Uneasy feeling coming from bedroom. iin?

I like sleeping on the couch but I can see part of my bedroom from where I lie. I've never had a problem, that I can remember, from when I use to sleep in there regularly but I've been getting this weird, uneasy feeling coming from my bedroom for a while. I decided to sleep in there one night a few weeks ago because I wanted more space. I was tired and I only felt uneasy for a moment before I fell asleep. That night I had sleep paralysis; I opened my eyes and saw a shadow walk into my room towards me. It tried to rape me (Don't laugh :p) but I woke up.

The last time I slept in there was a few days ago and it was fine but I was with someone else. Tonight I had walked into the bathroom, which is right across from my room, and got this uneasy feeling. Then I thought I saw/felt a shadow come into the bathroom and I left. Am I going crazy or what?!

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Comments ( 26 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I've seen shadows too, both during sleep paralysis and other situations. You could be sensitive to spirits or you could be hallucinating.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      It could also be a certain frequency of resonance known to invoke feelings of dread in humans.


      I'm not saying I believe or disbelieve in the paranormal because honestly I'm not sure, but this can explain away a lot of the more questionable cases.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        This is the greatest article ever.

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  • jucedaguy

    SHITZ! It's the poundergeist!

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  • jucedaguy

    Wonder what shadow cock tastes like?

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    • EndlessSuffering

      LOL. Shadow cum, maybe?

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  • Renegade216

    haunting. force that bitch out using spiritual warfare.

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    • Bmac17

      Don't suggest this, your going to get someone hurt.

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  • Shadow people, i've got them in my house but they can't touch or move things so they are no danger. It's quite rare for them to get that close to you, though i have had them pop up right near my bed before. They like television for some reason and appear to stop and watch it, you'll find they tend to amass near tv's in dark rooms.

    They hate humans and want the house to themselves, so they try their best to spook you out. I just tell them to fuck off, i assume living with people for so long means they probably understand our languages well enough.

    The op saw a shadow person but because he was half asleep his mind expanded the danger like a nightmare, op you are perfectly safe just give them the finger and go back to sleep.

    I don't believe in ghosts as shadow people are more like a type of animal that exists in a different light spectrum. They're no different to a mouse or dog, they're just bastard animals that want the house to themselves.

    Actually if you have dogs you'll see less of them, they seem to fear dogs for some reason.

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  • Boo!

    If it make you feel better switch your room with someone in your family.

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  • Mmmpfh

    My brother has sleep paralysis all the time. Disturbs the hell out of him, and usually it only happens if he sleeps in his bedroom. He tends to be okay on the living room couch or in another bed in the house. And we all think we see things sometimes when its dark. Walking shadows sounds.... Creepy.

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  • emilydoll

    Sleeping pill!

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  • sanjilike

    lolls probs just hallucinating .... this would have been absolutely hilarious if you were guyy

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  • boehawk

    It could be all in your head or it could be something in your house. Try banishing and warding your house and see if that helps . Look up on the Internet how to do this , there are even Christian ways to do this if your not feeling easy about using pagan things .

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  • BxLorex

    It happens, sometimes the stress builds up and you convince yourself that menacing things are everywhere.

    However, if it gets to the point of acute fear of the room then it is something you will need to talk over with your therapist.

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  • FrancoisDillinger

    make sure you keep shadow condoms next to your bed.

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  • tehfoxyfire

    Can you elaborate on how this spirit tried to rape you? LOL did it try to unzip your pants :-P

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    • Lol, it tried to spread my legs XD

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      • jucedaguy

        Maybe you could set some boundaries, tell him you're not ready for penetration. But maybe you could start of masturbating for each other... Don't be shy. he has probably watched you do it many times.

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  • Cimfam4LIFE

    It's the SLENDER MAN!!! Ruuuuunn

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    • VioletTrees


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  • disthing

    Sometimes our imaginations run away with themselves.

    Just like watching a scary movie can cause people to have scary dreams, having scary thoughts and going to sleep anxious can encourage nightmares. Feeling worried and paranoid can also result in distorted perception - you see a shadow move but in the unsettled condition you're in you perceive that as threatening, as a sign of something dangerous.

    In other words, in all likelihood, it's an irrational fear you're encouraging with your active imagination :P This is especially common at night time and when living alone.

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  • emilydoll

    Maybe practice more time in your room or have a tv on in there or lights, I would suggest getting a bf or gf :) it's how I'm able to sleep peacefully at night :)

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  • fullhouse

    Just your mind playing pranks with you IMHO :-P

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  • Haunted

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  • Dad

    Don't be utterly ridiculous.
    Sleep in your room like a big girl.

    Do you honestly think there's something strange happening? OMG! You better get on to a psychologist as soon as possible, because its in your mind silly.

    Not one paranormal activity EVER has ever been proven more than our minds playing tricks on us, or utter ignorance. Who knows maybe someone's playing a trick on you, and sadly you are falling for it.

    Go to you room and sleep.

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