

      Looked this up, it's actually called "Drag Queen Story Hour". Makes me feel bad for any kids being raised in New York.

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      • LloydAsher

        I already feel bad for kids in any major city, even before this bullshit. They get a skewed perspective of life. Everything provided in convince. No understanding of the web that connects communities together.

        That's how you get AOC saying the food comes not from farms and truckers but from grocery stores.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I dont have a problem with someone whos gay if they just stay in their lane and keep their exploits private. But at this point I want the gays to go back in the closet. I like what Russia is doing with them. They made a new law that if you push any LGBT propaganda you can and will be fined alot of money.

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    • Anonnet

      It's important to note that the different letters in "LGBT" don't always necessarily agree with each other. I've talked to a few openly gay guys that vehemently disagree with trans issues, especially if they're from the days of fighting for gay marriage and nondiscrimination (laws have changed, but some places are still shit). I'm not even sure if most trans/alternative-pronouns people support this kind of thing.

      But those extra-small groups have gotten so loud that "LGBTQIA+ issues" is now basically just "T issues" because some of the more influential people have been successfully convinced that it's "woke" and "progressive."

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        The only gays I have respect for are the ones that keep their mouth shut about being gay. Being gay does not make you that important. This is why i say theyre better off in the closet. The ones that are discreet and dont advertise it to the ones and the tolerable ones. One of my good friends at work is gay but you'd never know and he'd never tell you. He just acts normal and is a cool dude.

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  • Anonnet

    Yeah, it's insane. Thank you for not signing that.

    Some people. It's almost like they think someone just aims a "Gender Laser" at their kids that instantly swaps their doodads, and if they later want to go back to their original sex, they can just get zapped again (if it was that simple, even straight people would try it... I mean, I would... I'm not weird).

    Point is, these aren't simple, short, or easily-reversible procedures. Lower gender surgery is not a cosmetic surgery like breast implants or rhinoplasty. Hormone production isn't something you can just play around with willy-nilly. The idea that we can just block them or manipulate them in still-developing KIDS, like there's nothing wrong with that, is pure lunacy.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    yeah that's a good point, and I agree they shouldn't be enabling those people like that. I just always try to keep an open mind and get to know each person before passing judgement.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    I think the problem is that people in those circles often are ones who feel like they've been rejected or vilified by society, and fear speaking up publicly and risking being ostracized by the only people they feel accepted by.

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  • Vvaas

    "That's not entirely true. They can leave irreversible traits such as breast size and tone of voice"

    are you getting that info from this link?

    if you are i think you got puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones confused. puberty blockers put a pause on things and are temporary, if someone decides to move onto cross-sex hormones however and starts taking testosterone/estrogen then yes there are permanent effects. puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are two different things however, cross-sex hormones can cause irreversible traits like breast size and deepening of voice, not puberty blockers.

    "Puberty blockers (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogues) pause the physical changes of puberty, such as breast development or facial hair."

    "From the age of 16, teenagers who've been on hormone blockers for at least 12 months may be given cross-sex hormones, also known as gender-affirming hormones.

    These hormones cause some irreversible changes, such as:
    breast development (caused by taking oestrogen)
    breaking or deepening of the voice (caused by taking testosterone)"

    "not enough is known to claim that they are irreversible, especially in cases of brain function and bone related issues."

    the page states it's not known whether hormone blockers affect brain or bone related issues, so i guess neither you or me can make an argument saying it is an actual risk or isn't because it isn't known yet. i would definitely like more research put into studying puberty blockers though so people can know any possible risks that might come with it.

    "Should this option with serious potential side effects for the rest of their lives be something a child should decide on when a child cannot understand the consequences of these factors and how it will change their adult life?"

    emphasis, potential. like stated previously we don't know if there are serious side effects or not, more studies need to be done. i think you're also discrediting children a bit here as they aren't as dumb or oblivious about the impact of what it will mean on their social life, health, etc. there are many transgender people who knew they were transgender at very young ages like five years old. before given puberty blockers children are assessed and analysed by social workers, psychologists, etc. who give them a run down of what puberty blockers do, how it will effect them, etc. it's all explained to them, doctors don't just throw some puberty blockers with zero explanation at a kid and call it a day.

    "I've heard stories where a child was given puberty blockers day one"
    "If a child was given swift access to puberty blockers, what would your response be?"

    i honestly see that as malpractice and any doctor willing to do that should end up in jail and lose their license. the entire situation is extremely delicate and should be handled professionally and with care, a child should see several psychologists, therapists, social works, etc. for at least six to eight months and getting approval from each one before even being allowed to take puberty blockers. there should be a solid diagnosis of gender dysphoria and long-term non-conforming to their gender before anything like medication gets involved.

    "I don't think we can say that about children nowadays. Children have a wide access to communities that will enable their decisions of a trend by people who wish to further that trend at a time they're looking for identity and importance the easiest they can."

    we shouldn't use this as an excuse to ignore or worsen transgender childrens supports for their health though, transgender children are also children that need to be looked out and cared for.

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  • Vvaas

    yes, the drug basically just puts a pause temporarily on development and growth, once someone stops taking them puberty will resume as normal.

    for a child/teenager to go on puberty blockers there are a list of requirements such as they would have had to shown a long-lasting pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria, has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria, has already seen a psychologist to address any issues, etc. basically a kid/teenager can't just walk into a doctors office and say they want to go on puberty blockers and get them immediately it could take several months or even years to get to that stage and approved by doctors and psychologists.

    if the child is just going through a phase or thinks they're transgender because they want to follow the latest trend they'd most likely get bored or give up after having to go through several psychologists and doctors. it can be a very long and tiring process, things rarely happen immediately. this also gives the child to think more about their decision and if it really is what they want or if it's just a passing phase.

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  • Tinybird

    People like me (disabled adults) are also vulnerable and should be protected not just children. They always get the spotlight, and so do the tr@nis and beepock

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  • litelander8

    Next time, just say no thank you. There’s no changing peoples opinion just like they didn’t change yours.

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