Trying to guess who has posted what?

I bet some of you're guessing and accusing people to post something quite gawky. I think so because you can't know everyone and everything.
But by speculating you are running the risk of it becoming a bad habit. You could start to develope a false sense in things. The only ones who know who posted what and when
with enormous accuracy are the OP and is it normal team. It goes the same about troll posts too. Sure, some are obvious trolls but there's also the unbelievable stories that no one believes in that are actually true.

I guess pretty often but I keep it to myself as to not jump the gun on it.

What about you? How often do you guess who wrote what, what is troll and what is not?

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Comments ( 1 )
  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    I don't waste my time on that shit. Being unfamiliar with most of you; and quite frankly I don't give a flying fuck about 99.9% of you.

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