Trump has coronavirus. what happens next?

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Comments ( 65 )
  • nopurpose

    I don't care

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    • SomewhereNorth

      you and I are in the same boat, babe.

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      • nopurpose

        That's why we shall sail together, honey

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  • dinz

    I was horrified when I heard that. My condolences to the coronavirus.

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    • chuy

      Good one😅, poor poor lil corona

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if he did itd be the BEST coronavirus available

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  • Somenormie

    No longer my problem he brought it upon himself.

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    • chuy


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  • olderdude-xx

    For starters he will deny it... Fake News!

    Don't believe any other comments that claim to come from him. Why would he change his tune now?

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    • YE

      You were on point with this comment. And my, it's all already evident in the news following the story.

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    • Clunk42

      It doesn't seem like he's lied about most things. If there's someone who's lied, it's the dude from the other political party.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD


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        • Clunk42

          Trump just speaks his mind about things. At least he doesn't:
          Claim to be a Catholic, yet support gay marriage and abortion.
          Claim to be moderate, yet choose an extremely liberal vice president on gender and ethnicity alone.
          Praise the Green New Deal, then claim to disagree with it.
          Trump does not tend to lie about things such as that.

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  • BatterMilk

    Trump is in the prime demographic of people to die from the virus. He is 74 years old, obese, and eats hamburgers and drinks diet coke for a living. His chances of survival are very low.

    If he beats the virus then he will say "see if I can beat the china virus, then you can too" leading people to sympathize for him. Also people will see this as trump just trying to get more votes for the election.

    If he dies from the virus then the vice president will become president. Also people around his inner circle will say that this was caused by the democrats to win the election. People will run with this and come up with different conspiracy theories as to how he got it.

    Either way, the outcome of this is not good.

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  • megadriver

    I dunno... More Americans rush to the supermarkets again to stock up on more toilet paper and more guns???
    I mean the US president has it, so surely this must mean that now everyone can get it and therefore everyone must prepare! With lots of guns and toilet paper!

    Nothing kills microscopic garbage that spreads mutant flu like soft 4-ply, scented toilet paper, maybe only a .308 round can be more effective... Nah, fuck it. Go for a .50 cal to be sure! XD

    Jokes aside, if a president becomes very ill, or dies, there is a thing called the presidential line of succession. This is usually the vice president.
    Tho chances are he lives and finishes his term. I can't predict further than that, tho whoever is next should really reconsider the point of militarizing space...

    Unless ET is out to get us, eat our brains, suck up all our water and impregnate us with chest-bursting eggs and do all of those things on Earth, under military kill sats, we do not need a space force.

    If it's about building a Star Destroyer, I'm all for it! XD

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    • chuy

      "Star destroyer"? You mean "death star" like on the starwars movie?.

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      • megadriver

        Death star is way too much overkill... Building one of those would require all the resources on Earth.

        Let's stick with sci-fi ships for now XD

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        • chuy

          Okie doke 😅

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      hey thats not true

      i went to the liquor store too

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      • megadriver

        Hahahaha! When the whole toilet paper crisis hit Europe, everyone was hoarding toilet paper and I bought liquor super cheap. For some reason all liquor was discounted...

        I got 2 bottles of Chivas 21 for 80 Euro. Normally this stuff costs 100 Euro per bottle.

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  • darefu

    Proof that you should live your life to it's fullest, he'll be sick or quarantined for a couple weeks and move on. He is in the high risk category so if he doesn't recover then Pence takes over and he knows more about this virus than Biden or Trump so I would say still support Trump otherwise the US will be covered in crap due to the TP shortage.

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    • Clunk42

      San Francisco is already covered in crap.

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  • Boojum

    Trump is going to get the best possible medical care. No expense will be spared, and the best physicians in the USA will be involved. Most importantly, he has the benefit of finally catching the virus months after it first appeared. Many thousands of people died while doctors figured out - essentially by experimenting on patients - what treatments seemed to work and which didn't help, and medical researchers have been frantically crunching the data from those cases and looking for statistically relevant patterns. Researchers have also been working constantly to develop new treatments, and I understand Trump will be one of the first patients to receive a synthetic antibody treatment that's designed to give the body some time to rally its own defences.

    The guy is a tub of lard whose physical and mental health is clearly not as great as the White House's PR people would like everyone to believe, but my guess is that all the benefits I outlined above will mean that he'll pull through.

    Then he can go back to saying (in public, anyway) that the virus is no big deal, the masks will disappear from the White House, his base will sail on in their blissful refusal to acknowledge reality, and the fucked up normality of the last few months will continue.

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    • Bazinga

      Yes, yes, yes. It's the perfect drama for his retarded believers to interpret his survival as a sign that Jesus wants Trump to have a second term. Cluster fucks are the highlight of our sick sad world. But, sick, sad humor grows on you.

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      • Boojum

        It seems virtually certain that Trump, some of his minions, a few Republicans from Congress, and assorted other sociopaths, hypocrites and opportunists in the Trumpian universe all caught the virus at a super-spreading White House event where Trump formally introduced his pick for the Supreme Court.

        If they were honestly looking for signs of divine intervention, the signal seems pretty clear.

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        • Bazinga

          Hahaha. Booj, old boy, you're a good man to have around.

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  • litelander8

    It literally doesn’t matter.

    John Prine died from it and no one said shit.

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    • I honestly didnt know he died until I read this.

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    • charli.m

      That was sad :(

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    • howaminotmyself


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  • ellnell

    Should've injected himself with bleach.

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    • chuy

      That's what I said...

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  • trexagireve

    Trump dies and after that world party

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  • Hansberger

    Donald Trump has been quarantined and is infected by coronavirus, I hope he gets well soon.

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  • bigbudchonga

    He'll probably live, and then his polls will go up. He could die from it given his age and weight, but even with that, the mortality rate is so low, and he'll have the best healthcare in the world.

    Perceived near death experiences close to election have always done very well for politicians public image. If I was running for high office I would get someone to shoot me in the fatty part of the thigh.

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    • chuy

      You want a bullet in your bum?, why?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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      • bigbudchonga

        Ahha, yeah :') it's a game changer as far as votes are concerned. I've never lost a political bet in my life, and I'll tell you this, if either Biden or Trump got shot from now until the election and survived it I would put money on them getting in. It swings a sizeable minority of the populace to vote for you. And normally in elections of this caliber it's not that many percentage points you need to shave off your opponent to win.

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        • chuy


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  • bbrown95

    I honestly don't know what will happen next. But, I am extremely disappointed in a lot of people for the mean-spirited assholery of wishing death upon him. No matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, that's in extremely poor taste. Ironically, it comes mostly from those who routinely scream their heads off about how morally superior they are and how they care about everyone. 🙄 Pick one, you can't have both.

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    • Correction

      Sure you can. Being mean to someone because of their race, gender, or religion is not the same as being mean to someone because they’re a rapist, racist, and bigot. One is punching down, the other is punching up. Punching up is always better than punching down. Would you go to a playground and lecture the victim when they finally stand up to their bully? I’d sure hope not.

      I don’t really care what happens to him one way or the other, I’m not hoping for his death nor am I hoping for his recovery, and I personally would never celebrate anyone’s death - I thought the mass celebrations after Osama Bin Laden’s death were pretty cringe worthy, personally, it just seems like bad karma to me - but I get how other people might feel differently and these lectures about how people should respond to the illness of somebody who has harmed millions of people are pretty cringe worthy too, IMO. Reminds me of the “intolerant left” nonsense from people who don’t understand that tolerance doesn’t mean tolerating the intolerance of others.

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      • bbrown95

        Oh, please. 🙄

        How are these people who are wishing Trump dead his "victims"? It is mostly well off college students who have always lived off of Mommy and Daddy's money, people who want socialism because they want something for nothing and being able to lay on their ass all day without a job sounds appealing (exactly why they wanted to continue the shutdown and ridiculously high unemployment), or people who have made horrible life decisions and want to point the blame at anyone else but themselves (and usually blame it on capitalism). Literally every single person I've seen say this that I've personally known falls into one of these categories, and has not been "personally victimized" by him (or anyone but themselves, for that matter). The bully analogy does not apply here, and cowardly laughing and wishing death upon someone from behind a screen is hardly "standing up against your bully".

        It is beyond hypocritical to shout off the mountaintops that you love everyone, are morally superior to everyone, and that "we need to take every measure we can even if it saves just one life", and then turn around and laugh about someone becoming ill and hope they die. If you're truly "morally superior", you will know that stooping to the level of someone you believe is a bad person is not necessary.

        People are always full of excuses and using any type of mental gymnastics they can to justify their hypocritical behavior, though.

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    • chuy

      My 3rd grade teacher told us..."treat other as you want to be treated". Trump treated people like crap he will be treated like crap.

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      • bbrown95

        "Treat others as you would like to be treated" does not translate into "treat others like crap if they treat you like crap".

        Last I checked, he never wished death upon anyone, either.

        I also stand by my point that you can't call yourself a "loving and caring" person and claim you're morally superior and then laugh and wish someone dead.

        But, people are always full of excuses and using mental gymnastics to prove why it's okay *for them*. "Do as I say, not as I do". If the parties were reversed, there would be an absolute outrage.

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        • chuy

          He's called my fellow countrymen..drug traffickers, rapist and killer...he seprated innocent children from thier parents...I stand where I far as I'm concernend the little bitch can die. Case closed...hate on me I don't give a D...😝

          It's a free country as far as I know and I have freedom of speach...(hopefully still).

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          • bbrown95

            Yes, you do have the freedom to wish that, thankfully. But, I hope you aren't one of the people I speak of, who also claims to be "caring and loving", and pretends to value every life, either.

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    • Boojum

      I'm convinced that the world would be noticeably improved by the death of a few people, but Trump isn't on that list.

      I wish something much worse for him:

      Trump has always defined his value as a person by his monetary worth. There's plenty of firm evidence that his finances are currently in a dire state and only going to get worse. Credible financial analysts are convinced that his poor investment decisions, his ability to bullshit lenders into loaning him money without due diligence into the true value of his assets, the huge impact of covid on hotels and golf resorts, plus the way he has made his own brand toxic to many individuals and corporations all mean he's heading for a financial black-hole.

      He's been there before, of course, and he's never hesitated to declare bankruptcy so he can scuttle off in search of a new scam. But this time, his profile is much higher than when he was screwing over people in New York, ripping off the few people gullible and desperate enough to pay for his bogus university or blowing off those who he'd persuaded to loan him money for his casinos and his airline. His fall next time is going to be much bigger news, and the media won't feel obliged to pick up all his deranged, self-justifying tweets when he's no longer the president.

      It is clear that Trump has a rare talent for denying reality, but I suspect he is going to find that humiliating and therefore enraging. It's a stretch, but he might even be forced to confront the fact that he's always been crap at business, and that would have to be devastating for him.

      Add to that the investigations by the New York Attorney General (and possible Grand Jury investigations in other jurisdictions), and it seems very likely that Trump's future once he leaves the White House is not going to be enjoyable. I'm sure it's also going to be very difficult for his family and whichever few flunkies are stupid enough to stick with him out of misguided loyalty, but I have no more sympathy for them than I do for the pathetic, deluded, nasty man himself.

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    • chuy


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  • freakyman69

    Nothing. he will be at the hospital for a few days then things will go back to normal.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm relatively sure that Donald, and Melania will get over this virus.

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  • chuy

    I doubt he has it, campaign strategy to get voters...IF he dose have it that's IF he dose...I hope he dies...but I bet that won't happen...I hope hes Chugging desinfectant or drinking it like he adviced so many people to do...moron

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    • RoseIsabella

      That's hella jacked up, dude.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        That IS pretty fucked. He didn't even specify that it should be a prolonged and horrible death.

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      • chuy

        Bitch had it coming...for underplaying the pandemic...karma gets to you sooner or later.

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  • jethro

    He will be fine since the virus has a 99.98% survival rate. And when he comes out of it, look out, because he now is living proof about the weaponized man made pandemic that is mostly hype.

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    • LloydAsher

      He also is the most influential man on earth who will get the very best treatments available.

      I dont worry about him, the president is fine at all times. I wouldnt be surprised that at any given point there are 2 dozen assassins actively planning to kill the president.

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      • charli.m

        Best treatments? Like the malaria drug and bleach?

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        • LloydAsher

          Bleach was said with sarcasm.

          For the malaria drug: Yeah, a drug for one thing can be used for another. Viagra was created for heart problems with one noticeable side effect. Why not a malaria drug that could help against a virus? Weirder things have happened in cures and vaccines. I mean come on! Penicillin comes from mold! And I get my testasterone medication from yams! It's the power of science!

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          • Boojum

            Trump definitely did not suggest injecting bleach in jest. Anyone who believes him when he says it was a 'sarcastic' comment needs to go watch the actual clip, because they're clearly in danger of unquestioningly accepting all of the lies he habitually spews.

            He asked the question in earnest during one of his typical stream of consciousness word salads, and it was only after the press event when he was told that it was a stupid idea that he tried to excuse himself by claiming it was sarcastic.

            Even if you refuse to believe that, you might ask yourself why the hell the President of the USA was joking during a press conference about a disease which he knew to be serious. I know he's always tried to trivialise the virus in public, but only someone completely detached from reality would refuse to believe it was Trump talking on the Bob Woodward tapes. Trump himself hasn't denied that it's him on the tapes.

            I don't believe Trump is capable of joking about anything. He is undeniably a classic example of a narcissist, and all narcissists are fundamentally insecure. He doesn't dare joke about anything, because he's terrified that his audience will be laughing AT him, rather than with him.

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              The funniest thing is that before he decided to say it was in jest his supporters spent days posting pseudo-science and calling people "libtards" for failing to understand how state-of-the-art the method actually is and how amazing it is that the president is more on top of progress than most leading scientists. Then Trump shat all over them by essentially saying, "I was joking! How fucking stupid would you have to be to suggest something like that? Was it not obvious it was joke just based on how incomprehensibly stupid that would be? Even a fucking idiot wouldn't suggest that. Give me a break. Really?"

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          • charli.m

            Hahaha no it wasn't.

            Yeah. Sometimes they do. This one, however, has been shown to increase the chance of death with covid patients. Just because a drug works for one or even multiple things, doesn't mean it can't be contraindicated for something else.

            Only your idiot conspiritor cohorts haven't worked that out. Cos you're not listening to science.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Fake news...obviously lol

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  • chuy

    Final comment on this...all I'm saying is...i hope🤞🤞 "The Simpsons" get it right very soon...

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