Unemployed 20 something

After I graduated college I worked in retail for a year. I quit and have been unemployed for 9 months living at home. No rent, parents make food, and I have a lot of cash saved up. Sometimes it's nice to have free time but sometimes it sucks.

I am my own boss nobody makes decisions except me. I don't have to worry about survival but I have to worry about keeping myself busy. I sit on my ass a lot but it's not like I'm stuck at home all day. Basically I hit the gym, jerk off a lot, volunteer, and wonder what I'm doing with my life.

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55% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Sounds terribly boring to be nothing more than a leech. Why even get out of bed?

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  • therunion

    got laid off earlier this year. It sucked. I felt like the walls were closing around me. I told one of my good friends and she found me something. Its only temporary,but I am thinking when it is over . I might go to new Orleans ,Nashville or florida or something and busk my art.

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  • Shackleford96

    In this economy, it's almost illegal to be jobless...

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  • Short4Words

    Yea, life kind of sucks without a purpose.

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