Tw: cringe... how would you feel if

if you slept with a stranger (say, in xyz country where you've been pursuing your degree) and you were still sexually attracted to that stranger when you met them again few times (in same xyz country). then you go back to home country(after your degree/a long time) to find that your sibling's fiancé is the person you had one night stand with and they're actually marrying for business (arranged marriage with benefits) and somehow you develop feelings for the one night stand person because that person is just so loveable, sweet, caring. what would you do... or rather how can we handle this...

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Comments ( 4 )
  • jethro

    Geepers, how could someone in your family be having an arranged marriage and you not know anything about it. Just how do they do that in India? But just keep screwing her. The kids will have the family trait and no one will notice.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Idk what I would do. Probably never tell my sibling and tell the stranger not to tell and just keep it a secret

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  • Tommythecaty

    Burn down the house.

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  • cries

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