Unemployed with aspergers syndrome.

I have Asperger's syndrome according to some psychologist but oh yeah, they can't tell me what it is or how I show any symptoms...at all. It's holding me back in life. I have no job, I just live on a small amount from benefits for Asperger's syndrome. How is it normal as they say to diagnise A. S. but not be able to tell you WHAT it is or WHY you have it?!!!! I knew before AS is for example someone who finds it hard to read facial expressions. That's not me. And I also do not care at all about somebody's face. It's not my business. Basically i'm scared coz I dnt know what the hell it is and I don't believe in this. I'm ridiculously normal.

It cost £500 to get the test. Against my will I was blackmailed into the test. My Dad died, he left a trust fund. I wanted to do a personal trainer course. The trustees of the course said they would only pay for the course if I did the test. I was like, wgatever douche bags. I'm dealing with major league a**holes by the way.

So...they said I have it and now I feel a weird retard.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • nelly96

    There's this girl at my local McDonald's with Down Syndrome. She's the most beautiful natured, gorgeous, hard working girl. She's been working there for years ever since my friends and I were young enough to not have anything else to do but go to Maccas.
    She's loved by all the locals, we all engage in conversation with her, and she gives us all hugs. When you see her walking around outside of work, she'll have these big headphones on and if she notices you're looking at her she starts dancing. The girl's got better moves than me.
    My point is, no disease should ever hold you back. You can write a sentence, you can think for yourself so you can get a job. There are organisations that specifically help people with mental illnesses to get a job, and if the Down Syndrome girl at McDonald's can do it, so can you.
    Good luck, and never let people try to tell you you're not as good as anyone else. You may be different, as we all are, but you are not stupid nor do you have any less rights.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I was diaognosed with Asperger's Syndrome. I have a job. I don't think any disease is holding you back. The only thing that is holding you back is you. If you want a job, get one. Asperger's does not flunk you from doing what you want to do in life.

    My sugestion to you is to look up Asperger's Syndrome and learn more about it. The first thing you might notice is that having it doesn't make you a "retard". It effects you socially, yes, but it certainly doesn't make you a "retard". You may learn a little more about yourself.

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  • Shrunk

    what exactly is holding you back? thinking that you have the syndrome, or actually having it..? if you think you were misdiagnosed then just go on and get a job, if you have trouble with that, maybe that's why... it's not just about noticing faces i've read it has to do with empathy/social skills that sort of thing

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    • Thomas123789

      I dnt wanba have it. It's affecting my confidence.

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      • Shrunk


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        • Thomas123789

          Coz I dnt know what it is.

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          • Shrunk

            why dont you learn about it then

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  • anti-hero

    Well fuck what everyone tells you and go get a job. Is it that hard to figure that out for yourself?

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    • Thomas123789

      I haven't done well with jobs and no one gives me moral support to help me they just say I don't want to work. I got bullied in a job once and it's messed my head up. I just don't get what A. S. is or why I have it and it's driving me crazy.

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      • anti-hero

        Well IDK much about the syndrome. But if you don't do well with jobs maybe that is a symptom of the syndrome? Do some reading on the subject and see if any of it applies to you.

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        • Exactly!

          Do some research on the subject; inform yourself.

          Find out which careers are most suitable for someone with Aspergers. And if you have Aspergers, personal training might not be the best job for you to take anyway because you have to be a people-person and enjoy working with the public. However, there are plenty of other jobs which would be right up your alley. Just do your research first.

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          • Thomas123789

            I think I should just be a rapper.

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            • redoctober

              I think you should just grow the fuck up. You obviously have the intelegence to write and communicate with people. Shit even people with down syndrome have jobs.

              Attention seeking and lazy.

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