Urgent help is it normal my landlord has cut off most of my privileges?
So apparently I am forbidden from using the kitchen.
They did not directly say I am forbidden but I know I am
Every time I am in the kitchen they
*Kick me out in the middle of me cooking a meal
*Say they do not like what I am cooking
*Say I am taking too long and only have 10 minutes to make any meal
*Say my food make the house smell funny
*Complain I do not have the correct appliances and demand I buy better ones
*State the manner in which I am allowed to cook and which dishes I am allowed to use
*Keeps stating I need to stop buying cheap pans(I sort of am poor so I buy dollar store)
*Tell me I need to stop eating, I eat too much, and stop wasting time in the kitchen
I also have another room mate who constantly calls me fat and I bike to work so this is kind of killing my self esteem because I already feel bad and I can not help I am hungry all the time. I was thinking about maybe seeing if I could get a hold of riddalen(ADD meds) illegally since it would make me alert for work, as well as it would kill my appetite and I would lose weight. Than I wont have to eat, landlord wont be upset with me and my room mate will stop telling me how fat I am.
I am going to start cooking my food at the Hotel every week because I am not allowed to cook here. Of course the finically smarter solution would be to eat ONCE a week and just starve myself but I am starting to get really sick from avoiding food at all costs.
I am not sure what to do about this.. I have very little money left because I keep getting laid off because of Corona but managed to snag 3 jobs in a row because I am a very good Employee.
On top of that they recently threatened to throw my stuff out of the cabinet I have in the kitchen because I left the drawer slightly ajar and I guess they said they bumped into it.
I can not afford to move because this place is closest to my work and I ride a bike now because my vehicle broke down a bit ago. Also Everything here rent wise is basically my entire pay check. My job right now really likes me but I might have to leave my place soon and I kind of sad since I know will have to quit and I not sure how to break it to my boss.