Unruly cat

My boyfriend and I of 6 years moved in with eachother a few months ago...with his unruly cat. I am at my end with this cat and if it were up to me she would have been gone a long time ago but I know how much my boyfriend loves her so I don't have the heart to do that to him. She is awful I mean absolutely awful. First of all jumping up on the kitchen counters or on anything besides the floor and her perches and such is absolutely disgusting. And I will say this, she is very spoiled we spent alot of time and money customising the house for her to have plenty of play and lounge space. I have made the boudries very well know and now it's to the point where that little shit waits for me to go to sleep to destroy shit for me to wake up in the morning to. I have tried the balloon trick, I have tried everything and that thing literally waits for me to leave or sleep so she can tramp her nasty litter box filled paws all over everything, knocks everytbing off all shelves and tables, distributes the garbage all over the floor, and everything else you can think of. At first I thought maybe it was adjusting to a new home and it would pass, no she's getting worse and my patience is wearing very thin and don't know what to do. My boyfriend and I have a wonderful relationship besides his cat and it's to the point where I am avoiding going home because I wonder what I will walk into next. I have an urn that I used to keep on a special shelf close to the ceiling and that cat came close to spreading ashes everywhere yesterday and I'm really starting to lose my shit over here. Tips and suggestions please! I always wondered how someone could hate an innocent animal, well I know now how it's possible.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • jethro

    I know a nice asian family who would love to have the cat.

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  • fbiprofiler62

    Put it in the basement and lock the door!

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  • Sarajeremy

    Keep it in a cage or throw it outside and say it escaped. Cats are evil

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  • Ummitsme

    Call Jackson Galaxy.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome


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  • Dustyair

    First off, it's poor training on your boy friends part to begin with, that's mainly why so many people have unruly pets.
    I would sit down with him and lay down the law, train the cat or get rid of it. There's no excuse for poorly trained animals, it's just plain laziness on the owners part.

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    • I agree 100% there's no other reason, but how is this still going on? I have no problem laying down the law and being "the bad guy" I just don't understand how after a few months of strict rules she's still acting this way. She is a little angel while I am home or awake, but the minute I'm sleeping or leave for work she's on the prowl. I've went down for bed and made myself stay awake to catch her in the act and she waits about 1 hr after I haven't moved and then it begins. As soon as I jump up she runs because she knows exactly what she's doing. It's not a lack of bordum either, I spend alot of time everyday playing just to tire her out so it doesn't happen.

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      • Dustyair

        That is a problem, cat's don't usually behave like that alone, they mostly sleep. It's dogs that get bent out of shape when they're alone because they're pack animals. Have you tried resourcing cat trainers/training, on and offline?

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