Usa now leading in rate of covid infections

Trumps delayed idiotic reaction claiming that “it would go away like a miracle” has now led to the USA having the highest rate of covid infections. In a country with an already broken health care system are you worried about the pandemic? Angry at Trump?

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55% Normal
Based on 11 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 42 )
  • Boojum

    Those apologising for Trump and saying he's not to blame are missing the fundamental point.

    If this was a virus that had jumped-species in the USA and doctors had suddenly noticed an inexplicable surge in cases of something that looked a lot like flu but tested negative for influenza, then the country being totally blind-sided would be understandable.

    But the fact is that the USA has been one of the last of the world's developed countries to be seriously hit.

    The USA has a global intelligence network and loads of experts who monitor emerging threats of all sorts. The Chinese lied and minimised at the start (as they always do), but there must have been alarm bells ringing somewhere in the CDC or the CIA or whatever other organisation is charged with monitoring such things very early in January. In fact, it's known that Trump was being briefed in January about the risks, but the man is too egotistical to listen to people who know more about any topic than him, and he decided in his usual way to go with his gut feelings. So we all heard him blathering on about how it wasn't a problem, everything was under control, it was just the flu and everyone should continue as normal.

    The fact that it's more serious than that does seem to have finally penetrated the curdled mush that passes for his brain, but it's way too late now to take proactive steps to prepare for the deluge.

    That's directly down to Trump and the toxic atmosphere of his administration. Everyone in a position of any power has been chosen to be a yes-man, and everyone's main focus is on pandering to the asshole's prejudices and delusions, rather than trying to make the ignorant, narcissistic idiot understand and acknowledge reality.

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  • McSorley

    I'm Canadian, but I gotta say it shocks me how completely looney Trump can be.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    When Trump originally shut down travil from China everyone called him racist like usual

    What else do you think they should do? We were the first nation to do a travel ban

    USA leads the world because we have done more testing. The USA infection numbers are likely over 4X what they're reporting because theyre not telling everyone to get a test. Some people have the virus with no symptoms.

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    • Mammal-lover

      Honestly most of us probably have it. At work we are constantly getting briefed about it. And unless you are high risk the symptoms will be minimal. A few on my shift are clearly a little under the weather. Not alot just a smidge. I think we all got it at this point tbh.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        Yeah this shit is crazy. When you look at the numbers it doesnt seem THAT deadly. I guess its because its so infectious is whats causing the response? Maybe they arent telling us everything? Idk whole thing seems weird. Im just greatful im still working.

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        • iEatZombies_

          It's not that deadly, it's fast-spreading and also deadly for those who are compromised. We don't have the capacity to handle the 1/5 who require hospitalization or the 3-4% who will die from this, all within less than three months. There's a lot to explain because this isn't just one thing, it's a domino effect. From essential workers to those who need doctors for other things not even covid related, everyone will feel some pain from this or will know someone who will. It seems weird because it is weird.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            This is gonna absolutely WRECK the economy. The economy does good when people are making alot of money and spending alot of money. Everyone is gonna be out of money soon and wont have any money to spend. Im praying it wont be another great depression.

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          • Bazinga

            But Zombs, because it spread so fast, it's all about flattening the curve. When compromised patients start dying at home because there are no hospital beds, the infection rate accelerates. This happened in Italy. The death rate jumped to 10%, when it would have been 3.4% under flat curve conditions.

            Flattening the curve is the issue.

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            • iEatZombies_

              Yep. Not sure how easy that'll be at this point, but it should still be the main focus.

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        • Mammal-lover

          If playing plague Inc taught me anything nobody cares till a few few thousand people die

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  • Whatintarnation

    We're number one!! Trump is an imbecile. Listening to him speak is painful. Even if he does have "the best words"

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  • leggs91200

    I do not like Trump but he isn't exactly to blame for any virus.
    What the hell do people expect him to do?

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    • Um they expect him to be a leader, look around at the world what is happening and take action. Instead he just kinda went meh corona schmorona it will be ok it will be a miracle. What a fucking retard. Now look what’s happened. You have soaring rates. Hundreds of thousands will die.

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      • leggs91200

        Trump is not and never was a leader.
        I think people hold him to too high a standard.

        I know he is a dip shit.

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  • geek_god_101

    The US seems to be the dumping ground for all the world's rejects hence the shitty immigration policy.

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  • --

    Trump is a fuck head, you Americans need to fuck him off. We Australians love America but we fucking don't like trump and we wont back you if you gonna hang wid him.

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    • KholatKhult

      What could Australia possibly contribute

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      • --

        A lot more then drunk vodka drinkers and mail order brides

        Should I mention a lot more then china to :) For reasons we all know

        You dig


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        • KholatKhult

          Bro I think you guys should try /not/ burning before you tell others to start 🤪

          I prefer the Irwin’s over the Royal Family any day

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          • --

            Dude, not funny. During the fires Skippy the bush kangaroo watched his entire female family leave their husbands and hook up with dolphins, kind of like yall women leaving you for us :)

            Irwin, royal family, pffff

            Nice burn though, much respect

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            • KholatKhult

              The “Our men are so pathetic they have to pay for pussy, and your women are so desirable we don’t care that they’re scamming us” argument always looks like a self-drag lmfao

              HOWEVER, I do really love the Irwin’s so I can not pick on your country

              That and I literally don’t know a single thing else about Australia but that there’s kangaroos and the people there aren’t native

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  • Clunk42

    Who cares? Diseases happen. What do you want the government to do; lock everyone in house arrest? The stupidity of the government's actions is the fact that they did try to do something about it.

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    • charli.m

      Who cares? Such a kind sentiment from you, as a good Christian person...

      Who cares...those with elderly or immunocompromised friends/family. Those who work in or know people who work in the health system. People who have a basic understanding of what's happening. People with a fucking ounce of empathy or humanity.

      I'm glad to hear you don't care about anyone...what a rich, fulfilling and selfless life you lead. Jesus would be so proud.

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      • Clunk42

        Whether people die or not will hardly be changed by overabundance of caution. Immunocompromised people are no more threatened by Coronavirus than they are other diseases. I trust that the disease won't wipe out the whole population. That is what matters. The individuals who are threatened by the disease will be threatened by the disease anyway. My parents and my grandparents all agree with me.

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        • JellyBeanBandit

          That's a ridiculous attitude to have, being so all-or-nothing about it. Because some deaths are unavoidable we may as well give up and let twice that number die? (or much more realistically) One less person dying is no small thing, it means absolutely everything to that person's family. And acting sooner could've prevented thousands or millions less of these tragedies from occurring. If Trump or any other world leader who hesitated about this had any shred of a conscience whatsoever, they wouldn't be able to live with themselves knowing they could've prevented so many lives lost if weren't for their selfish egotistical pride.

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          • Clunk42

            Keep in mind that America is supposed to be "the land of the free and the home of the brave." Reducing people's rights by quarantining them makes them less free, and cowering in our homes just because if a disease is far from brave.

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            • JellyBeanBandit

              Quarantining people until this thing is over doesn't make them not free, it makes them not complete assholes who don't give a fuck about other people's lives. And staying at home doesn't make them afraid (I'm staying at home and I'm not afraid in the least), it makes them not completely fucking moronic and pig-headed.

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            • charli.m

              Do road rules also make you less free?

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  • Tommythecaty

    Probably because.....there’s a lot of people

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  • ripleyripley

    We're always angry at Trump, what's new

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  • bigbudchonga

    Yeah... I'm sure China are being honest with their figures!

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  • LloydAsher

    Trump was in the same boat as everyone during the coronovirus threat.

    Well accept for the fact that he was dealing with an illegitimate impeachment and the news media called him a xenophobic racist for closing airtravel to china. I dont blame trump for his response, the reason why we have more cases is because we are actually testing people and reporting them to WHO. China and more shady countries are just sending them random numbers. China just imported THOUSANDS of urns to Wuhan.

    The media are being the same pieces of shit they always are. Biden called Trump racist for closing down chinese travel, something he was heavily criticized for and something that I thank him to this day for. It could always be worse. Trump was pretty proactive for his response, he doesnt want to say how bad things are because just think about how much damage the american populace can bring if we fear we are in imminent danger. Minimizing panic is paramount during these times. Americans arent going to starve but the media sure as hell can make you believe you are.

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    • leggs91200

      "Americans arent going to starve but the media sure as hell can make you believe you are. "

      Americans are such fatsos that even if they were to starve, it would take a while.

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      • LloydAsher

        A 500 lb Man will still starve to death at the same rate as a 200lb man. Your blood and brain need protien to function. Surviving off of fat isnt enough and you will get around 5 weeks of not not eating anything until you are a fat skeleton.

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