
Have you ever been a vigilante whether it be online or off? Or, have you always wanted to be one but never found the right time or some other reason that prevented you from taking the role up? If you have been one what cause did you fight for?

I am a online vigilante. 3
I am a offline vigilante. 4
^^Both. 3
I always wanted to be one but never got the chance. 9
I hate vigilantes. 4
Other. 4
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Surprisingly and in all seriousness, yes.

    But it's not for here.

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  • Couman

    It's only good when used for causes that I agree with. Come to think of it, I feel exactly the same way about government.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Charles Bronson was my granpappy.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I always thought my grandpa looked kinda like him.

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  • Wendell

    Yes. I am a masked vigilante who protects Gotham. That's all I'm going to say.

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    • 8-Evil-Waffles

      Does your name rhyme with Matcan?

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  • dom180 Just to start by defining my terms - a vigilante is someone who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one's own hands. I assume by online vigilantism, you talking about hacktivism and the sort of stuff Anonymous does.

    Anyway, I've never done either and I would never advocate it. There's a legal framework that exists for a reason. Taking the law into your own hands a) gives no reason for the legal system to modernise and b) can lead to miscarriages of justice because there's no checks on a unregulated judiciary. A regulated but independent judiciary is an important pillar of Western democracy.

    When people take the law into their own hands, that's a kangaroo court. When a random person who knows very little about the law - especially compared to a judge who is a professional and has received many, many years of training - and may not have even seen all the evidence just decides "I think it's wrong, fuck the law", that's rule by men not rule of law, and I believe in rule of law.

    If you want to change something then work through the legal system to change the law, don't work outside it. That's something I feel really strongly about, even when it comes to issues I feel very strongly about like civil rights and animal rights.

    I don't hate vigilantes because most of them have their heart in the right place, but their actions are often counter-productive and I disagree on all sorts of grounds (those I've talked about above, although I could probably talk for pages about this) with their motives.

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    • You misunderstand me. I don't want to do hacktivism because 1. I'm not tech savvy and 2. I don't want to go to jail. All I want to do is create a site where people can post secrets about those who wronged them especially if the act was illegal. I want to create some form of awareness for these issues. What I want to do will not only help myself and others but it might be able to put the right people behind bars.

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      • dom180

        It depends on if you would be breaking the law (by publishing personal information, which is illegal), facilitating those who break the law (by allowing them to post content they obtained illegally), or encouraging other people to break the law (by, for example, putting the addresses of those people all in one place and implying you want people to attack them or send threats to them). If you're working within the spirit and letter of the law, you can do whatever the hell you like.

        What do you mean by their "secrets", anyway? Is it information that was obtained legally, or illegally (even if it wasn't you who obtained it)? You are still breaking the law if you host material that was obtained illegally, even if you didn't obtain that material, and you're still risking jail. Or are you just thinking of a site where people can anonymously tell their personal stories, IIN-style, about cowboy traders, con men etc.? You're not being very specific about what you actually want to do, or what sort of information you want to publish on your hypothetical site.

        Lastly, I still think you would be better off trying to get people who have broken the law convicted, and changing the law if you don't think the law is adequate. It's a much more direct way of dealing with the perceived problem.

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        • disthing

          Well said.

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        • I wouldn't want personal information to be posted and I don't want it to be like IIN. I don't want the information to have been obtained illegally. The victims or people who know the victims can come forward. Basically, I got the idea because I want to get back at a relative whom I believe sexually abused me as a child. I never reported it because I was scared and threatened. To make matters worse this relative has been a teacher for many years. I want to leave a vague post where in which I'll give some clues but no personal information. If it catches on in the media, I feel that it can strike fear into my relative's heart so she will feel that someone is on to her. I am extremely concerned about the fact that she works with minors. I have even thought about sending an anonymous letter to the school where she substitutes to tip them off. I hate the fact that she has everyone fooled into thinking that she is a good person when really she is a pedophile. I can't go to the police because I still live in my childhood home with my mother and as much as I hate to say, we are dependent on her. She scares me. I've been advised to see a therapist but I think it might be even more damaging if I started the therapy and both me and my therapist knew how involved this person is still in my life. I've thought about calling the child hotline but if it does get reported I'm scared that she might figure out it was me somehow. I've thought about confronting her but she is a professional manipulator and liar. She is also prone to violence. I'm scared that she might try to kill me or something else if she fears me going to the police. I want to tell my mom but I'm scared how she'll react as she's already has depression. All this is why I thought I'd write the post from a different point of view, instead of saying "I" I'd put something like "We". I've thought about waiting to press charges until I can move far away and change my name but who knows how long that will take.

          I hate this woman with every fibre in my being. I want society to be able to see her for what she really is. I'm concerned about her hurting more children. I want revenge. I want her teacher's license taken away, her being put on the sex offenders list and put in jail for life.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I was invited to join an organization in a matter of speaking.

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  • I have been a vigilante mostly in real life. I will not get into what I've done too much because my principals are greatly different from the laws. An example would be vandalizing someone's property who deserves it.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Not so much vigilante but more socially responsible member of society who doesn't take shit. Things like telling people to get the fuck off their phone whilst driving, or stop smoking in a public place etc.

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    • Leviathanel

      like the kind of people who try and get me to pick up my girlfriend's mother's dog's shit. problem is i wouldn't even walk that dumb ass mutt if i wasn't the only person around to do it. truth is i'm not picking up shit in public specially if it isn't even my dog.

      it's not my fault that my girlfriend's mother is a thoughtless whore. the dog doesn't deserve to suffer because he owner doesn't give a crap.

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