Views on "god"

In a randomized Choice order I ask which of these which you guys believe in. Just out of curiosity
be honest with yourself and the poll
And as a warning:

Male force of nature 5
God Does not exist 40
Balance of feminine and masculine force of nature 7
Female physical being 2
Female force of nature 0
Genderless physical being 5
Neither but still there 9
Undecided 10
Both or multiple of both but still physical 0
Male physical being 4
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Comments ( 50 )
  • howaminotmyself

    God is a concept, not a being.

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  • dirtybirdy


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    • shuggy-chan

      backwards or fowards, i still like a dog

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      • dirtybirdy

        I like your style ;p

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        • shuggy-chan

          dog sex is pretty hot

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    I.Did.Not.Get.Your.Post. o.o

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  • Skitzo1

    I believe God is merely a word used to help us understand something superior to ourselves like time, it is an ideal, nothing more. It is a word that is a means of control, rules, law, power, morality, belief. It is used in the hopes that there is a life after death and assists in giving us guidelines to follow a "diviner path" the correct path. God can be anything, an idea, a physical being of immense power, the collective spirituality of humans, an alien who engineered us or the greatest lie in the western world as a means for a group to gain power among people. I highly doubt God "if" it exists is omnipresent, transcendant etc. I also doubt it is as powerful as we presume, we merely want something to help give us purpose and a reason to survive. However, God couldnt have created the universe, the bible states (i think) that there is a time of creation (creation also implies there is a time) The big bang made our universe, so they say. Before the big bang, space and time didnt exist, there was supposedly nothing. I cant be bothered to go into this in more depth, its a waste of time, because what i will say will border on absurdity to some. I will say, we may use the word and subject of GOD as a means of understanding to our creation, if science states the Big Bang "created" us albeit indirectly i suppose, maybe the big bang, and the physical matter that makes everything up, is GOD, as it created us, maybe we just assume that the big bang was an occurence, maybe it is GOD itself.

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    • suckonthis9

      There are intrinsic problems with the 'Big Bang Theory'.
      You are incorrect in your statement that, 'space and time did not exist before the Big Bang.'
      The Big Bang, wasn't. It was more like a series of Little Bangs.

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      • Skitzo1

        Lol, okay, there will be problems with a "theory" because its a theory, a theory is basically an idea to help explain something, and in my case, that thing is near unexplainable. Let me phrase it this way, in our universe that was made, there is space and "time". If there is no space, just nothingness space and time cannot exist, because there is nothing. A theory on something not fully known cannot be called incorrect my little friend. Because no one knows "how it went down" i highly, HIGHLY, doubt you were there to witness the events. And when i said space and time didnt exist, it was still on the same subject of the theory, hence why i said "so they say" which means i am more or less takign diablogue from someone i overheard and using it to give a little bit more detail in my explanation. I cannot be bothered to go into more detail about this as you might not understand.

        Bluntly put. If everything exists in a space created, what can exist if said space doesnt exist?

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        • suckonthis9

          It is explainable, but you are fundamentally incorrect in your reasoning processes, and in some of the conclusions that you have drawn from this.

          The notion that the Universe was 'made' [by some unknown external force], is fundamentally incorrect. One can never understand the actual nature of the Universe, in this way. This archaic concept, is a stumbling block, and should be avoided.

          I agree with you, that in the Universe, there is space and time. There is also space outside of the Universe.
          We need to first understand, what is space?
          Many people think of space as something external, but this is incorrect. Space is all around you, and within you. Everything you sense (massenergy bodies) is actually mostly empty space. [Note: there is actually much quarkenergy within this space, but we will temporarily disregard this.]
          If you take away the massenergy, what are you left with? 'Empty space', correct?
          So, next we need to define: what is space? We know that space is a three dimensional field. We also hypothesize that space is infinite. That's what we know about space (without the massenergy and quarkenergy constituents). So space, by itself, is, a three-dimensional infinite field [of nothingness].
          It is mathematically and physically impossible to take nothing away from nothing, or to take infinity away from infinity.

          Space has always existed.

          Please be patient, and next we will explain time...

          Note: Space does have additional physical properties, but this is inter-related with massenergy and quarkenergy within space.

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          • suckonthis9

            So, now we need to understand, what is time?
            In order to do this, we need to bring the massenergy bodies, back into our 'empty space'.
            Time can be understood easily, by anyone with a reasonable amount of intelligence.
            Think about it in these two ways:
            If you bring our Solar System back into 'empty space', imagine that you are observing the Earth-Moon System, from a vantage point in space, where you can observe it's progression in orbit around the Sun. It takes the Earth-Moon System, a particular amount of time, for it to make one complete orbit around the Sun. This is what we describe as one sidereal year, or 365.256363004 mean solar days.
            But, 'time', also can be measured on an atomic or subatomic level. Atoms have a natural tendency to vibrate. It takes a particular amount of time for one of these atoms to oscillate (to move back and forth). This is the basic principle of how an atomic clock works.
            So, 'time' can be understood as a property of massenergy within space.

            Does this help you?

            Do you have any questions?

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            • Skitzo1

              Why would i need to ask questions about your theories. However, the reason as to why you go as in depth you did about space is quite strange. The fact that you stated that there "is" (as though giving a definate fact) space outside the universe is quite strange, it leads me to believe as though our technology has come far enough to view outside the very edges of the universe itself, or that you are a being that does not hail from this universe. However i doubt that you have done or infact proven any of my previous evaluations. Space must always exist, as space as you stated, and im sure anyone would well know, space is more or less mass, without mass (space) nothing can truly exist the way you put it. You know what. I cant even be bothered to question as to why you went into so much detail as to prove another theory. If you added another comment, i would have said that you were just trying to make yourself beleive that what you say is actually true, you have went far to much into something so minor for my tastes, i dont know why it is, maybe in a quest to try and prove your "intelligence" to others and maybe even yourself. Im led to believe you are from a foreign nation, as "Quark Energy" as you decribed it, does not exist, well. In mainstream science, maybe a pagan deity can shed some light? The closest relative i know of is "Dark Energy". Another thing you go on to say is that I implied that our universe was created by an external force, or whatever. Infact I disagree with this, as people believe god made the universe in some way, shape or form, i was disagreeing with that answer, hence the title of the thread.

              You say a theory is incorrect, it is impossible to disprove a theory, with another theory, or should i say, without hard evidence or proof of what the begginging of the universe is true or false. I think you unconciously said "Please be patient, and next 'WE' will explain time..."
              This leads me to believe you got your information from another person or outside sources, or that you were with someone when you conjured your theory, it leads me to beleive whether this is even your theory or even your own evidence. For someone who likes to talk on a "Isitnormal" thread as though they are making a speech for a nobel prize makes me wonder if I should consider anything you said at all, infact I wonder if you are a troll, or an incredbly stupid individual... well, "collective mind" shall i say? The depth you went into about mass energy, how you dabble in special relativity. I wont attempt to say your "theory" (that is to say IF its even yours) is incorrect, as i am not idiotic enough to do so on a forum such as this.
              "GOD" (padron the pun) knows who you are trying to impress. But the lengths you went to, to do so. Is quite amusing, i will say, nearly every letter you typed, was an utter waste of time. Infact, every letter i typed bored me, it was like talking to wikipedia, very boring i feel like even reading your statement wasted my own time. Its just asking our views on god, not on space and time, unless the two are related, this isnt the "attempt to disprove everyones theories" thread. Get a grip. Haha

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  • bananaface


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  • anti-hero

    Genderless force of nature.

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  • Canttel!

    Niggas be like..... "1+1=god does not exist"
    Niggas be like....."god exist bro he gave me sum weed!"
    Niggas be like....."i dunno man...i was athiest yesterday but now...."

    I be like ..."SHUT. THE FUCK. UUUUUUP!"

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  • GreyWulfen

    Male force of nature.

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  • fpssource

    God aka (allah) Most High cannot be described physically. Something “physical” is something that has material existence, form, limits, confinement in time and space, and so forth, all of which are impossible for Allah Most High.Based on the prophetic dictate above, we should steer clear from trying to grasp the reality of Allah. We should suffice by understanding that the human intellect is very limited in its reach and see our inability to fully understand Allah as being from our weakness and imperfection as humans.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Why does Allah say kill the infidels?
      Why do islamic terrorists behead people or kill their own daughters when they transgress(according to them) certain rules?
      Why are wives allowed to be beaten by their husbands in this "so-called" peaceful religion?

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      • fpssource

        oh , and their are no rules that says " kill your daughters if they transgress " . Its just that some dumb fags they call them selves " Muslims " do that .. I wish they die trust me . lol

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Too bad the moderates are too afraid to stand up to the "minority"?

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          • fpssource

            These just happen usually in unstable countries ;/

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            • robbieforgotpw

              The whole middle east is unstable

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          • Drey57

            The truth is that in every religious group there are going to be extremists. It's really unfortunate, but our lack of understanding leads to intolerrance and prejudice. I can even say that i hold a bit of prejudice towards middle easterners even though i've never personally met one i didn't like and that's pretty despicable. All i'm saying is try not to judge somone for their religion/race.

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      • fpssource

        stereotypes my friend . They sure play our minds . It some muslims are are fucked ! , buts it only few . Trust me on that ^^ .if u look at Muslim population. Their ARE 2.1 billion LOL ! RLY ? NO ONE CAN BE BAD IN THOSE 2.1 BILLION ? . But hey why u focus on that only ? why don't u focus also when America , remeber when they blew up Hiroshima with a atomic bomb ? " if you read history " ?? isn't that called terrorism ? or when America invaded Iraq for their gold and oil and massacred half of their population ! isn't that terrorism ?

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  • suckonthis9

    None of the descriptions in your list.

    Hush: Maybe I know something that others don't.

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    • MissyLeyneous

      Sure you do.... And I'm the Pope.

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      • suckonthis9

        Why don't you apply for the position?
        Pope Benedict XVI is resigning, and they're looking for a new one at the Vatican!

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        • MissyLeyneous

          Nah, I'm not interested in that type of career path... you could sign up for it instead... you seem to enjoy telling others how to live their lives.

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          • suckonthis9

            I am not "telling" anyone how to live their life.

            I am informing some of them, that should they continue to live their life in the way(s) they currently are, this will result in the collapse of Civilisation as we know it, and quite possibly the end of all life on Planet Earth, in short order.

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  • Sorcy97

    Interesting points,I like to see what people think about certain topics and concepts, and how they're similar or different from my own or someone else's They're rather fun to think about. :)
    I'm a philisophical little nerd

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  • Terence_the_viking

    The option is not on your list.

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  • kelili

    I'm not sure of understanding the question.

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