Twilight obsession

So lately I've been obsessed with Twilight, a.k.a the movie series. I watched the whole series at least twice, and I want to watch it again but something's holding me back. One part of me is like, "I really want to watch the movie series again", but then another part of me is like, "Ugh, but won't it be boring to watch the movie series again"? So yea, tell me if this is normal or not, please.

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24% Normal
Based on 21 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • GoldenNightmare

    *face palm* *face palm* *face palm* *face palm* (when not even 2 face palms are good enough) I think the twilight series is fine but i dont like it

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  • thegypsysailor

    Isn't that series just a soap opera for teens?
    Lousy overly dramatic acting, lousy overly dramatic actors and lousy overly dramatic scripts.
    Just like Days of our Lives, As the World Turns and The Guiding Light.

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  • Darktown_vs_Blackville

    I watched the whole series, it drew me in and i had to know how it all ended. I actually really enjoyed the first movie, theres a couple well done scenes with good music and Kristen Stewart is super hot. But yeah, now whenever i try to watch any Twilght again i realize how dumb and boring it all is.

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