Twilight freak!

ok so the new hit novel twilight has came out and honestly i am obsessed with it I've read all four books and you could ask me ANY question about it and i would get it right.

luckily my friends love twilight as well so we talk about it all the time,i think that edward is the most sexiest man alive and i have posters of him all over my room. Next to Edward i call dibs on Carlisle !! hawties!

and i do not care if you leave some h8rs note because im to busy reading and obbsessing over twilight... comment only if you have nice things to say!!

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Comments ( 42 )
  • digitalnasty

    this isn't going to be nice, just to let you know right now.

    if you would have discovered the Twilight saga 4 years ago when it first came out like i did, it would be a different story and you'd be a true fan.

    but reading it just because it became a hit and everyone else is reading it doesn't make you hot shit and definatly not a true fan.

    why not try reading books and listening to music no one has heard of, and give credit to the indie writers and bands.

    grow up, an overly obsessed obsession over a series of books isn't going to get you anywhere in life.

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    • SomeChickWithADog

      I totally agree, I think I found twilight three years ago

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    • grindcore

      digitalnasty, who are you to decide i an idea is original, i hate a-holes like you who pat themselves on the back when theyve "were the first to do/listen/read something" chances are you werent the first person alive to find something and even if you were, were did that get you? get over yourself

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  • FeilliChan

    You sound like my creepy 'friend' that does the same thing. Posters of edward all over her room, reads all 4 books and rereads them again. Shes very annoying. read twillight and saw the movie, it sucked,Sorry. A friend got dumped because he wasn't like edward.Honestly Edward is not all the good looking in my opinion. Read another book for a change it should stop the obsession. my friends like twillight and respect that i hate it so great =D I'll avoid any fangirls like you and if twillight is all you think about in your life then three words "get a life"

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  • z03

    books okay movie fucking sucks and is gay as a gloryhole in the male rest room

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  • Lambent

    Oh my god. Don't even get me started. And it's laughable that you're telling people only to comment if they have nice things to say. FREEDOM OF SPEECH, man.

    You're probably one of many under-18 Twilight freaks who obsess about this atrocity to literary vampires. What the hell happened to the scary vampires? I'm talking 30 Days of Night bloodsuckers. Not this "Ooh look I'm so beautiful and perfect and I drink blood and I'm so badass because I sparkle in the sunlight like DIAMONDS!!!" sh*t.

    And no. I'm not an ignorant hater. I have read the first book and part of the second. That Bella chick can't walk straight on her own for 5 pages without tripping over herself or getting herself into some deep sh*t and all her mind is on is Edward, Edward, Edward, Jacob for like 5 seconds, and then back to Edward again. A poor excuse for a heroine. Not to mention she keeps complaining in book one about how she hates the city she's staying at. If you hate it so much, move back to your mom's house b***h!

    And what really makes me laugh is that the Edward dude was immortal for a looong time and he was still a VIRGIN (until he decided to f*** Bella of course)? HAH. Stephanie Meyer is majorly delusional if she thinks a straight guy can stay a virgin that long unless he's asexual.

    So you think it's ROMANTIC if a guy creeps into your bedroom every night? Or takes the engine out of your car in a jealous fit? That's not romantic. It's creepy.

    Because it's probably the ONLY book you ever read.

    And by the way, Robert Pattinson is one ugly motherf***er. Don't get why people think he's perfect.

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    • I strongly agree with you.

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  • muffincloud

    im agreeing with digital nasty. not because im a fan (i hate twilight) but thats not important. "omg omg omg im so in love with edward cullen!!!!! hes a vampire but still hawwt! what a perfect guy" ive seen too many girls fall for a stupid fictional character because they've had failed relationships and see a fictional character as the only boy who can truly be amazing. honestly, did you pick up the book on your own or were all your other friends telling you to read it?

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  • Umm Twilight? It ran my life for like 5 months! Well when i finally stopped reading them and tried reading otha books I sorta came out of a TRANCE! All my friends saw the diff! You should try reading other books! Just try! It wont hurt you!

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  • Quetzacoatl2

    You know what's interesting? You actually called 'Twilight' a novel. It does not qualify as literature. It looks like crappy fanfic some hyped up fangirl wrote.

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  • ThePenultimateDance

    It's normal. I have read all four books, can't say I thought they were any good, but a hell of a lot of girls at my school don't shut up about it. EVER.

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  • I got peer pressured into reading this book by hot girls at me school I read all them and they all sucked ass

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  • tripleh11

    Twilight is gay...get a life!

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  • CiroPost

    I strongly agree with lambent, who the fuck would be with two motherfucking guys, but have this mental battle on which to get, it's all a piece of crap. Piece.

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  • gnome

    haha twilght and new moon is a load of crap f u ask me.

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  • brenrostumpy

    >:P it's normal. I HAAAAAAAAAAATE twilight but EVERYONE loves it.

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  • HikariYuki

    It's not good to obsess over such things to a point where you lose grasp of reality which shows quite strongly here.
    Take your obsession down a bit....
    And a novel? No, Twilight is not the greatest thing ever written and certainly no novel. I wouldn't even classify it as literature. I could probably write a better "novel" through a random thought out of my ass.

    Seriously, vampires that sparkle and are immune to sunlight? ...WTF.

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  • xMasterGunZx

    Twilight sucks. The people are ugly as fuck!! *only reason people think he is hot is because he was made into a vampire, he isnt even good looking!!* a true vampire fan would check out True Blood on no vampire fan but that series is awesome!!!!! But for me, my favorite writer is Evan Wright for writing Generation Kill *best thing to read if you are into military or the U.S. Marines.*

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  • Battle

    Edward Cullen is not all that cute.

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  • Anaid

    Twilight is crap.

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  • tintedcouture

    I don't have nice things to say.

    You can't control me!!!

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  • PushingForward

    get a life.

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  • Astinos

    To put this in the open. That movie is for high school teens and gay men that are vampire fans. plus I think that movie sucked! I watched it to see how it was I could not finish it.

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  • YumInsanity

    if you like twilight that much your obviously empty inside

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  • shamwow

    No, you're just a regular old freak.

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  • ruralfrights

    My comment is neither nice nor hateful. You make a statement, ask no question, and dictate the type of responses you want/don't want. What is the point in your post?

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    Well, little girls aren't the most discriminating audience, are they? The best movie ever made? The best book ever written? You are so tragically ignorant, but most young people are nowadays.

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  • Ya, twilight ruins lives. Edward aka robert pattinson is fugly however taylor lautner.....yum

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  • Heybroyodogsupman

    Are you gay or a goth lesbian? You people are weird with this twilight shit it's like twilight has its own cult or something...

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  • clippedwings

    Why are you calling dibs on a married man? Carlisle has been with Esme throughout the series. In fact, before Bella came along, Edward was the only Cullen who was single.

    I don't mind Twilight, it doesn't deserve all the criticism. However, it doesn't deserve all the hype, either. I hate the Twilight fan girls, though. They give a bad name to all other teen girls who like vampires. I've loved the idea of vampires since I was in preschool, but now if I mention that I like vampires, everyone assumes that it's because of Twilight.

    I've been working on a vampire novel for a couple years, and if one more Twilight fan says I got my plot or characters from Twilight, I will probably snap. And if one more person who doesn't like Twilight assumes that my story was inspired by Twilight, I might just stop writing.

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  • DianneMarieTurner

    A lot of teens/tweens are seriously getting into Twilight. As for me... I find it pretty boring. I think people are attracted to it because it's sort of like a dark romance story. I haven't read the books or seen the movie(s) before so I wouldn't completely know much about its "attractiveness". But I think it would be pretty normal for someone around those age groups to be quite interested in the series.

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  • ambermoon

    I love the twilight books and have read all four a few times each. Im 32 lol although there is nothing wrong with being really into something you should not overdo it.

    You really should try and read other books and stuff cos your missing out and it's not great to be completley obbsessed over something.

    There are loads of good vampire/romance books out there if thats what you like just to wean you off a bit lol. Try The Sookie Stackhouse vamp novels by Charlaine Harris, the House Of Night Series By Kristen and PC Cast, The Vampire Diaries by L J Smith and The Vampire Acadamy books by Richelle Mead.

    Theres loads of good stuff out there twilight is awesome but so is a lot of other stuff. Oih by the way Stephanies other book The Host is really really good.

    Enjoy x

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    • SomeChickWithADog

      I think you have a really good point ambermoon, I try to get my friends to read other books, but they just want to read twilight again and again. I'm still in my teens, and its supposedly lame to read, but I love it and without reading I don't think I would be able to write as good as I do (I love to right my own short story's and would someday like to write a book) my friends enjoy reading what I write and they say they wish other books were like mine, It irks me when they say this, because there are million's off good books out there, and it wouldn't hurt them to look. Even though I do like complements on my story's!

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  • qwerty0ytrewq

    @:lambent Completly agree with you in every way

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  • buriedalive

    If you want good vampire books, read Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles or Salem's Lot by Stephen King (the Dark Tower series mentions them too), or even Dracula.
    That said, I don't have anything particularly against the Twilight series, I mean, they're kid's books aimed at the pre to mid teen market, they're not meant to be a challenging read and people shouldn't critique them as if they are.
    The whole thing seems a bit stupid to me, but they aren't made for 18 yr old boys so I'm probably not the best person to go by XD given the sheer amount of people who think the same as you, I'd say normal.

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    • Zedhunter

      >Salem's Lot

      I freaking love that book so far, started reading it the other day.

      Also, to the OP:
      Cool story bro.
      Obvious troll is obvious, etcetera.

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  • inlovewithlove1991

    if you want to know if obsessing over Twilight is normal, then i'm gonna have to say yes...just because it's what most teen girls are doing lately. however, the books & movie suck a ton & robert pattinson (sp?) isn't even all that great looking...but w/e floats your boat really!

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  • pinksugardots

    I first learned of the Twilight series summer '08 because I saw the movie trailer on iTunes. I needed some new reading material. I would also like to add that romantic novels especially young adult books are not my cup of tea. My favorite author is actually Dostoevsky, which says a lot. Anyway, I decided to pick this up just for fun. The books are exactly that. Fun. But it is also silly and frivolous. Not to be mean, but there are other books out there and I suggest you start looking.

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  • bri0374773

    OMFG! I love twilight too! but im only on new moon && i kinda dont like it b/c shes hanging out with jacob alot...but i think its normal b/c twilight is the best book && movie ever made!

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    • timisagodamongmen

      go die

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  • SomeChickWithADog

    OMG I love the book and I love Edward, yes the actor who plays Jacob is hot, but I prefer Edward. Next to him I think I would like Jasper then Emmet. I hate the movie but I still go and see them, I hate the people who haven't read twilight and say they hate it, or they go all nuts about edward and jacob, to them I say SCREW YOU ALL!

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  • Judgeofbros

    Super EDWARD CULLEN story brah.

    But as much as I want to say it isn't normal, Twilight is incredibly mainstream nowadays.

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