Ultimate sex fantacy

If I asked you what would be your ultimate sexual fantasy. Something you haven't done or probably never will.

What would you tell me? ( Let it all out )

Me ?. A-I would love to taste a female with another female as I penetrate that other female.
B- The 1st lady should sit on my face and read a magazine , out load , r-e-a-l slow. ..uumm, uumm, uumm.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • RoseIsabella

    My ultimate fantasy would be something like a dream I once had. I would look flawless with perfectly natural, red hair, my ideal figure, and I would be dressed as an Indian princess in the finest garb you could imagine. I would be riding a beautiful bull elephant as crowds of people throw millions of rose petals, and other flowers at our feet. Meanwhile I would smile, and wave as all of the people who have ever hurt me would be in cages like the wretched dregs they are, and they would be hungry, dirty, and forced to watch the spectacle as we go by. Crowds of onlookers would celebrate my elephant, and I! That is my ultimate fantasy!

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    • CDmale4fem

      Wow, Rose, that's the very same fantasy I have had for years.

      Naw I'm kidding. Mine has more is a sexual theme to it.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yeah, I dreamed about it a while back, and would love to dream that shit again

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  • goodatgiving

    Being naked in the center of about 8-12 guys (husband's friends, family, neighbors, etc.) and have them cum all over me everywhere so I look like a glazed donut...

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    • I’ve been “glazed” by a large number of guys and it WAS AWESOME! My hair was soaked and my face completely covered. I couldn’t keep from running my fingers through my hair and licking then off. The clean up was pretty interesting!

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      • Luvmlil

        I think you're perfect. I love your name...alot.

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      • goodatgiving

        Now REALLY looking g forward to it.....
        Thanks for input...

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  • girlnextdoor_11

    I think mine would have to be BDSM themed. I'd love to be dominated and tied up. I want to find 2 or more people wanting a sex slave. I enjoy the shaming and pain that comes with it. Especially if multiple people were fucking.

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  • A harem of hundreds of women of all races, social classes and physical types, all whispering and smoothly calling for me. Hundreds of females (those I've met and found attractive in my life and others, too) gently grabbing, rubbing, touching, licking, sucking me and wrapping my cock in their pussies in turns. Randomly putting themselves in various positions around me, between each other having lesbian sex or with me. All craving for a little piece of me, with my body denoting masculinity and power through every inch of my body. My throne should be made of steel and my veneration must be present everywhere. The palace must be encircled by a wall with my enemies' heads on them, like sultan Moulay had. All the women will want only me and I will be the absolute leader of the kingdom, political, economical, military etc. All that leadership and power will release so many hormones in my brain, making the sexual experience so much better. It wouldn't be the same without all these elements so I couldn't skip them.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    only if it was pat nixon

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    • CozmoWank


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    • RoseIsabella

      Actually she was quite attractive

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  • Spunman80

    My fantasy is regularly fucking my mother. I got a thing for bbw with huge booty's, big hips, thighs. My mom fits that bill perfectly and she's really attractive and knows how to fuck, I know this because I watched her and my dad fuck growing up and watched her fuck multiple boy friends after they divorced. I would take her doggystyle so I could watch my nice cock slide in and out of her beautiful fat ass working her slowly and deeply filling her cunt with my cock perfectly while she moans as I long stroke her pussy feeling every inch of me sink back to where I was born from filling her with my seed loving her for letting me be in her and her holding me like she used to when I was a kid.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Breastfeeding from a really caring loving beautiful trans woman. Then sucking her toes, and fucking her.

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  • Sacksize

    Anything to do with cuck stuff lol I’m a switch but I prefer femdom type stuff. Biggest fantasy is to have my guy tied down to the bed and another girl and I fuck around on top of him. As if he was just a piece of furniture. That and making my guy watch me get fucked by someone with a bigger dick.

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