Urgent help is it normal my landlord has cut off most of my privileges?

So apparently I am forbidden from using the kitchen.

They did not directly say I am forbidden but I know I am
Every time I am in the kitchen they

*Kick me out in the middle of me cooking a meal
*Say they do not like what I am cooking
*Say I am taking too long and only have 10 minutes to make any meal
*Say my food make the house smell funny
*Complain I do not have the correct appliances and demand I buy better ones
*State the manner in which I am allowed to cook and which dishes I am allowed to use
*Keeps stating I need to stop buying cheap pans(I sort of am poor so I buy dollar store)
*Tell me I need to stop eating, I eat too much, and stop wasting time in the kitchen

I also have another room mate who constantly calls me fat and I bike to work so this is kind of killing my self esteem because I already feel bad and I can not help I am hungry all the time. I was thinking about maybe seeing if I could get a hold of riddalen(ADD meds) illegally since it would make me alert for work, as well as it would kill my appetite and I would lose weight. Than I wont have to eat, landlord wont be upset with me and my room mate will stop telling me how fat I am.

I am going to start cooking my food at the Hotel every week because I am not allowed to cook here. Of course the finically smarter solution would be to eat ONCE a week and just starve myself but I am starting to get really sick from avoiding food at all costs.

I am not sure what to do about this.. I have very little money left because I keep getting laid off because of Corona but managed to snag 3 jobs in a row because I am a very good Employee.

On top of that they recently threatened to throw my stuff out of the cabinet I have in the kitchen because I left the drawer slightly ajar and I guess they said they bumped into it.

I can not afford to move because this place is closest to my work and I ride a bike now because my vehicle broke down a bit ago. Also Everything here rent wise is basically my entire pay check. My job right now really likes me but I might have to leave my place soon and I kind of sad since I know will have to quit and I not sure how to break it to my boss.

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Comments ( 36 )
  • raisinbran

    Get a minifridge and electric burner, cook in your room.

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  • Your landlords are like my last

    They just want someone there to belittle more than help out with the bills

    You should honestly find a new place, get set up and ready to move, don't tell them anything! and just do a bunch of stupid stuff that'll make them yell and laugh or play stupid or whatever just to get them really mad on your last day

    Just remember, you can always sneak up to their house and disguise yourself and throw a Molotov Cocktail at their house or car

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    • I can not afford to move. Everywhere is too expensive to live. I make 1600 and that is rent for an apartment.

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      • Well, the problem you have is with how your landlords treat you

        I don't know the situation, but I trust you when you imply you're not causing any issues

        So possible solutions would be for their behavior to change, your perception of their behavior to change, or not relying on them for housing

        Do you think it's possible for them to change? I'm guessing not. I'm guessing you rent a room from a private home. I'm guessing they rent it out for money and to have sovereignty over others. If this is true, I'm guessing you'd have better luck talking to a wall.

        You could change your perception. Maybe keep your food in your room, buy a camping stove, cook outside of the kitchen. Maybe you could rationalize that it's their house and their rules and it doesn't matter how you feel about their rules since you have demand and they have supply.

        I don't know about you, but those top two options seem like shit. I don't think you could afford to move tomorrow, but do you have a deposit? If not you could skip your last month's rent, maybe even more since they'd have to give you a full thirty day notice even with missing a payment. Do you have a lease agreement? I would make sure they couldn't take it. There's a good chunk of money, and you have the rest of your income to consider. If it's a private home, they're not gonna have major legal resources so if they wanna get back at you it's gonna cost them. You can ask someone you know if they'll pretend to be your landlord, they can say you lived there for years, always paid rent, and just want something new.

        I'm guessing you work 40 hours a week at around 12 an hour? Maybe you could pick up a second job, or find something with higher pay or more hours. You can also sell your plasma, for me selling plasma is 400 a month if they don't have any promotions going on.

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        • Yes I do work 40 hours at 12 an hour. I don't make a lot of money. I have not complained since the house belongs to them so no piont in complaining.

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          • I hear ya. Working overtime would be 18 an hour, or working 15 to 20 hours somewhere else would be almost 500 a month I think. Selling plasma is 400 per month for me

            Their behavior is still disgraceful assuming it's unwarranted. So the real question is did you come here to vent or find solutions?

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            • I need a solution obviously. No one gives a fuck about my feelings or well being. I was kicked at 18 and loved on my own struggling everyday. I tried being a prostitute but not sure how ta find clients. Also I not sure they really buy plasma here anymore. I think its all donations. My job doesn't offer overtime ever. I already cook at the hotel now. I already trying get a second job but we just went into code purple so on the verge of shutting down again.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Every city of any size has some kind of landlord tenant group that works to resolve issues. Find it - and ask them to mediate.

    I too have lived in people's homes as a tenant in my past. Sometimes it works well. Sometimes it really does not (often with people who feel that they are forced to share their home due to cost concerns, and would really rather not).

    I often moved onto other places when it did not work out.

    If you cannot mediate a solution - then look for another homeowner who is renting out a spare bedroom and sharing facilities. Most are reasonably accommodating.

    If you happen to live in Eastern WI: PM me and I might be able to offer some better recommendations (no guarantees though).

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I can’t advise on most of your problems but please don’t take medications you don’t need or start starving yourself. Those are not solutions, they will only create more problems for you in the long run.

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    • bbrown95

      I completely agree with this. Experimenting with medications like that can be potentially dangerous.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I also fear OP may be headed towards an eating disorder, taking pills to kill their appetite and suggesting only eating once a week. This is not a road you want to go down OP, dependency on others, permanent body damage and even early death are where it leads.

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        • If I take pills it becuase I can't afford to eat and roommate keeps calling me a fatty. Its not a choice its survival.

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          • YE

            I suggest you forego taking the pills, you shouldn't take medication on an empty stomach!

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          • bbrown95

            You really need to get away from these people ASAP. Do you have any family or friends who could help you out?

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        • bbrown95

          Yes, very true. I've sadly witnessed this in someone I used to be close to.

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  • verynormalusername

    Is there any discrimitable factors about you? (Black, different sexuality, girl, ect.)

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    • Im female and gay

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  • farkelu

    Get out of that situation. In fact, get out of California altogether. It's much too expensive there. It doesn't sound like you have much of a career, so it should be easy to pick up another meaningless and unrewarding job in a different and more affordable area.

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  • SwickDinging

    Wtf? None of this ok. You need to move.

    Moving doesn't have to mean renting something by yourself. There will be houseshares, lodger situations etc. Seriously just find anywhere else.

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    • It does, I have no roommate.

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      • SwickDinging

        You can find roommates online. It has to be better than this.

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  • COVID-19

    Have you considered that your food smells bad, that you're not making it correctly, that you take too long to do it and you're using their dishes to make your bad food on?

    We only have your side of the story and of course you're an unreliable narrator in this sad internet saga.

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    • I don't use their dishes. We all have our own. Even if my food smells bad to someone else what am I supposed to do about it. Not eat anything?

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  • rocketdave

    Move, get a flat share, just look on the internet.

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