Troll thumbers? anyone else notice?
I noticed something. A lot of people here will thumb down people and tell them off on questions here that are simply opinion orientated. Example a poll saying "Do you like cats or dogs better"? and most of the people say dog but one person says cats.
They can say something like "I don't hate dogs but I personally think cats are softer and cuter." So a random person thumbs down that person and tells them why they cant like cats and MUST LOVE DOGS.
I mean I understand if you simply think its a bad comment but why are people being punished for not following the crowd? I in fact have sometimes gone through comments and thumbed up these people for simply being downed for something as stupid as picking CATS in a dog or cat poll. Than sometimes teams of people will continue to harass this member for not picking the correct choice.
Honestly if this is all people are going to do why would anyone even comment on this website? If they are going to be told they did not pick the correct poll option.