Violent shivering
I can't believe I'm doing this, but...
Sometimes, for no reason at all, I wake up in the middle of the night shivering all over. Now, I do get night terrors, but this is very different from that -- I don't feel afraid when I wake up. The shivers are very violent, and I don't neccesarily feel cold when I have them. I'll be completely bundled up in the blanket, and yet I'll be shivering as if someone had just tossed me into a bathtub full of ice.
The shivering is extremely violent. My teeth chatter, and I can't control it unless I manage to completely relax my body. However, because the shaking is so intense, I find it very difficult to relax.
Sometimes this will happen every night for a week, sometimes it'll happen once every couple of months. There's no pattern to it that I can see.
Before you ask, I don't do drugs, I eat well enough, and I'm fairly certain I'm not insane.
Has anyone else experienced this?