Us or canada
I have never been out of the States and been thinking of moving. What do you guys think about Canada? Is it better living there than the States? I just hate living here now.
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I have never been out of the States and been thinking of moving. What do you guys think about Canada? Is it better living there than the States? I just hate living here now.
Im a canadian. Its alot better here for several reasons, one of which being our healthcare system. I have traveled almost all of america and can say confidently i am grateful im a canadian citizen. I live in ontario. Our obesity rates are also much lower 👍
i hear they have the best crazy liquor cheeseburger parties
but what makes you think theyd have you?
If you do go stay out of ontario, it went full police state (unless things have changed within the few months they put in the new regulations, see for yourself if they have or not).
And if they haven't, here are the fines for not following ordinance.
BC & Alberta seem alright though.
Dont really see too much of a point in going to Canada, as I have everything canada has and more in wisconsin.
I guess moose availability. Besides that it's just a neighbor that doesnt trust its populace with guns or free speech.
It’s a better part of North America to live in, but a bad place to make money.
I've been obsessed with Canada since the age of 7 and would love to go. Apart from the Golden Gate Bridge, Mount Rushmore and the St Louis City Museum, America has never interested me.
Go try it for yourself. I wouldn't listen to anyone who hasn't lived in both places. Even those that have lived in both places have different opinions because of values. I like Espaina' but I wouldn't tell someone from the UK, Germany, or USA, to move here because it's better, it's different, and just like the states you'll hear people say, but that's not the way we did it where I am from.
If you are adaptable and willing to accept change try it.
My husband is half Canadian. Almost all of his Canadian relatives have already moved out or are trying now to immigrate to the US
Seems good is a good way to describe canada.
It's good that everyone has goverment healthcare... and the wait times for said healthcare are atrocious, if you were diagnosed with cancer it could take up to 2 years to start treatment. America? Well it's expensive but you get what you paid for.