Violent shivering

I can't believe I'm doing this, but...

Sometimes, for no reason at all, I wake up in the middle of the night shivering all over. Now, I do get night terrors, but this is very different from that -- I don't feel afraid when I wake up. The shivers are very violent, and I don't neccesarily feel cold when I have them. I'll be completely bundled up in the blanket, and yet I'll be shivering as if someone had just tossed me into a bathtub full of ice.

The shivering is extremely violent. My teeth chatter, and I can't control it unless I manage to completely relax my body. However, because the shaking is so intense, I find it very difficult to relax.

Sometimes this will happen every night for a week, sometimes it'll happen once every couple of months. There's no pattern to it that I can see.

Before you ask, I don't do drugs, I eat well enough, and I'm fairly certain I'm not insane.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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Comments ( 168 )
  • liljohnny574

    This happened to me last night also, I woke up at about 4 in the morning and couldn't stop shivering for like 15 minutes. I had four blankets on and did not feel cold, but I put on a warm sweatshirt and got back under my blankets and that seemed to help. What really seemed to get it to stop was just breathing deep and trying to relax. After a couple of minutes of taking slow, deep breaths I was able to stop shivering and fall back asleep.

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    • Lili101

      Last night, i quickly jumped out of bed to turn of a light. It was not cold. SOmething ran through my body, thereafter i jumped into bed and went under my covers. I was fairly warm. My teeth chattered terribly and i could not stop. My body also was shaking. This stopped after 5 minutes. Did I have a seisure?

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      • Alliswell might help.

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    • Dodger

      That happened to me last night for the first ( and last I hope) time. I woke up feeling shivery and the shivers just got worse and worse until it was sore and violent.It went on for nearly ten minutes until my wife told me to breath in for 5 counts and out for 7 and this relaxed me and worked quite quickly.

      I then was able to get back to sleep and woke this morning feeling like I'd been in a fight or been heavyily drinking. My body aches and my legs are like jelly. Id love to know what it was all about.

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      • EllieJ

        OMG I am so glad that I have found this site! I started with these shivers just after my secind son was born, almost 4 years ago now and have been having them ever since. Not every night thank goodness buit they're getting more frequent and are really beginning to bother me.

        The very first one happened when I was wide awake and had just carried my son into the bedroom. I suddenly started to shiver violently and for no reason. The room wasnt cold or anything but I felt as though I'd walked straight into a freezer. The shakes were so violent that I was frightened that I would drop the baby and could only just manage to sit on the bed and bang on the floor with my foot to get my husbands attention.

        They then started to come at night when I was asleep. I wake and for a split second I feel really cold as if the temperature has dramatically dropped, then within seconds the shivering starts. It's that severe that my whole body shakes, my teeth chatter uncontrollably and my muscles go that tense that I struggle to get out of bed and walk across the room to get my dressing gown or something warm. My husband has to start rubbing my back and arms etc to try to warm me up.

        I'm pregnant again at the moment, 16 weeks, but dont think this has anything to do with it as it's happened in the past many many times without me being pregnant.

        I've not mentioned it to my doctor as felt a bit daft but definately will now I know it's not just me!!!

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        • suet1943

          i woke up at 2am feling chilly, but not cols, but within 2 minute i was shivering and shaking like i never have done before ,i wear denturtes but because i dont sleep in them literally my gums wer bashing together, honestly it frightened the life out of me, got back in bed turned on my electric under blanket tho i didnt feel cold, but it took me 3 hours to calm down enough to go back to sleep, later when i awoke i felt so tired and lacked any energy at all, called doctors and went to see her, she said the only thing she can put it down to is a sharp rise in my temperature, for some strange reason, as there was nothing out of the ordinary when she checked me over!!!!!

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      • snowball56


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    • Ion1

      I have a background in biology and will start medical school next year. I am NOT yet trained in medical science. What follows is based on consulting some textbooks, encyclopedia articles, etc:

      I have been experiencing the same symptoms as everybody else. Sudden onset of violent shivering, teeth chattering, moderate muscle spasms in one case. Totally incapacitated during the occurrences, inability to get warm, mild fever in some cases. The occurrences go away nearly as soon as they appear with no residual symptoms. Sometimes it lasts for a few minutes other times an hour or more.

      I am a 22 year old non smoking asian male.

      Based on my findings and consulting my physician father I've narrowed it down to a few likely options.

      1. Walking pneumonia. Does not manifest itself in an overt way but one symptom is intermittent chills. Other symptoms would be a long term hacking cough, wheezing, phlem, and fatigue.

      2. Thyroid disorder. The thyroid regulates metabolism and by extension body temperature in a broad way. Under secretion of thyroid hormone would result in a fall in core body temp and the accompanied symptoms. Thyroid disorders are complex and require a specialist to diagnose. The random, short episodic nature of the occurrences makes this option suspect because the thyroid hormones work on the time scale of days not hours.

      3. Dehydration. Can manifest itself in odd ways like shivering. However, the random nature of the occurrences make this option unlikely if fluid intake doesn't vary substantially from day to day.

      What is quiet clear to me is that the diverse but convergent symptoms we present are all a result of the same thing: transient fall in core body temperature. What is causing the Fall? Is it dehydration,our body fighting off a persistent untreated infection a metabolic problem, or something else.

      If any of you see a doctor please present my theory. Additionally, do this community a service by reporting your findings. We all remember the panicked experience that brought us here and I think we all want answers.

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      • Misty21

        Ion1 Hello,
        Just found this site tonight , my son who is 14 has had 6 episodes over a two year period. We too are still trying to find out what is causing this . I do like your theory of dehydration having something to do with it as I feel it could be right in my sons situation . IWaiting on an appt with a neurologist, Just wondering whether you have discovered a diagnosis, I am intent on getting to the bottom of this as IT IS NOT NORMAL. Hope all is well with you

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      • tattooeme

        Hi my name is Sarah the same thing happened to me but after it happened I got sever pins and needles down my left arm and there are little bumps under the skin I've been to see my doctor and he prescribed me lyrica 50mg capsules he said it was a nerve that pressure was been put on one from my shoulder I have an extra rib in my neck and I'm going to see a neurosurgeon for something called thorasic outlet syndrome it might not be the same for everyone else but this might be the cause of the violent shaking I had

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      • Beedeck

        Not sure if you ever got any feedback on this but I figured I'd drop a reminder incase you were still doing any research. Stage 2 of the NREM cycle is marked with a decrease in brain and body temperature. I won't assume much, but considering that stage 2 should only last up to 15 minutes, perhaps it's lasting for an increased amount of time for many individuals and their core temperature is falling well below the average. The natural reaction to feeling cold is goosebumps and to shiver to increase blood flow.

        As for those who feel it on the fly when walking or sitting with no general idea of what happened; eat a banana and see how you feel. In my own experience, the anxiety came WITH the shivering because it was so awkward. The real reason behind it was low blood sugar.

        If it's nothing to do with blood sugar, I'd suggest seeing a doctor and describing the events. I had to up my life quality to get my violent shiver episodes to dial down. I combat clinical depression without pills and use to get these due to both heavy anxiety and low blood sugar. Fruits are my best friend now with consistant exercise being a close second.

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        • jpjunkie

          Good afternoon Beedeck.

          I started taking Plexus products, after much discord, because I was out of options. Iron and blood sugar are leveled out, blood pressure is down, depression and anxiety are gone. I didn't believe them, but I wanted less medication, not more so I tried.
          Good luck and God Bless.

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        • Birdyjane

          This NREM theory is what my doctor explained to me regarding my having these extreme chills. He feels that I am somehow waking up during these NREM stages and my brain has not yet adjusted to raising my core temp to normal. This almost always happens when I am extremely fatigued before falling asleep.

          I also have occasions where I am awake, but have bouts of chills and brain-fog. I attribute these to low blood sugar, and usually feel better after having eaten something. Unfortunately, my job works 12 hour overnight shifts. We often have times where we have little time to eat, and our lunch is scheduled anywhere from 7 to 10 hours after we start working. It definitely contributes to the problem.

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    • Alliswell

      I have shivered for 3 days at night. Scary i feel like im gonna die. I cried the pains i felt in my muscles so intense shiver.
      Much harder if i controlled it..
      I set my mind to let go and i trust God's purpose. I asked jesus to come to me.. This may take a while till u get into deep sense of peace then as my intuition/angel said "hes beside you" the shiver stopped instantly. Thank you Lord.
      Try our best to ask god that we want to feel his love, deep relationship with Him.
      Take care everyone

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    • realreggie69

      I am almost 47 years old, female. I have high blood pressure anxiety I guess slight depression been on the same medications for years and years so nothing new or out of the ordinary. A couple of times I've been waking in the night having trouble breathing - not sure if thats because I freaked myself out, but was awakened with severe uncontrollable shivers as though I had been awoken with a fever with a virus. However my oldest daughter happen to be sleeping with me on both of these occasions and was able to help me function. Coincidence or not she was able to get me I leave on one occasion and excedrin on another after down in a couple of those within a few minutes the shivering subsided as though the medicines had been working off of fever. After a bit I was able to go back to sleep, but no other signs of a virus or infection that may have caused the fever. But as everyone else describe the day after work sore muscles felt like I was run over by a freight train but that's also side effects from putting your muscles through set strenuous activity .
      My son has been diagnosed with Hashimotos disease. However I've been checked and been told my thyroids just fine. The last mind glucose was checked my sugar levels were fine. So not really sure where this come from and where it went. It certainly weird that's for sure and I don't care to go through it again.

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      • Hashimoto

        It's interesting you mentioned your son has Hashimoto's. I have that too, which is an autoimmune disease as you know. Does anyone else in your family have any autoimmune diseases? They tend to run in the family and include diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Hashimoto's to name some. I think these symptoms we've all been experiencing are metabolic and autoimmune in my opinion. I haven't been able to have caffeine for a few years now and now when I have decaf, and/or chocolate, I have bad reactions. I have recently been experiencing increased heart rate along with trembling, feeling chills and sometimes hot at same time, along with weird brain sensations as if I'm ready to have a seizure or what they call "brain zaps"...all while I'm trying to fall asleep! I don't know what is causing this, but I hope it's not the beginning stages of diabetes or something...perhaps it could be a hypoglycemic attack??

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    • Lynnybin

      This has been happening to me for three months, a week between, the doc sent off a specimen and found I had a complicated urinary infection, that cleared it up for about six weeks, now it is back again. all the symptoms I have been reading on this site are the same, one thing I do is drink a lot of cold (fridge) water. I am going today to see another doctor so hopefully he will do some different tests and find out what the problem is, although reading through all the letters here, no one has a soloution,

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    • DoReMi1333

      Anxiety Attack. Simple answer

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    • Mrcompman

      The same thing happened to me. I was sleeping and I woke up at about 1 in the morning. I was shaking really bad. I tried going bak to sleep but it didn't work. I had a sleeping back and 3 blankets and was still shivering. It's happened before but this one was bad. I didn't sleep from 1 until 7 o clock!!! Now I'm so tired I can barely move.

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    • enasan

      I have EXACTLY the same symptoms at around 4am. Has happened more and more for over 3 months now. Shivering uncontrollably from my very inner core and teeth chattering, frozen to the bone. I tried an ELECTRIC BLANKET and leave the air con on 22c but nothing helps. My friend who can see ghosts tells me there are several unfriendly ghosts in my room. I just don't know what to think. Scared to sleep now. It's dreadful.

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  • Drysdale

    BTW...........I think the diagnosis of panic attack is the doctors way of saying the don't know what it is

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    • Hellooo

      I can t believe how bad American doctors are since I experienced with them for more than 10 years. I always find more answers with chinese doctor. For this one, chinese doctors says the same as someone listed above but also pointed out that weak kidney could could cause same problem. This shivering problem is very common over there. Trust me, chinese medical science are much better to be asked, the amount of patients a doctor usually have in a week is almost one months amount of patient for western doctor. In general, western medical science has better technology, but lack of experience.

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  • easyst

    This has happened to me twice. The first time it passed in about two hours. Several months later it started at 7PM and ended 11PM and restarted at 5AM. At 7AM I was on my way to the hospital by ambulance. Admitted to ER where a blood test was takened and diagnosed a urinary infection which entered my blood stream. Next was a EKG which showed a heart attack had taken place. It took five days to cure the blood infection. Next was a cather and found to have three blocked arteries and aorta valve which led to open heart surgery. Today I feel like a new person.

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  • anggeee

    I was at work yesterday and just instantly got MILD shivers so I put a jacket on which is abnormal for me but I attributed the cold feeling to the rain cooling down outside and the a/c still running in the building. I live in Florida so to go outside in a jacket in August and still be cold was unusual but when I came back in I had some hot tea with a sweet n low and instantly started feeling better. I dont know if it was the warmth from the tea or the sweet n low but either way I felt better. Then around 11pm while I was in bed I turned the tv off and within minutes felt cold to my bone and I was under a blanket and a down comforter which is one comforter too much for me usually. My boyfriend tried warming me up but the shivering was shaking him violently too. I finally got up and into a hot shower which took me about 30 min to warm up, then I vomited and started to feel more like my normal self. I drank about two bottles of water and layed down sometime after midnight. I awoke again around 4am shivering uncontrollably, teeth chattering etc. It hurt to move my body because of the previous tense session of shivering. I finally got to sleep and a few hours later woke up flinging blankets off of me because I was pouring sweat. I dont think for me it was an anxiety attack, I just am not an anxious person. It was very scary for me so I can imagine everyone else.

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    • jfreake2004

      Hi there, I know I'm about four years late, lol, but your type of experience seems a bit different from what people have been posting here. I believe what you experienced was that you spiked a fever from a stomach virus. As you know, fevers can make us feel very cold and when high enough, can cause something called mal shivers (uncontrollable, seizure like shivers). Don't worry! You didn't have a seizure. Have you had anymore episodes like this or was this an isolated incident? I hope you haven't had anymore attacks like this!

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  • oreodog

    I have periodically woken about an hour after falling asleep feeling violently cold. I shiver uncontrollably and my teeth chatter. No matter what the season, I feel like I am naked and laying on a block of ice. If I move my legs even an inch, that inch of the sheet feels even colder. I shake so hard that it wakes my husband and he starts rubbing me real hard to warm me up. I am so cold that my muscles are tense and it is hard to relax them because I am shivering so hard. After about 5 or 10 minutes, it goes away and I feel normal again and go back to a sound sleep.

    I don't know why this happens. I have asked my doctor and he doesn't have any ideas. I have epilepsy, but they do not think it is related t seizures. One has guessed that my sugar level drops after I fall asleep and another has guessed that my blood pressure drops too low and makes me cold.

    Unless they can witness and monitor what I am doing, they don't have a clue.

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  • evilstorm

    This happened to me twice last night and Ive just come back from hospital. Its never happened before so I was terrified. Well talking to the 4 different medic people it turns out we are all having PANIC ATTACKS. Thats it ! The brain does some real wierd stuff and this is just one of em . Hope this helps.

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  • kaykajojo

    I really hope someone reads this and can help me. I am loosing my mind and want to know if something is wrong with my daughter. Please anyone if you can help, please respond.
    I have a 9yr old daughter, who during most of her life has has a few health issues but theirs one that stands out and is driving our family and my poor child insane! At 3 months old we had to take her in because her eyes started moving rapidly from side to side and she started choking then caught her breath and cried. My mom stated it looked odd to call the doc, we did and the test began. Again at 6months the same thing, this time her little body tensed up, eyes side to side, caught her breath and cried. She stopped growing for a bit, was not in normal range. Time went on test after test and nothing. She kept having these symptoms. This is what is going on now, at any time of day- -her eyes all of a sudden get droopy, she feels real cold, her teeth start to chatter, she starts shaking bad, she get nauseated, she is kind of out of it, she is now saying she gets dizzy, before this happens, she knows when her 'episodes' are coming on, her body temp drops to 96.0 or lower she breaks into a sweat, pale clammy cold skin, but sweats. She's had this her whole life. This is our normal. She will have them daily. They will go away for a month or two then come right back. We have seen cardiologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist and sleep specialist, our next stop is a pulmonologist. Her primary doc says they think could be associated with sleep disorder. She is so tired all the time now she falls asleep in class. She crys all the time and has every type of blood test out their and other diagnostic, MRI, CT, ultrasound of heart, eeg, ekg, sleep study and nothing. She is so used to the lab she doesnt even cry anymore. All this she still in the GAte program for gifted and talented students. I am so proud of her. I need to know, we need to know what is wrong. I'm afraid if we wait for it to come out on its own like my family said so all the poking and proding can stop, that it will be worse if we wait. Anyone, please anyone. If you can help. Please advise and what you have found this to be or think this could be. Appreciate your kindness. And wish you all well.

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    • jpjunkie

      Good afternoon kaykajojo,

      I am so sorry to hear about what is going on with your baby girl. It just makes my heart hurt for all of you.

      I will pray for you all.
      God bless.

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    • Squidtank

      Since this was years ago, i hope it is no longer happening. I had symptoms that sound exactly the same and had tons of tests done that found nothing. Long story short, for me it turned out it was multivitamins, i stopped taking them wnd have been fine ever since. I don't know if she takes vitamins, if not, it could be something simliar.

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    • kiki_hawaii

      I had the same thing happened to me I felt really out of it and almost tired like in foggy and then a few minutes later as I was getting into bed I started feeling really cold and shivering and getting the chills through my body every time I moved . I also would have my teeth chattering so violently that it felt like I was tending my body up to stop it and it was causing me to find it difficult to breathe because I was tensing up so badly from the shaking . I didn't wake up from my sleep like everyone else has written the first two times it happened it was while I was a week the last time it happened with three nights ago and it was at 3 in the morning after I had already fallen asleep. because when I have gone to the doctors do not mention that I have anxiety they automatically say that and send me home. I personally do not think its anxiety I thought maybe a neurological thing but since your daughter has seen a neurologist and still there was nothing I'm wondering if there's something really deep down going on with everyone experiencing the symptoms that doctors don't know yet. and because I stay to the doctors that I have anxiety disorder I'm always turned away with that being what is wrong with me no matter what I going to the doctors or hospitals for . what interested me about your story was that your daughter was very young when this started and it's been an ongoing thing
      and I would imagine with her being so young in her body still forming and growing bad doctors would be trying very hard to find out the cause of it. I just don't see I die young girl her age having anxiety because when you're young working you being sick about it doesn't make sense so with that said I really like if maybe you wrote back to me an updated us on any findings with your daughter. all I can say is that I was basically told one time it was invited and another time that it was because I was dehydrated and I want to heat for so long that I was basically having an episode of hypothermia which didn't really make sense to me because I was keeping myself hydrated with water all day however I was out in the Sun and the heat for 7 hours straight but my two younger daughters were as well and drink with me and they were perfectly fine. so I've come to the conclusion that even though we're all having the same symptoms that doctors really aren't sure what it is and only go by your medical history and try to just diagnosed you with anxiety or some type of mental illness or dehydration or low blood sugar before actually looking into what could be the cause of that I wish we could all get together and tell each other our medical history and compare what do the same with different me to come to our own conclusion. but I hope the best for your daughter and I hope to hear back from you because now that this is the first post about a young girl experiencing the symptoms since infancy I would really like to hear back from you to see what you have found out if you have found out anything or what if anything has change any new symptoms or if its gone away etc.

      P. S I don't know if everything came out spelled and written correctly I'm using my speech to text at the vice where I talk into my phone and it automatically writes out my message for me know if there's anything that doesn't make sense I'm sure you'll get the gist of it but I just didn't want to look illiterate its a computer automatically assuming what I said. feel free to email me at [email protected]

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  • blamah

    If there is something to past lives maybe you all were Titanic fatalities? They probably mostly had hypothermia before they drowned? Jes throwin it out there!

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    • aries44

      Could be never know!

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  • prodigy55

    i had a bad incident last night. i coudlnt sleep so i stayed up until 4 in the morning, which is normal because i stay up late. i recently had a job related work injury and for the duration of my time healing i tend to stay up late. So when i was getting into to bed to fall asleep i started shivering so bad, my teeth were chattering. i woke my girlfriend up and she got me a blanket and sweatshirt. This did not help, my whole body was still shivering and i was so cold still. i then got up and turned on the shower, the temperature was very hot but it still didnt get my body temp. down. my girlfriend then told me to get into the tub. i sat in the tub of very hot water and it helped. The shivering had gone away but i was still very cold. So then i got out of the tub and dried myself quickly and i put on a couple of layers of clothes. i fell asleep but when i woke up the next day my body was so sore. I dont know if this was from me working the day before, it was my first day a new job, which is a physical job. whatever the case is i was very scared, and want to know if anyone has talked to a doctor and figured this horrible event out. Im sorry to whoever else had what i had, its not a fun thing

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  • Pescatarian85

    This happened to me last night for the 3rd or 4th time in a decade, give or take. I don't get them regularly, but have often wondered what the cause is--it's so unbearable when it's happening. My whole body was rigid with shaking. I tried not to clink my teeth, but it was nearly impossible. I did not feel cold--I felt HOT most of the time except when I got up to use the bathroom, but kept blankets on me anyway to push through it. Turning on a fan for some cool air on my face and sipping water seemed to help, but only a little.

    I did some slow breathing, but what seems to work is just to let it pass--eventually my body tired itself out and I fell asleep. I did get a very dry mouth and my throat burned. My stomach didn't hurt, but I felt like I could throw up just because of the way my throat felt. UGH, so miserable.

    I feel okay this morning and have after every episode. Not 100%--My muscles are tired, but I don't feel like I got beat up. I just feel tired for staying up until 2:45 AM with the shakes.

    On the web, I've found 2 causes:
    1) Anxiety Disorder
    2) Low Blood Sugar

    I also suspect that extreme dehydration could play itself out this way. I flew home yesterday and planes (and drinking) severely dehydrate you without you feeling the effects.

    I also ate right before bed at least 2 of the times, including last night. Not sure how this affects blood sugar...

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  • Nadroj

    Last night I had almost the exact same thing happen to me. It was the only time so far that this has happened to me. I am slightly nervous about going to sleep tonight concerned I might have another episode only worse. I have been looking all over the net and have not been able to find anything that was similar enough to what I experienced until now. I am hoping that it was just what it was and not a symptom of a bigger problem. The only difference from what you reported to have experienced and what I had experienced was that I had initially woken up with my right arm completely numb (I think I must've been laying on it and it "fell asleep") It was very excruciating and took along time for the (normal) feeling to return to my arm and then immediately after that is when my whole body starting twitching slightly, then my teeth started chattering uncontrollably as if from shivering but slightly more intense and I was not cold. It seemed to last for several minutes and during the episode I was still able to do things like surf the net (looking for info on what was happening to me) I had put on extra clothing even though I didn't feel cold and went back to sleep (I do not recall if the attack stopped before I got back in bed and fell asleep or if it stopped after I actually fell asleep) I had woken up again later and was sweating profusely so I removed the clothing that I had put on during the episode and went back to sleep and slept fine after that.

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    • Rob2016

      Same exact thing for me. Woke up with right arm super numb, worst it has ever been. Took a while for it to come back to normal. Then slowly started shaking uncontrollably. Was trying to relax and breathe through it but it just kept getting worse! I finally had to get up and turn on the light and walk around a bit. It was so scary, I thought I was dying, I couldn't control it and didn't know what was going on. Was going to drive to hospital but started to research it a bit and found this. It has now been about an hour and the shaking has gone away almost completely. I did have a sore neck/headache before and it has come back now. Other than that I feel ok and hope it never happens agains. I have a history of anxiety and I think it played a huge part in the shaking, though I am really not sure. Was really trying to control it and could not...

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  • mariebutt

    My partner is suffering with sudden shaking which intensifie's from sleep to waking by shaking, here is a complete artical basically it mentions what youve all mentioned and varie's causes of sudden shaking as some put it shivering.
    medication can cause some side affects.
    dehydration can cause low blood sugar.
    low blood sugar can cause shaking.
    Alcohol can cause shaking.
    anxiety can cause shaking.
    depression attaxks can cause shaking.
    Also some main illnesses cause such as thyroid issues and others.

    you need to read and find your trigger if you cant find one seek medical attention..
    I would however like to say Its not a normal bodily reaction and there is something that causes it for everyone some simple and some causes rather servere so get it checked .. my partner has now been diagnosed as diebetic and one other related issue that causes shaking.
    artical click link top of my comment . hope this helps many others .

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    • Slim76

      Thank you for providing the link!

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  • MysticWinds001

    I am so glad to find that I am not the only one. A week ago, I woke to feel a slight chill, I wasn't disturbed about the shaking at first, but I didn't feel like I was warming up, add to that, the shaking became violent all over, breathing became difficult, then after a while I was able to relax, about 20 minutes later. I was able to go back to sleep.
    The following night it happened again, but this time all my muscles went rigid like the shaking was more of a terrible minute shaking, like the hum of an engine, I couldn't breath well, and couldn't yell, or speak more than one word at a time. I couldn't move other than to painfully straighten out my legs. I called out and got some help, but refused the E.R. as this seemed just too rediculous to be something wrong. I finally got warmed up, went back to sleep exhausted and woke up drenched, as if I had just pulled my clothes out of the pool. I became tremophobic, afraid of shaking. I was weak and sore with flu like symptoms and slept through most of the day. I kept all fans off of me and sweat with the gulf heat, while covering up with a heating pad on my angry muscles and diaghram.

    I must say though all of the comments have been most helpful. From the Xanax at one point, to comments on rigor, to the slow deep breaths and relaxation before sleep, or to stop the shaking after onset.

    In this day and age with all the earth changes, and chemicals running through our bodies, plus the stress of living among our loved ones and work demands and the economy and making ends meet, losing ground with trajedies becoming more common than not, then our diet and dehydration from the lack of self care in the face of getting things done. Simply put.... Is it any wonder??

    Trust one thing. Of all people, you can be assured that you are of the group that cares, and it shows. Bless you, take better care of you, get treatment if you feel the need, and most important of all.... REMEMBER, How precious you are, never think less of you. You are a true trooper, this is by no means easy, so hang in there.

    I will be glad when they have a name for this with the categories of causes to follow, like: Night tremors, anxiety; or Night tremors, rigor, etc..

    Blessings to better health and life. :)

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  • DancingGardner

    This happened to me last night. Same as others commenting above.

    I do have thyroid problems but of coarse the doctor always say my thyroid is normal though I have multiple nodules on my thyroid and family members have had their removed or partially removed.

    The thyroid regulates so many things in the body. What I have found is because they took iodine out of salt and use an iodine substitute, that more people have thyroid problems. Look to increase your iodine through vitamins.

    I do not believe it was a panic attack. I have been into alternative meds for a while because doctors can't seem to cure anything and just give pills. Praying for a magical healing doesn't work for me either. My own research will lead me to it.

    One person said it was estrogen. The uterus, thyroid and gallbladder are all tied into the hormone system.

    You will see that a women with a hysterectomy will have gallbladder and thyroid problems.

    So men and women get your hormones and thyroid checked. If one dr has no answer just keep going until you find the right dr.

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    • Spiralfirefly

      Could this lack of iodine also cause salt cravings? I've been craving salt recently which is terrible because I'm also battling with my high blood pressure and I just had my first shiver attack of the season (very rarely get one in summer) and would do anything to stop them.

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  • orcas67

    It's called "rigors" It may be described by patients as an attack of uncontrollable shaking. A history of rigors should raise suspicion of infection, particularly bacterial infection.

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  • Bongphenom

    Uncontrollable and violent shivering are an indication that something may be wrong with the body. A sudden, and very high fever causes the body to shake violently. This is called "rigor." When rigor occurs, the body is attempting to warm itself, but it is also attempting to kill the bacteria that is causing the sudden raise in temperature.The human body attempts to recover itself in any way possible. Shivering is an involuntary reflex that means the body could be trying to fight off infection or getting excited. Shivering is normal, but violent shivering can be an indication of the body in trouble.^

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    • aries44

      In my early days, I used to think that maybe I had stopped breathing but didn't quite die. I felt that the shivering was the body's way of warming me up.

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  • miffy

    Last night i experienced the most scary thing, in the past i have suffered from just the shaky shivering thing, i used to tremble when i was in an abusive relationship, when i was scared of my partner. But i split up with him years ago. And never had the trembling/shaking since.
    Until last night, i was just sitting at home on my computer as i normally do in the evening, when all of a sudden i started feeling nauseous, i had that feeling like i was going to throw up. it continued for about an hour, then i started feeling cold and my hands and feet were very tingly like pins and needles feeling.
    Then out of nowhere i started shivering like a maniac, seriously teeth were chattering body was tensing up and my body was just shivering like crazy, and of course i started to panic. My body was covered in goosebumps and i tried to keep warm with covers etc, but nothing worked. I managed to google the symptoms and read about panic attacks but i couldn't concentrate or read it properly.
    So i laid down and tried to take slow breaths and instantly it stopped my shivering and the weird feelings and weird thoughts. When i shivered like that i thought i was dying, it was so scary. It was weird because i wasn't worrying about anything at the time, it seemed to just randomly start from nothing.
    I had to go to bed early in the end and just keep slow breathing until i fell asleep but i kept waking up feeling weird and had strange dreams and finally woke up after 10 hours sleep and i had been sweating like a pig in the night. Woke up feeling really hungover and had a bad headache. I still feel a bit woozy now, but kind of glad that i figured out what the hell it was, just a panic attack. Still the most scariest thing i've experienced though, hopefully if it happens again i will be able to recognise it and deal with it better.

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    • aries44

      Sitting at a computer will put a kink in your middle and if you have a Haital Hernia, it might be pushing up into your stomach. I get that quite frequently. Stretch more.

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  • ShakersNQuakers

    This happens to me often and for years. I get very cold and shakey when I am in a setting I'm not very comfortable in and decide to chime in on my thoughts and feelings (i.e. Bible study, or other new group) which leads me to believe it's adrenaline/anxiety related, but I'm also feeling very cold tonight and I'm home alone... It seems if I'm emotional about something or not completely comfortable in a setting this will happen to me if I draw attention to myself in any way. My body will start shaking uncontrollably and often I will feel chilled to the bone--even my head will start shaking and I will sit on my hands. I found lately it's happening often in the evenings. I have low blood sugar issues, low thyroid issues, and nervous system/anxiety issues, so this could be attributed to any of these things. I don't wake up shivering at night, but usually go to bed with a heating pad. I've noticed lately around 9PM I start feeling very cold, but this can happen at any time of day and for me usually happens in some type of church group setting when I am trying to express my feelings. I also been diagnosed with an essential tremor and know I have issues with controlling adrenaline. My only guess is that the uncontrollable shaking/shivers and feelings of being freezing is a result of one or a combination of several of my physical health issues. My mother also has Reynauds Syndrom (sp?) so perhaps I've got a touch of that too? I don't take any medication though I was on beta-blockers for a few years for the tremors I've been off those for about a year, so I haven't been on anything but a glandular for the thyroid.

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  • Is it normal?
    well the only reason Im here is cuz I last night began shivering so intensely for like 3 hours! I seriously almost went to the hospital but instead I went up stairs and took a very hot bath probably 130 degrees hot, im a white dude and I came out red but the shivering stopped and this is the next day and im in such fatigue I can barley move, it hurts to breathe, lay down and sit down! and im really worried it might start happening again and if it does im goin to the hospital, my body might shut down if I went through another 3 hours of that and I already prayed to god it wouldn't happen again cuz that was so messed up- I was trying real hard to breathe slow and calm down but I couldn't! but the hot bath water either put a stop to it or it was a coincidence.
    I have never had this happen and does anyone else have this and not know what to do? So far a hot hot bath seems to be a good answer but if it happens agauin im gonna see a doctor cuz im in SUCH pain right now from that.

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    • Maze

      I agree. The next time it happens, I am going to the hospital as well.

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    • Lilly9909

      I think the fatigue and trouble breathing is from the bath, 130 is way hotter than a jaccuzi and people suffer symptoms like that when they have beenin one for too long

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  • tippytac

    UPDATE: After numerous tests & CT scan, the hospital diagnosed my mother as having had an anxiety attack. She was administered 4 medications & sent home. She still doesn't sound the same but said she just needed rest.
    Good luck to you all!

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  • tippytac

    My mom started experiencing the violent shivers & stomach pain out of no where. She was told it was Fibromyalgia, but I just am not convinced. This seems to happen to her after stressful occcurences, such as now, the passing of my step-dad. She is now on her way to the hospital and b/c I'm 8 hrs away, I am trying to figure out what could be wrong. She resides in a very small town with a small hospital. My worry is her mentioning she has fibromyalgia and it actually being something else and her not receiving the proper treatment.

    From reading all your posts I see no one has received an actual diagnoses & your dr's seem baffled. Wonderful!

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  • frankthefink

    if you are taking any medications for the anxiety or depression, this could be a side effect.

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    • Vampyre_Preistiss94

      I just stopped taking my antidepressants. (I was going through a pregnancy scare and didn't want to harm my baby {Not pregnant by the way}) But It seems as if that's not the cause. This happened for the very first time this morning. I started dreaming I was shivering then I woke up realizing it was true. Part of it felt like an extrema orgasm but I wasn't having a dirty dream. I was about work... (I work with children at a zoo) Right after the shivers stopped my stomach felt like it dropped and it currently feels that way now. The whole lower half of my body seems like its numb. (The kind of numb you get after sex) The fact that I'm hungry doesn't help the feeling at all. Has anyone ever heard of it happening like this. Could it be my medicine or could it be something in the category of the female reproductive system? (Right after this happened I got an insane stomach cramp that felt like I could just die but it only last for a few seconds... I've had that before but never the shiver.)

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    • I actually recently started medication for Bipolar disorder (about a month ago), and now that I think about it, I haven't had any of the shivering expisodes since I started it.

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  • akshay

    I had the same thing as described by so many of you, last night. I somehow think this something to do with sleeping on an empty stomach. I braved an hour of these chills, finally woke up and had some bread with a glass of milk and felt better instantly. Please do try this the next time, it really helped.

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  • RenaeVoigt

    I know how you all feel....
    I have these shivering episodes i start feeling kind of flu-ish and then i start VIOLENTLY shivering and i cant stop no matter how warm i try to get my body hurts so bad. I learned to take hot
    and i mean HOT baths. I just fill the bath up and soak it will stay hot a long time but the moment it cools
    i start shivering again so i have to keep filling
    the bath up with hot water..i was once in the bath
    tub for 8 just wouldnt stop!
    i dont know if this has anything to do with it...
    but i do suffer from anxiety and depression
    and its from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
    and thats from witnessing domestic violence..
    its scary and very painfull
    i dont have a doctor...but i do have a therapist
    i googled shivering for no reason and found this site....i googled it because i feel another episode
    coming on right now=[

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    • Kingsley94

      If you really can't stop take really deep breaths and hold for like 15-20 seconds at the least then exhale and Breath in to hold again continue till it stop I hope this helps God Bless its in his hands.

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  • dudette

    Sorry to hear your having the same trouble. I as well am experiencing periods of absolute freezing even when it's hot out in the morning. Problem is I feel like crap for hours after I get up. Now. I am not a crazy person, don't do drugs or drink. I believe in the ability of the body to self heal. The only thing I can come up with logically is that something we are taking in during the day or night is trying to get out physically. Try a journal and get back to me if you think of anything. I'll do the same. Peace.

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  • Melo

    I've had these once in a blue moon, but my most recent one lasted the longest 1/2 hour!! I get really thirsty with it and when I drink water it usually subsides quicker!!?? This time it didn't though!? Doctors have no clue either, which is really frusturating!The only thing I can pick as maybe causing the latest one was that I had a high protein meal before I went to bed - scrambled eggs - without any carbs!Whether this was the instigator, who know's!! Because of the duration, the next day I felt really sore and spent and a bit nauseous!

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  • mell5532

    This happened to me when i was 12. It was very very scary, i was shaking for maybe 20 minutes, it slowed down after hugging my mom, crying, my dad soothing me, and lots and lots of praying. it didn't slow down to a stop though. nonono not at all. it lasted 20 minutes, violent shivering, then slowed down for the next 15 minutes. it felt like hours. it was 2am or so. it was SO scary, i could NOT stop on my own will. so i confessed all my little secrets to my mom. i told her everything. i told her how i feel about that one guy, how i feel about school, how God's mysteries make me so confused and small.
    i have not shivered like that till last night. last night's only lasted for about 2 minutes. i was half asleep and i woke up at 12:33am. i was mumbling things from the book i read an hour ago before i went to bed, while singing the piano music i was playing last night and having random pictures flash in my brain. i felt light headed and dizzy. my head hurt and it felt cool on the inside, like cold fog was squeezing the breath out of me inside out. i was shaky, fingers, legs, then i started to vigorously shiver, my teeth about to break. i thought of him comforting me, wished he was there, prayed and wrote a little in my journal. then i crawled back into bed and fell asleep. scary. i think it's because i worry and think too much. it's probably a teenager thing. i am not on drugs or drinking, and i never will be.

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  • GroovyWorld

    ALL of you seriously need to start paying attention to things that will accumulate over a period of years and wont EVER leave the body........
    Heck, even TEFLON is used at making bombs. Would you eat off of a pan with packed and fluoridated gunpowder?!?!

    I now have Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis thanks to some overexposure of mercury, lead, and aluminum simultaneously.

    Learn how to Google people. All of your symptoms line up with lots of other people's. And doctors "know" how to treat it. Convenient. Someone's doing they're chemistry homework......


    Less than a year ago, I was a perfectly healthy vegetarian. Now I barely hang on to life at 10,000 calories a day and NEVER feel good. Oh, and uncontrollable shivering starts at 50*F.

    And you'd better get used to it people; you already assume that I'm wrong and will never find an answer even close as a result.

    Those pretty colors on your plates? Lead. Those "silver" fillings? 50% mercury. And I'd say something about Aluminum, but I'm sure you've all been snowed on that one already.........

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    • Matter_and_Energy

      This is what I was thinking to begin with too. Probably a lot of 'unexplained' illnesses these days are down to this.

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    • aries44

      You could be right there on some account.

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  • LJBC2011

    I suffer with the same thing from time to time. Sipping water, propping myself up in the bed are two things that help. I have had diabetes tests and have started to isolate it tomy diet. When I eat alot of gluten food I get stomach things and then this violent shaking and teeth chattering thing that wakes me in the middle of the night. I think not enough water and diet are two good places to start to consider ? Give it consideration.

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  • MysticFurry

    For the past couple weeks I've been having possible anxiety problems.. It got bad enough 2 times that I went to the hospital, So this happened to me this morning. I was shiviring so bad I thought I might bite my tongue or something, so I put my blanket in my mouth so it didn't happen (I remembered hearing to bite down on something before if you are shivering really bad) anyway as I was breathing into the blanket I started to feel a whole lot better. I really believe this, and actually all my other symptoms, is being caused by hyperventilation which can be caused by anxiety or even drinking so next time maybe try breathing into a bag or do what I did and bite down on your blanket and breath into that... Hope this helps

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  • litlbit801

    I too suffer from violent shivering. It mostly happens when I am trying to wind down for the night in bed or I am rudely awakened with a rapid heartrate and this shivering. Unlike a lot of you, my husband downplays the whole thing and just tells me to relax. I have suffered from irregular heartbeats and anxiety, but this is a frightening new symptom. Last night my episode lasted for hours and today my legs feel like rubber and I am exhausted. What is wrong with us?

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  • hottie

    i get the same thang ts relly werid

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  • abc123

    It sounds like you have an anxiety disorder. I know it sounds strange, and you probably dont feel all that anxious, I just know someone with the exact same symptoms.

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    • village000

      I am having the same thing happen to me. Last night I awoke at 3am and felt alittle shaky. Then I start shivering uncontrolably. I asked my husband to hold me tight and keep me warm. It subsided alittle and then started again. the whole thing lasts about 15 minutes. I have had this happen about 5 times now within 2 months. I am feeling dizzy in the daytime too and shaky off and on.

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      • Hogweed

        I get something like this. I wake up, early in the middle of the night, or on time %%u2013 and about 3-5 seconds after I wake, my upper torso and one or both arms starts to shiver. I am NOT cold. If I get up and walk around, it goes away. My doctor thinks it%%u2019s atrial fibrillation, but it doesn%%u2019t match a whole lot of the parameters: it ONLY happens the way I%%u2019ve described, and I can get rod of it with a little activity. Also my pulse seems normal. There are no ill effects that I can perceive%%u2026

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    • abc123

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    • Actually, I -do- have GAD. I didn't realize this could be a symtpom. Thanks!

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  • Literateian10

    Hi, last night was my first time having one of these episodes. I woke up at 4am and I was shaking very violently, I was able to stop my head and teeth, but was unable to stop my body. I immediately thought I must be cold or something, so I put my large blanket on and bundled up, then I started to feel overheated and just really hot in general. So after realizing I wasn't cold, I drank some cold water, but that only seemed to make it worse. I was unable to move, and I was unable to call anybody because I was shaking too hard. After about 30 minutes the shaking toned down a bit, and I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up I was extremely sore, I had a bad headache, and ultimately just felt like trash. I thought about what may have been happening, ruling out being cold, and I first thought to myself, maybe I was having a minor seizure. I also thought I could have been dehydrated, but when I drank water it made me feel worse than before. I talked to a few of my friends, and they had no idea what could have happened. I have no history of panic attacks, tremors, or night terrors(I also ruled this out because I was not dreaming) and nothing runs in my family. I have been feeling nervous because I don't want this to happen again, and I felt horrible when I woke up. If you know what this may have been, I would be happy to hear from you.

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    • Suzysapphire25

      Hi there! This is such a terrifying feeling. This started for me 2 1/2 years ago and I went to every kind of doctor I could think of and finally got "some" answers. Long story short I went off gluten and these horrible episodes stopped eventually. but being the stubborn person I am and loving the gluten-filled foods that I do, I have eaten gluten intermittently and sometimes have an episode during the middle of the night just like you described. about 2 months ago I binged on whatever I wanted to eat and about a month ago I started getting these episodes almost every night :( I've had my thyroid tested and it was fine. No diabetes. No drugs or alcohol use. All tests were "normal".
      here is what I have learned over the last month:

      * when I start to feel cold after waking up (usually between midnight and 3 a.m.) I immediately cover up with multiple blankets and drink a large glass of clear ROOM TEMPERATURE Pedialyte (to avoid artificial coloring). This usually immediately stops the shaking and convulsing from being cold! I hate sleeping hot but it beats being freezing and shaking. I usually wake up with extreme nausea and or a headache. I noticed the other day when I drink a cup of water every hour during the day. It didn't happen that night! I'm going to test it again tomorrow! with so little answers regarding this I am going to keep digging until I find out what's causing this!! I'm happy to email anyone who has questions about this as I am new to this website and not sure if I will see your responses. My email address is
      [email protected]

      Good luck to all of us who are suffering with this!

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  • purpleminecrafter

    hi im only 13 and the only reason i signed up is becuse when ever i stand up to walk around at night(i have to becuse if i dont i cant move in the morning becuse of my arthritis)i start shaking uncontrollably and i am not able to stop it and it takes 10 mins to stop i have not told my mom yet but i am really scared.

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  • bluetooth

    I tend to have violent shivering if my back gets cold, teeth chattering and rapid heart beat included..

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  • Bigbobva

    I have had the same symptoms as everyone else for close to 19 years now. I have been checked for Thyroid and it was normal and told it's probably nothing. It started slow at first. Once every 6 to 8 months but over the years it has increased to a couple times a week now. I wake up around 2 hours after falling asleep either shivering or ok until after I get up and use the bathroom and then it starts. The shaking and shivering. No matter what you do you cannot stop the shaking. The first thoughts are you are cold but just not the case. I am warm or hot to the touch. This always happens at night, never has it happened to me in the day. It has never happened at night while I am awake or watching TV only after I wake up. I had never seen the NREM2 theory until just now and it really clicks with me. Especially myself not having this until I wake up in the middle of the night. One thing I will say is do not let anyone say its in your mind. These shaking attacks are real. Take it from an old Veteran who has had them alot of his life.

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  • kingbuba

    I am 62 and for about 8 months, off and on, I wake early in the morning in bed chilled. Within a short time I am COLD and shivering violently (Rigors). I get in very HOT showers or bath ( i have found the bath to work better) for about 1/2 hour. I have extreme thirst and begin developing a fever right away. If I take Tylenol right away I can keep it down to 102 F. If not it goes above 103 F.

    The longest time between was six weeks near the beginning. Now it can be 1-2 days or weeks.

    Doctors have run multiple blood tests, including blood cultures. I have had abdominal ultrasound and CT of abdomen with and without contrast. They have done urinalysis. They do not know what else to do but say the high fevers say there is some bad problem.

    I have to take meds for failed back surgeries that keep me in pain, but they have ruled those meds out.

    Has anyone gotten a medical diagnosis? I have looked at the non-infectious fever diseases, but those are genetic problems and I do not have all the symptoms.

    Can anyone help? It sort of puts me in a panic when it starts. I have a routine, but I would like this to stop! Any help appreciated.

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  • zSplity

    Shiver me Timbers: The Cold Case

    Hello, like all of you I also have these night shivers. I am a 22 year old male,in good physical shape, I smoke pot and drink occasionally, just for a brief overall health summary. I just started having these "shivers" a little over a year ago. However unlike most the comments I am reading here, I have a very brief duration of the time shivering compared to others, mine will maybe last 5-10 min. But, it always happens right as I am going to bed, not being cold at all besides shedding one layer for sleep. Which leads me to think this, keep in mind I have no medical problems in the past however have very little medical knowledge, mine might be a "smaller issue" compared to the ones I see here that people have lasting for hours.

    So here are what I think the possible causes are and will be doing some personal research and methods to test this out:

    -Dehydration- Shivers always occur at night right as getting into bed, when my nwater in take for the day is most likely at its lowest. Solution: Always chug a water bottle before i even get ready for bed

    _Low Iron/Lowerish Red Blood Cells- Again, my nutrition for the day at the point of my shivers is at its all time low most likely. Find high in iron snacks, iron pills. I think if I am not mistaken, that my iron intake and red blood cell count might be an issue here at this point of day

    -Xanax withdrawels- While I don't take this one as serious as the first two, I will occasionally, less often than 3-4 times a month if even, will take a xanax pill for "chilling". I do not have anxiety but do take them recreationlly. Will stop my intake altogehter and see if there is a pattern.

    -Kidney Issues- could very well be a possibility however I do not have any other bladder/urine issues and I can hold "quite a lot in the tank" and have a steady strong stream going so I don't personally think my kidneys are the issue.

    -Pneumonia-Good God I hope not, however it is a possibility. Fuck.

    I will keep this post updated and will regularly check this thread.


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  • Tiffany2012

    It may due to not having enough sex. When I have sex, I sleep like a baby. Just something to try.

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  • CaptObviousGamer

    are you sure it's not hypothermia? have you been out in the cold for too long ever?

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  • anxiety

    I wake up shivering like I'm cold teeth chattering and last anywhere from 5 minutes to 20minutes its anxiety / panic attacks

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  • anxiety

    Its anxiety I have the same problem

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  • Brrrintheheat

    I have had this happen many times now, starting about 4 years ago. I have been to the doc, my thyroid is fine, i am normal weight and a good health in general. It feels like my body is "playing out" hypothermic reaction eventhough i am in a 65 degree enviroment. A hot shower/bath, hot drinks NOTHING stops it. Mine runs for about 4 hours until my body is throughly exhausted and i pass out; only to wake up soaked in sweat from hours of shivering. The shivering is violent, my jaw is sore afterwards from teeth chattering, my muscles are achy and i am just wiped. I have a disease called HS, which is an infection with no cure or treatment that cures, a curse really. I get antibiotics everyother year, a dose of 45 pills to take until gone. It give me relief from the pain during the treatment - but like i said it does not cure it - so it returns after. But i have had this disease since is was 23. I am 44 now and have only had this shiver thing for the past 4 years. So i don't know. I am thinking maybe dehydration, so i have up'd by water intake and we will see. I will let you all know if i never get again will fully hydrated. I really hope it is something as simple as that. It is a true nightmare and scary as hell. Best of luck to you all.

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  • catsaregifts

    This happened to me last night too, I woke up at one and I was shivering very violently even though I was warm. I thought I was having a seizure, but it was unlikely because I do not have any condition that would cause it, and I felt like my brain was in control of my shivering but it happened anyway. ?? I woke up with migraines throughout the night and I woke up in the morning with a really bad one. I am sure it was not a hangover, because I didn't drink last night, and I am not on drugs or have chronic sleep disorders that I know of, and this is the first time I have had this experience. I think it was because of lack of sleep since I woke up with a nightmare and shivering and migraines kept me up. I was also dizzy when I got up to get a glass of water, but not nausea.

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  • taldrknlovly2

    No. This is NOT normal. I believe it might have something to do with your kidneys. Get them checked out. I had the same symptoms before and it turned out that I was having an issue with my kidneys.

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    • Traceyo

      Interesting, I've been having identical "attacks" for about a year with no answer from Dr. Lately I've been suspicious of possible kidney issues. I'm just tired of going to Dr and not getting answers. Can you share what it turned out to be worth your kidneys, perhaps I can address this with the Dr as a possibility. Thank u.

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  • brekke23

    This has happened to me about a dozen times over the last 10 years. Just before bed I get a mild chill that turns instantly into a full blown shivering fest where no amount of covers can stop it. I call it malaria but there is no fever so I am sure that is not it.

    I moved to the southwest extreme of Florida and never had an attack again until last night. It was about 65 in the house and as I was taking my clothes off for bed I had to dive in and cover myself with a mountain of comforters. When I woke up I was in a pool of sweat and couldn't get out of bed because of the fear of the cold. I took a hydrocodone and chewed it to make it work faster. It took almost an hour but I feel fine now. Having spent years researching this on my own. I finally am seeing the light. I think it is anxiety even though I have no idea why. During the same time period sometimes I would get shortness of breath which the doctors could never explain. It all seems to make sense now.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    You must be getting possessed my some demon

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  • Missus-Perdita

    I get this from time to time, in Summer or Winter. It's a bit scary. First, I'll almost always be lying straight, on my back. I'll wake up abruptly from a vivid dream, and, the outsides of my tongue feel weird as the shivering starts. It's painful, and, I know that I gasp as each one comes (you can feel them, just as they're about to come...). I find that (as much as I hate to move during this time) that getting onto my side and huddling up usually helps them to go away in a few minutes (they'll become less intense as time goes on).

    My doctor told me that it's a possible side-effect of my anti-depressents. :( I also find that I sweat a lot at night when this happens. Breathing deeply seems to help, but, that's not always so easy. Maybe I'm like a bat that has to shiver when it wakes up to get warm again?

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  • JudyTee

    I had this happen to me for the second time last night. I have aches and pains all over much of the time especially in my knees and legs. I control this with Celebrex and hydrocodone. I also am on antidepressants. Lately (the last year or so) I have been sweating excessively. I wake up soaking wet at night winter and summer and sweat excessively in warm weather and some social situations. The shaking has only happened twice. i can't say I am in any more pain than usual but I shake uncontrollably. I wrap myself up in my comforter and will myself to go back to sleep. I usually fall back to sleep fairly easily.

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  • BuckParks

    I'm really happy to find this forum. I've been trying to find an answer to my extremely violent shivering for years I've been having out of the blue a decade or longer. These chills are so extreme it's as if I'm having a seizure - my entire body shakes violently, my teeth chatter hard and I have no ability to pull out of this scenario. I yawn constantly whole limb jerks. The chills typically hit me when I've been sitting around warm & cozy for a while when I change locations into a slightly windy or cooler area. I can walk outside from a 75 degree room to 70 degrees and a slight wind and go off on a violent shivering binge. Once I get the first episode under control, it's common to have several more episodes over hours before the shivering passes completely. Even if only a slight summer wind hits me, BAM, I can go into violent shivers with teeth chattering and body convulsing to such an extreme I'm exhausted after a 2-5 minute episode. These shivers come on an unpredictable schedule but are occurring more often and getting more intense with age.

    The best theory I've discovered is it could be dehydration coupled with being in a situation where my core body temperature gets toasty warm then reacts with violent shivers to even a slightly reduced change in ambient temperature. Slight winds seem to be the worst trigger. I'm a serious mountain biker possibly dehydrated, at times, despite efforts otherwise so dehydration could be a primary cause, I suppose.

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    • Spiralfirefly

      "Slight wind". That is EXACTLY what sets it off in me also. It's as if this cold breeze blew out my interior thermostat. Like I suddenly lose the ability to regulate my own body temperature. The shivers are so severe that I hurt for days afterwards. I'll admit that autoimm disorders run in my family and just this year I started to experience hives on my arms when I sweated under a long sleeve shirt. My father suffers from pressure hives. Also, I typically run a below normal body tempture. I've been around 97.5 as normal since I was a kid. The worst part of these shiver attacks is the fact that after its over you remain on the thin boundary line of setting it off again until after a good nights sleep. I hate the fall and winter so much due to these shiver attacks because it's so impossible to get warm again.

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  • truthsouless

    i just had this happen to me. it was 4 am when it hit me. I registered to this site just so i could reply to this.

    All my life i have suffered from being extremely sensitive to energy around me. it even got to the point where i started to hear what people were thinking to themselves. And just to be clear i hate this aspect of my life very much. its like being born with a large disfigurement.

    Anyways i tend to wake up when something comes close to me. I will tell you what i experienced and what i know in hopes it will help you.

    This is what i know.

    firstly there are spirits walking in this world regardless if you believe in them or not. I learned this the hard way, but i am not going to get into that. I have no knowledge on the type or why but i have encountered a very rare few that will feed off energy of a person when they sleep. Mostly this is harmless and the person un in tuned to this will not even notice except they will feel very fatigued in the morning. and depending on the level in which they were drain can have physical influences such as nausia , hunger (like you need to fill a hole feeling), dizzyness and various other influences.

    2. Everyone in this world has "psychic" abilities. whether you notice it or not people with influence their environment. the simplist way to explain it is empathy being able to feel what another person is feeling. Scientifically this is in posiblle. grant it there is physical symthoms that you could guess easily but deep down most people can feel the tension in a room or how their dog is feeling and etc. Depending on how in-tune a person is , they stick out to spirits. like bait when fishing or light and bugs.

    3. Fear, anger, love. these are emotions that amplify your energy the most. So spirits will purposfully draw these emotions out for this reason. So staying calm is your best weapon in these particular events. The more you focus on something you direct more energy to. "Like what was that sound!" or etc. Most people panic when scared. this is the exact opposite in EVERY event that may scare you to do. Such as a car accidents or other things.

    4 You can make spirits leave on your own. As we are "alive" we have more energy then most spirits i have met. Without going into detail. the easiest way to do so is picturing light surrounding you blue or white light. then expand it to your preference until the spirit leaves.

    This is what happened to me.
    Something laid down next to me and started taking energy from me so strongly it made me shiver violently where it was closest to me. I had troubles turning over to push it off my bed but i managed to do so and used the trick i described and a few other defenses i was Forced to learn. But the light and staying calm would make it leave by its self.

    I care not if you believe me or not. But for those out there that it will help to know what i do. i laid my heart out for you. If you do not feel you can cope with something like this i urge you to find someone in you area that will. Preists ,ministers , or etc. doesn't really matter the religion but religion in itself is energy focusing, mostly on a particular thing or person but still. I only mention this as it is the best method to not get scammed. Just remember a person that is blind , literally, can still have bad things happen to them whether or not they see it happening.

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  • deedledaw

    I'm probably really late here but I've experienced the same thing frequently, mostly after drinking a lot (alcohol) then smoking. The only thing that helps is puking or drinking a lot of water. I'd almost guarantee this is caused by dehydration.

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  • azleesaunde

    Hi everyone, I experienced this last night, it was around 11pm I was playing Minecraft with my bf and decided I should go to sleep. I locked my door and got in bed and its rather cool at the moment and for a second I thought Damn its cold then almost instantaneously started shivering uncontrollably, but it wasn't just my teeth chattering my whole body from head to toe was shaking, my whole body then begun what I can only describe as cramping, tensing or spasming and I couldn't controll it what so ever, still shivering all over. I was so scared and I could only just get a slight yell out to call for my moms help but she was fast asleep and I was behind a locked door. Luckily my sister just heard my distressed call and encouraged me to unlock the door, it was extremely hard to walk as I was still tensing, shaking and spasming trying to get to the door. My sister grabbed more blankets and tucked me in and rubbed my back for a few minutes which calmed me down and warmed me up, I was breathing deeply for a few minutes after and then fell into a deep slumber. Overall this lasted about 6-7 minutes and my back is very sore now, I'm just glad it's over and im not the only one!

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  • BlindEye

    I have had these violent shivering cases once, it was one I had been fairly ill, like with a really bad cold, and it was near 1-2 A.M (I hadn't paid attention to the clock) and I had woken up shaking EXTREMELY bad, I felt like I was naked in the middle of Antartica in the middle of winter. It was as well extremely painful. I did eventually fall asleep though, but I had continued shiving until I fell asleep, wasn't a fun thing to do, but afterwards when I woke up I just felt as bad as I did the day before, sick as normal. This is the only time I have had violent shivering, so it can be linked to sickness I think.

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  • jenshadus

    I'm a little more like Ion1. I have Lyme and it took a while for someone to diagnose it. It's a weird disease that's hard to figure out because docs find everything wrong with it except the cause. It took 9 doctors and a year to find out what I didn't have. I finally walked into one docs office who took one look at me and told me what I had after I gave him a list of my symptoms and a copy of all my previous lab results. I'm steady now, went through a lot of antibiotics and herbal medicines and starting to exercise again (huzzah!). I was very active, and am trying to get very active again. Unfortunately it's also the middle of the winter and can't stand the cold or the heat any more. For the first time I felt my core temperature go down so much so that no matter how much the heating blanket, heater, and blankets I had I couldn't get warm, and the shivering left me unbelievably sore then next day. I did finally warm up around 4 in the morning. The same thing happen the next night starting at 9:30. I pre-empted this by eating a carb dinner, taking a very warm bath (no not 130 degrees) and staying as warm as possible at the beginning of the night). I slept well until I got too warm about 4 in the morning again. I woke up well enough to be able to walk my dog for a mile this morning, and may go out again later. If I have another attack I will go to my doctor and take Ion1's list to my Doc and see what he things. I refuse to go to the emergency room. They are nothing more than idiots who give you tests to make money with doctors who have no idea what they are doing and nurses who threaten you if you want to leave. I did take my blood pressure this morning and it was unusually high. I normally have a pretty low blood pressure. I also drink 64 oz of water a day and two cups of green/ginseng tea a day. I'm gluten free, and I rarely eat red meat. I'm actually a disgustingly healthy person who loves the adventure of life. So what will today teach me? Smile y'all


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  • Homeslice

    I just woke up from these violent shivers my body is sore and I'm really scared, is this normal ?

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  • cinap

    I am so glad I found this, I used to think I was finally crazy on top all I am going through. Before, the shivering, fluttering and chattering used to be in the middle of the night now ut comes during the day. Along with stomach upset and frequent urination. The doctors said it was GAD, PTSD or Panic attacks, but nothing was working. I just had a life changing accident but this attack didn't come until two years.
    I don't know if everybody here is suffering from the same symptoms or disorder but I do believe in the power of the human mind.
    I was determined to overcome this monster. Though not completely but it reduced the length of the attacks and make it less scary or strange.
    First: I accepted it. I stopped fighting it, but not allowing it total control.
    * I breathe through the mouth to regulate the heart rate
    * I get thirsty and sip water slowly
    * I take paracetamol to calm me.
    * then some slow music, bright light
    *if it's day time, time to go out and breathe in fresh air. Deep long breaths.
    * this time I can now tell myself nothing is wrong with me. Now I fight it
    * if a sunny day, I stay in the sun a while it takes the chills away.
    *eating helps sometimes, just a little.

    You can think of some other ways that work. Use your mind it's a very powerful tool.
    * You can drop the paracetamol after some time.
    *Whenever you can drink lots of water

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    • Suzysapphire25

      I honestly believe this is a dehydration issue!! Best of luck!

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  • superqwerty99

    also I think I was laying on my left arm cause when I woke up at 5 it was sore to bend my elbow. I guess this doesn't matter but I woke up from a dream where someone taking the temperature of something on my left side perhaps my left pinky toe and it was freezing maybe 40 degrees.
    Anybody else remember what they were dreaming?

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  • superqwerty99

    I turn 15 in just a few days and this has just happened to me for the first time. I've come down with a cold that my sister caught elsewhere. Last night I went to sleep about 2 in the morning and at 5 am I woke up freezing. I got up to use the restroom, get a drink and put on an extra layer, about ten minutes. I can't remember exactly but I might have had a slight fever. While I was up I had violent muscle spasms, but I was still able to hold a cup of water. I found that holding my breath caused the spasms to discontinue but I can't hold my breath forever :D. My teeth also chattered violently until I lied back down. But the spams continued for a few more minutes. I put the blanket over my head to be warmer but it also helped the spasms to stop by making breathing heavy. My hands were still freezing though; I should have put gloves on. I have asthma also so my breathing was loud, but I fell asleep within thirty minutes and slept till 9. I woke up with a headache and I feel sore. I find these episodes intriguing but I hope it doesn't happen again.

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    • Suzysapphire25

      due to my experiences with these episodes, I believe this is a dehydration issue!

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  • Slim76

    Wow! I though I was the only one out there having this unknown "episode". I almost consider mine a kind of seizure... I have had 4 episodes this year 2014. My last episode was Dec. 11th. I always have these at night. I fell asleep, and woke up feeling extremely cold and shivering like a leaf in bed! Very much feels like the flu hitting me Hard and fast but It's not the flu! Next I start to realize that it's back! The shaking of my entire body to the point where my whole body is tensed up and I'm in the shower trying to warm up, but we all know that will never happen... This time my wife watched me throughout the whole episode. I began having problems breathing and my chest started to tighten up (this may have been from some anxiety going along with the episode, as this was a very extreme episode!) I was off balance walking from my bathroom back to my bedroom and thought I would fall and hurt myself when walking. I actually thought I was going to pass out and I was asking my wife to call an ambulance! This was a rough one! Total time of the shaking episode lasted 31 minutes... When It was over, I was extremely Nauseous and dizzy. I began projectile vomiting right after the shaking stopped. Then I was so dizzy and my entire body was sore and fatigued. I felt like I was hit by a train! The following 3 days I felt so fatigued and out of breath from this episode, almost like I had just fought a virus? then I broke out with a cold sore (this tells me something must be viral here) and each day my thoughts were clouded and I felt kind of loopy (dizzy and disoriented). But overall I did not feel sick. I know this is something really weird. My Doctor automatically goes to Anxiety attacks, and I just don't feel that is what it is... I mean why in the world am I Freezing cold Shivering in Bed at 3AM teeth chattering like crazy, whole body jumping almost convulsing???? I have had panic attacks in the past and I can tell you they were nothing like what I'm describing here.
    Short Version of my Symptoms:
    At night (always after I fall asleep) wake up to Shivering/Freezing Core type feeling/ Teeth chattering/Teeth Clenching/ Muscle Spasam's/ Dizziness/Nauseous/Difficulty breathing/and Over the next 4 days Fatigued..... I wish I only knew how to avoid this. I typically have an "episode" every 3 months.

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    • Suzysapphire25

      What you're describing is exactly what has been happening to me!! and you're right, it's definitely not anxiety!! From what I have found out, I think it is dehydration issue and it could be triggered by gluten. At least that's what I have found with me! Feel free to email me if you have any questions! [email protected]

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  • LBonLINY

    Hi everyone, I had this same problem frequently for the longest time. But, I believe I've solved it, or at least I hope so, because it hasn't happened since I found the right treatment for my sleep apnea, which has now been at least 8-9 mos. now.

    My current theory is that during the very brief periods when my brain would start to drop into REM sleep the lack of oxygen would cause dysregulation in my autonomic nervous system, triggering an abnormal drop in body temperature & and I'd wake up uncontrollably shivering. I remember almost always being in the middle of a dream when it happened, so I did some research the effects of on sleep apnea on body temperature & that's what I found.

    Anyway, as I said, I tried a CPAP machine, but I have a small head, neck and face, so it didn't really work for me, however the oral appliance I'm using has been working fine & I haven't had one of these episodes during sleep since I started using it. Hope that helps.

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  • potatobite

    It happened to me too, about a year ago. The doctor diagnosed it as malaria. After taking the medication for a week, I was completely fine! Have you done a blood test for malaria? If not, consult a doctor and do a blood test for malaria.

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  • moondrake

    This has happened to me twice. The last time was on Friday night, I went to bed at 1am after a long day of playing a complex board game with my friends. I was a little chilled, got under the electric blanket set for 1, and tried to fall asleep. After a few minutes, the violent shivering and teeth chattering started. I didn't feel cold, but turned the electric blanket up to 7. I could not stop shaking, after an hour I got up to use the bathroom and get a drink of water and could hardly walk for the shivering. Crawled back in bed and continued to shiver till 4:30am when it finally subsided. The next day I was exhausted, a little nauseous. I am under some stress right now, but most of what's going on is positive. Plus, the first time this happened this August I was on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean! I'd spent the day on beautiful and sunny Greek Santorini and the evening relaxing on the deck. But when I went to bed this shaking started and lasted most of the night. I went to the ship's clinic as soon as it opened and my temperature, blood pressure and pulse were somewhat elevated. The doctor offered no diagnosis but gave me flu meds (because flu is so often a problem on cruises) and advised a day of bed rest, so I missed out on one of my ports. But I have trouble crediting the diagnosis of a panic attack on the evening of such a pleasant and carefree day! I don't drink alcohol or use any drugs other than ibuprofen. On the cruise ship I'd eaten a heavy meal and gone to bed within a couple of hours. On Friday I ate a couple of pieces of pizza at 6pm, 7 hours before going to bed and had munched on a few chips in the hours afterward. No caffeine after lunch on either day. The days preceding the two episodes were so different I can't see a connecting cause.

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  • tajoseph

    I started shacking uncontrollably after about a half hour of falling in a deep sleep. It sometimes feel like a seizure. I thuoght it was because of kidney stones I would have, or after taking asprin, or eating wheat. I think I tried to stop everything under the sun. These episodes appear to follow patterns of intestinal bloating or if I have been eating more than I would like. I first thought I was cold, then I thought I had a food allergy, and so on. These episodes started when I was 35 years old, and I am 57 now. I am in good physical condition and am not over weight. They came sometimes once a month. It appears also that a bowl movement either settled the shaking or it was a result of the intense intestinal shivering along with teeth chattering. Still to this day, no doctor has been able to explain why these happen. I do believe it is related to my intestines one way or another. It also appears it is related to my metabolism. I found so far, that if I eat very light, and stay under a certain weight, they happen much less.

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    • Suzysapphire25

      Did you ever stop eating all gluten? Please email me at [email protected]

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  • ScottishGirl

    Just want to add my voice here. I've been suffering from this wierd condition on-and off since going through months of drug abuse smoking synthetic cannabinoids. I'm now clean and recovering, but it still happens occasionally.

    In the vast majority of cases, it goes away as soon as i sit down and focus on my breathing. less than two minutes. It's not really an issue for me, more of an interesting experience., but i thought it worth mentioning.

    Today it happened upon waking from a little 1-hour nap.

    I eat an extremely healthy and balanced diet of meat, wholegrains, vegetables, olive oil, etc. i exercise frequently and am in general, an extremely healthy person.

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  • blackulous

    Omg night probably 2 times every other month I either have it happen right after i wake up and us restroom during the night and im getting back in bed then i feel super cold all of a sudden or i wake up from a deep sleep under covers feeling like im freezing but im not and my whole body shaking out of control like a seizure and teeth chattering to where I can barely talk or catch my breath cause every twitch makes my body tense up more in more to where it feels a lil hard to breath if I panic.bury husband awakes and bear hugs me til my body relax and I fall asleep from exhaustion of it all..some one please shed some light on this

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    • Suzysapphire25

      I suffer with the same issue and I believe it as related to dehydration! Feel free to email me to discuss further [email protected]

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  • xmvince

    Happened again to me.. Glad I posted on this blog the first time as I was able to see when it happened last (1 year and 5 months ago). If it only happens once or so a year, I won't be too nervous, but still, it doesn't seem normal..

    Best thing to do is lie on your back or side (whichever's more comfortable) and to try and fall asleep. Once u start to drift away into sleep, your muscles will relax and it should stop.

    No idea what could be causing it, as I am a healthy guy who exercises but I will be mentioning it to my doctor at my next physical.

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  • Nelson1

    My boyfriend has the same problem. His episodes have only happened twice an they both started around 8 am. He shakes uncontrollably, is freezing (has two thick blankets over him, face is hot, chatters his teeth, his whole body achs an muscles feel tight to the point he can't move. He shakes so much it wakes me up an he can't even really talk to me.
    I decided to look online an came across these post an a few said anxiety attacks, so I got him his prescribed xanex. The episode stopped instantly as xanex works instantly . He fell back asleep within a minute of taking it. Hopefully this helps the rest of you !

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    • Suzysapphire25

      I have these episodes frequently and I have also had a panic attack and I can tell you it is not an anxiety attack. Xanax only knocks you out and that's why the symptoms stop. It's a Band-Aid for the real problem and while I don't have an answer as to what the cause is, I do believe it has to do with dehydration and gluten in many cases.

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  • Inukjuaker

    I got my husband to read these comments too, and he asked if we have all had our tonsils out, as he keeps seeing thyroid. Started thinking that it is connected somehow as I had my tonsils out when I was 10 yrs old... What about you?, want to see if there is a pattern here.

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    • Spiralfirefly

      Yes. I had my tonsils out in the 3rd grade. Could you tell me how that relates to my thyroid and the shiver attacks?

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  • Inukjuaker

    I am so glad I found this..., I thought that I was alone . Now I am wondering what year these comments were from and if you guys have gotten back to normal again??...

    The first episode of mine was in December, then in January then in February 2 weeks ago and then this week every night at around 1:10am I have been waking up ok but then a minute or so I start to feel cold and then shivers uncontrollably for maybe 10-15 minutes or so, cold sweats too and feels like a cool heart burn. Been really thinking what could be wrong with me that I might be causing myself more anxiety by doing some research on my own as well because when I went to the clsc, I was told that it could just be hormones... Might be low blood pressure too. Have you gone for physical?, anyone?

    I am not sure if some one could answer or not but would be nice...

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  • Ikaika808

    I just had that happen to me tonight..I noticed one thing, It only happens when it's quiet and I start to think about my job,worries,problems. Mainly just stressful things.i notice my breathing starts to get heavier and I start shaking as if I was freezing..and my skin become somewhat numb..this has happened to me in the past..went to the doctor and they said I had an anxiety attack..the last time It happened to me I couldn't move at hands and feet locked up as if I had a seizure..the doctor said it was just a anxiety attack...I've tried to learn how to prevent it from happening so far what I've been doing worked...every night before I go to bed I put on some music to keep myself from thinking to much..and I stay away from any energy drinks, coffee and soda pops...Tonight I was laying in bed watching that movie 2012 and I was thinking about how crazy that would be if that's what's really gonna happen to the world and before I knew it I started shaking and breathing hard as if I was cold...i think it a anxiety because comes to think about it when you change your thoughts and just relax and breath it goes away...and by reading a lot of the stuff everyone wrote on this website it all happens at around the same time..between 3am to 5am I think that's when people are in there deepest sleep and there minds are just thinking of all kinds of stuff weather it's things that happened in the past or bad dreams that they don't remember...when I get anxiety I try to move around and keep busy..change my thinking and always think positive stuff,hang with friends,kid,spouse....and so far it works fine...I don't think everyone has anything to worry about..just find out what triggers it and find out what works to make it stop..I know I may sound crazy but I'm just sharing my encounters with this anxiety and extreme shivers...and what I've taught myself to do to make it stop....I really hope this helps people because it is scary..this happened to me over ten times already...I'm only 24 years old..I became really observant when it happened and wrote down everything I did to make it stop and what triggered please trust me try it it works...hope this information helps god bless!!!!!

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  • MaxIrl

    Omg I'm so happy I'm not alone. I get this all the time. It wakes me up, but sometimes I also get this during the day. I do not drink a lot of coffee (usually only a cup a day) but I also feel really cold even though its actually really hot. I don't think i'm dick because I have had it for years.

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  • derronjrdaley

    This Just Happened To Me, I was Shaking Really Bad so i had thought i was just cold so i closed all my windows, however this did not work, So i did what my grandma would do
    Fix me a cup of tea however i was nervous so it may be that which caused a panic attack
    After Sipping the tea(chocolate) i felt fine witth no shivers, I will come and update

    It Started at 3:20 ish and ended 4:13 ish, I think i felt more of a nervous feeling , one that i have felt before when something bad happens

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  • FreezinginNC

    I have the same thing happen to me periodically. It normally happens after i have fallen asleep. I wake up so cold, and violently shaking, i feel hot but don't know if i have a temp, I am so cold that every muscle is tense, teeth clenched, just to move from the spot i wake up in is impossible, because i am so tensed up. The next day i feel like a truck run me over. I am weak during these attacks. I also do not like my head under the covers but i have to do this in order to stay warm. I had two this week, and the one i had last night included acid re-flux, or at least i hope that it was. it could of been my heart. but i don't know. i couldn't reach for the phone and I am so weak and shaking I really want to get to the hospital when it's happening, so the docs can see what is happening. I know it's been a while since anyone has come to this site, but if you do and had a doctor treat you i would appreciate any information you have, thanks so much


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  • cc4jc02

    I've had this problem periodically since I was a child... the first time I remember it happening I was about 8 years old I think. Im now almost 30 and have learned a few things about the episodes. I've learned that if Im going to have one of these attacks I will begin feeling a little sick before going to bed. Generally I will think Im going to throw up and will go to bed early. However I've learned recently that if I go to bed and focus on relaxing every muscle in my body it will keep the "waking up shaking thing" from happening. Like several others have said... if I do have an episode where I wake up with the shaking the only way to stop it is focusing on relaxing my muscles. Typical response when you are shivering and want to stop is to tense up... this just makes the shaking worse in this case though. If the shaking continues and I dont remember to relax I beging feeling naseaous and will get really bad diareah... I assume because the muscles in my intestines are contracting too much. Luckily I have learned to notice when this is going to happen and have been able to control it before I go to sleep.

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  • jen2le

    ok folks, please have an open mind. I have experienced the same as you are describing...for the last 5 years or so, about an episode a year, maybe 2. I'm very spiritual, so besides researching physical cause, I also researched spiritual cause. What I discovered has convinced me...and having studied the subject for numerous years. If it rings true for you...research it yourself.

    Uncontrollable shivering is a classic symptom of Ascension.

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    • TarlCabbot

      Horse crap.

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    • MysticWinds001

      Thank You jen2le, I for one am happy to agree with you in some circumstances. It helps one face the issue with a better focus, and perhaps trimming the severity of the attacks. I could not for myself be sure if that was the case for me though, after my first two episodes, I was bed ridden the next day from the muscle pain, craving milk and ice cream and a bout of temporary tremophobia lol. I slept all day and made constant use of a heating pad. I think the heating pad is a great tool, it was for me, to prevent another onset, or shorten the existing one, along with repeating long deep slow breaths.

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    • Inukjuaker

      So did it stop.

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  • Kelvinsb16

    I don't know If you guys will respond but I'm 21 male I've suffered from what I was told is Anxiety an panic for 4 years but I've never woke up shivering an scared feeling like throwing up like I did today it was really scary my body was trembling an I started googling until I came upon this I felt a bit better i wish there was a way for all this panic to go away its annoying

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  • xmvince

    Happened to me for the first time last night right as I was taking my clothes off getting into bed around midnight. I am 23 years old and never had any major health issues. Uncontrollable shivering for what seemed like 20-30 minutes. At first I just went with it and tensed up trying to fight it but after 15 minutes of this I started getting nervous as it seemed to be getting more intense. I turned on all the space heaters and wrapped myself up in blankets and cuddled with my thankfully warm kitten. I started breathing slowly, taking deep breaths and eventually went away. At about 3am I woke up COVERED in sweat. Went back to sleep, woke up at 8 to get ready for work and felt perfectly fine.

    The only differences in my day yesteday were that I waited until about 10pm to eat dinner (normally eat around 6 or 7) and I was really high when I got into bed. Normally I don't smoke so close to bedtime but my friend was hanging out and convinced me to right before he left..

    I never drink alcohol nor smoke cigarettes, only maryjane once or twice a day after work to calm the nerves. I talked to my mom and she said thyroid problems run in the family so I may get that checked out. Hope you guys and girls are all doing ok! Really hope this isn't something that's life threatening.

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  • Pineanana

    I highly doubt that it is just caused by the materials you intake from everyday use. I am a healthy, ninteen year old caucasian female with no allergies as of now. I rarely ever go to the doctor's but have recently as I started having these violent shivers. I only have them at night, there is no pattern to what days they will happen. When they happen, I feel slightly nauseous and feel extremely weak, and they persist for an hour to several hours. My teeth chatter and I have mild muscle spasms; the first night they had happened to me, I was afraid I was having seizures. The only way I can find relief is by curling up in a ball, laying mostly on my stomach, try to relax, and wait until they go away. I believe they may be partially stress-induced as they only seem to happen when I am under serious stress.

    Perhaps it is a problem with my thyroid as hypothyroidism runs in my family, but I was very recently checked for that and all my levels came back perfectly fine except for my b2, which I take supplements for. I wish everyone can find out what is happening with them, my grandmother told me that people shiver when they need something so perhaps it is dehydration, hunger, stress, or a deficiency.

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    • L.M.

      I might be too late but please look into MSG (monosodium glutamate) allergy symptoms! This could be the cause!

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    • Squidtank

      I had similar issues, plagued me for years, turned out to be multivitamins.

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  • ashlynn97

    this happened to me for the first time, just last night. i woke up at 2 something in the morning, and felt cold. i went to use the washroom and get a drink of water. as i walked back to my room, my teeth started chattering REALLY loudly, and i was so cold. i went back into bed and was still very cold, so i layered two big blankets over myself. i even put my head under. then i fell half-asleep, but even with the two big blankets, i still felt shivery, yet i was sweating. i started shaking SO violently, and i was half-asleep, half-awake- and dreaming. as i shook, i dreamt that i wasnt the only person there, that it was a club and we were all shaking.... i cant describe it, im sure you all know how dreams are weird and you cant describe them. i was still half-awake, and shaking so hard, and i tried to stop, but i couldnt help it. i had the worst sleep ever. i woke up in the morning at 6 am, which is weird because i sleep in late. now i think i might have a fever. in the moring i woke up with a cold sweat.

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  • mcjvox

    Lord, pls help all of us here who's suffering from Anxiety/Panic Attack.Forgive give our sins and thank you lord for making us stronger everyday! Open our mind AND HEART to you Oh LORD! We truly love you!

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  • mcjvox

    I've been having this (Anxiety/Panic Attack) Thanks guys for sharing. All I can say is that, its all in our head. Fight it! Just stay calm, warm yourself up, drink hot tea w no caffeine, stay away from caffeine, breath, stay away from any high stimulant food and most of all PRAY!

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    • Suzysapphire25


      Good grief... this is most likely due to dehydration, thyroid issues or food/chemical reactions. This is SO much more than just anxiety. Even though anxiety is also one of the symptoms.

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  • up-late

    I get the extreme cold, waking up shaking so violently it was actually painful and a few minutes later drenched (and I mean sheet, pillows and underblanket changing drenched). Last doc said "panic attacks", now I know what I was dreaming about at the time, I was hardly having nightmares and I've never woken from a nightmare sweating. New doc and a work up later and turns out I have POTS which can cause chills, it got worse after a recent operation so more blood tests where he found my eostrogen had dropped in response to surgery causing the sweats and shivering to get worse. I have also had these symptoms with infection so it's worth getting checked out.

    I tried lots of things all of which worked to some extent, (obviously antibiotics for infection) panadol - I sometimes get a low grade fever with it, or ditropan - reduces sweating, or sleeping tablet - I sleep through it, and electric blanket - I can't warm myself otherwise, I never drink alcohol - it does it to me every single time.

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  • Willyeye

    Last night, around 10:00PM, I was laying in bed with my wife just watching TV. I was very relaxed and had no stress or anxiety. Aside from working pretty hard yesterday all day long, I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. We had inadvertently left our bedroom light on, and my wife asked me to get up and turn off the light. As I got out of bed and walked to the light switch, I suddenly began to shiver uncontrollably, even though I didn't feel particularly cold. I got back in bed and rolled myself up in my blanket. It was really strange, because my natural instinct told me that I was freezing my butt off, yet being in the toasty bed did nothing to stop the shivering. For about 10 minutes, I actually thought my teeth might break. I felt as if I was cold, but I know it wasn't cold in my room. It really started to scare the crap out of me, and then it just seemed to gradually diminish until it was gone. It appears I have no other ill effects from having experienced this last night. I sure do hope this was the one and only time I get this. I feel for everyone who has written about this occurrence. It was definitely one of the worst experiences of my life!

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  • aries44

    I am a 68 year old female who occasionally suffers from this violet night shivering. I have tried to listen to my body over the years that it's been happening. I do believe that alcohol after a certain time in the evening and eating too late before bed seems to set off my symptoms. Dehydration is a definite. If I hydrate myself all through the day, it really helps. I would also throw anxiety in there too. Other times, I wake up very calm for no reason and know that something is about to happen. Very soon my heartbeat goes haywire and just about jumps out of my chest. I get up and try to breathe deep and slow, have a cup of hot tea with sugar and walk around the house. It can be terrifying since I live alone. You'll never believe this, but eventually I pass a lot of gas and then everything relaxes and calms. So......I would attribute most of these episodes to gastric disturbances and diet. Like one of the other members, I take a small dose of Ativan and that helps me to rest and get back to sleep. Oh and I might add that I have had my heart checked in every way. No attacks or other diagnoses. My advice? healthy, limit fat and alcohol, stay hydrated, and work on your stress. Best of all...breathe deeply often during the day.

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    • TarlCabbot

      I'm 65, but in great shape, a body any chip and dale guy would love to have. I have had these "getting cold all of a sudden" happenings for years. They rarely occur but when they do its frightening. I live in a cabin in Montana, off the grid, and went out last night just for a few seconds to turn off the generator. A blast of cold air hit me and I barely made it back inside. I then had to stand right next to my woodstove and get warm. It was so bad I couldn't move more than a few feet from the stove without getting so cold I actually thought I would die. I finally got warm enough to run to my bed and get under the covers, but I had to wrap them all around me to keep any cold air from creeping in. I took me hours of restless sleep to get warm. This happened to me back when I was in my thirty's and was taking no meds whatsoever. Last night I was on some pain medication so I suspected that, but when I think back to those times when I wasn't on any medication at all, it makes no sense. I had one last yr. when it wasn't that cold at all. Its as if I was experiencing hypothermia big time. I was a paramedic and have some medical knowledge but I can think of nothing because it's been happening on and off for decades. I have always had anxiety attacks and am now being treated with Klonopin. I do know this, when it happens, you just can't seem to get warm no matter what. In fact, like I said, I had to run to get to the covers and the bed, only a few yards away, but I wasn't sure I'd make it. What in hell could cause this?

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  • gotogirl118

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one!This has only happened to me twice. About a year ago on a random night I got these weird uncontrollable shivers, very scary and intense. About a week or two after that I was put on anxiety medicine(not because of the shaking). It went away for awhile but last night the same exact thing happened.Yesterday all day long I felt pains in my joints and muscles like I was getting the flu and this morning after this attack I felt very weak and shaky throughout the day. This has happened both with and without the medicine and I don't know why.

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  • Microwave000

    So glad i found somebody else with this problem; it literally happened fifteen minutes ago, at about 2:55am. I was trying to sleep but i was having bad abdominal pains followed by nausea, and i had a really strange feeling when i was breathing. I would feel sick, my guts would rumble and hurt, and then when I inhaled it would feel like the breath went all the way to my feet, not just my lungs. I got up to go to the toilet (i sometimes just go sit in there when i'm in pain) and after five minutes the pain in my gut stopped and the shivering started. It was so violent that i almost couldn't sit on the toilet (funny, i know). It wasn't like the shivers you have when you're cold, because i a. Wasn't cold, and b. It felt like it came from inside my chest and guts, not on the surface. It went on for five or six minutes, and now i have a headache, i feel incredibly cold, my nose is running and i ache from head to foot. Im wondering if it was some kind of seizure, i've never had a seizure before and neither am i epileptic.

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  • jeverek

    Ive been searching online pretty much everyone in the world goes through what i do.. has anyone gotten an answer by a doctor? Ive been trying to ask my doctor but i really havent had time off from work so i try to live around. But like in the middle of the night i wake up shivering,with the feeling of throwing up but yet i dont and my stomach sometimes hurt. But useually i get up walk around the house or i go out to the yard and take a few slow deep breaths. Theres times where it lasts a min to maybe 5 mins shivering and what not. Tgeres time also where i feel like i cant breath well.. but i need ti see a doc asap but i need that time to do so cause imt starting to get annoyed and a lil afraid of it. If anyone finds out why this happens please reply.. thanks.

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  • its_lissy

    I have been experiencing on and off for months. I shiver so violently that i can not even hold a glass of water. My jaw aches from chattering teeth, and i swear i can feel my organs tense up. Yesterday i went to the emergency room and it was discovered that i have a severe kidney infection. My mom said the same thing happpens to her with a uti. Perhaps its related to the infection.

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  • 36monsters

    I am so glad to have found this page! I'm also glad to know I'm not the only person having these night time hypothermia. At least once a week I wake up at night and have this problem. Usually what happens is I'll get up to use the bathroom and while washing my hands I'll suddenly get a severe attack of the chills...almost violently! I can crawl back into bed where I'll shake uncontrollably for about 5-10 minutes. I'll turn my electric blanket onto high and that will usually get me back to sleep again but then I wake up the next morning absolutely soaked in sweat. This is a year round situation and I live in LA which means I'm getting these attacks even when it's 90 degrees in the summer!
    I am currently on medication for bi-polar and have ptsd from the Navy...which makes me wonder if the diagnoses from other sufferers that it might be anxiety related is right. Hmm...
    I'm 35 years old, a female and at 19% body fat so I'm not out of shape or have any physical issues so I'm assuming this is mental...
    I do also experience night terrors and wake up an average of once a night and have difficulty recognizing where I am for a few minutes. Are these two possibly related? However, the waking up night terrors and the shivering do NOT happen at the same time.
    Any thoughts?

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  • FisherGirl77

    This same thing happened to me tonight. I woke up with a slight chill, then just started shivering uncontrollably, but wasn't cold. I was in bed with 3 thick blankets around me trying to make it stop. It seemed that i could only make it stop if i tried completely taking my mind off of it or tried to calm myself. Which was very hard because my body ached so bad. I eventually fell asleep, but i woke again about an hour later and felt like i was going to throw up and my skin was so hot to the touch. I ended up getting a hand towel and ran cool water on it and put it to my face to cool it down. Then i went outside because the air was slightly cool and it definitely helped. Then i got one here because i was kinda of scared, its never happened to me before and i had no idea what it could be. I read a comment farther up that said maybe dehydration? That could be it because Ive been in the sun a lot the past week and maybe i was dehydrated and didn't know it. And I was just wondering if this only happens to wake people in their sleep or what? I hope this doesn't happen again to me because my body is just hurting so bad from it. And i am sorry for everyone else who has to suffer through this with no real answers about what it could be from.

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    • L.M.

      Please look into MSG (monosodium glutamate) allergy/sensitivity. This could be the cause.

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  • dartmouth

    This happened to me for the first time last night. I woke up about 2 in the morning shivering uncontrollably, but I didn't feel in the least bit cold, the room wasn't cold, I wias well covered by a warm duvet, etc. It lasted about 5-6 minutes and I think I actually fell back to sleep before it ended.

    I was very thirsty with it as well, though that may not be connected since I have a tendency to sleep with my mouth open which can dry your mouth anyway.

    The only thing I can think of is that I was out last night and had quite a bit to drink. Having said that, I certainly have been more drunk than that before and I've been drinking alcohol for 15 years now and this has never happened before.

    I did used to get panic attacks in the past that usually happened at night before I went to sleep, but I haven't had one in a few years. I'm not on any medication. Also, I tend to have "stress-related" symptoms in general. I have irritable bowel syndrome, I get back pain and I grind/clench my teeth in my sleep. So I'm guessing this is another stress related symptom, though I've not encountered any specific stressful events recently.

    I think right now I'm not overly worried about it, but will have to wait and see if it happens again.

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  • Kmc123

    Ok I have something to add to this. This may sound bad but I only get these shivering attacks when I am drunk. I know the most logical fix for my problem is to stop drinking. But I'm really more worried about why it happens when I'm drunk. I never had an episode before I started drinking and as a matter of fact the first time it happened was the first time I got drunk. It doesn't happen every time and I don't drink that often so it's only happened to me maybe 5 times in the past 3 years. But last night was the worst it's ever been. I was shivering violently for nearly 3 hours straight, I couldn't sleep I was shaking so bad. This morning when I woke up my whole body was stiff and sore from shaking so much and so long all night. I feel like it might be anxiety or panic attacks because it typically happens after I have been upset during the day. For me I might be a physical reaction to an emotional issue. This is just my thoughts, it's why I started looking for answers because I feel like I have some emotional problems.

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    • aries44

      Dehydration....Alcohol is the worst diuretic. We need to learn to drink water in between drinks. Just a suggestion.

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    • mickey4jc

      Drinking leads to dehydration. I've got the shakes too and if I drink a ton of water and gatorade, I have a better chance of caming down.

      Or your anxiety leads to drinking which leads to these attacks. Would see a therapist asap if you're drinking in response to emotional issues, that could get bad really fast.

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  • ashleyGjordyn

    its been happening to me too the last week.
    it comes when i wake up and reoccurs as the dy goes on.
    its physically painful, i cant control it and my teeth chatter so bad i put a cloth over it!
    ugh any help? it hurts my spine.,

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  • wagners11

    Same here...its been happening this past month...wake hot feeling usually from a "wierd dream" but not a full blown nightmare and then feel strange and shiver or shake with elevated heart rate . Shake or shiver seems to originate in abdomenand then arms. Ive been diagnosed with Generalized anziety disorder so I have the feeling that it is intertwined with the host of other horrific symptoms associated with anxiety which have mostly started for me just this past year...uuugh

    I usually take a tiny dose of ativan and it calms me ...

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  • phantasma26

    To the person who posted the original comment did you ever find out what the problem is. I to have been having the same problem since I was 19. I am 27 now and it's still happening. i use to have very bad nitemares almost every day before this, but now I don't get them as often if any. For years I was trying to find someone with the same problem. Now all of a sudden I type in "wake up shivering" in google and I came to this site. I tried asking my doctor but she kind of looked at me strange. Any suggestions?

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    • tbc111

      I experienced this around 1:30am or so. Woke up my wife and asked her to check if I had a fever and she said no. LIke what phantasma26 said, I too would like to hear from the original person who posted this to post an update. Thanks!

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  • BekaStrange

    This happened to me last night, I'm so glad I'm not alone, though I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I was lying in bed, thinking I was a bit cold, when I start shaking uncontrollably. I wasn't that cold - it was maybe 20 degrees (C), but I felt colder than I've ever been in my life. I was shuddering so hard I could barely move, my teeth were chattering, my muscles were contracting, my hands were going numb. I thought I might die if I didn't get blankets, but getting out of bed was very hard, like willingly jumping into a frozen lake, and also physically difficult, like I weighed twice as much as normal. I staggered to the linen cupboard, almost doubled over, grabbed all the blankets I could and went back to bed. I knew I wasn't physically cold, so I tried to relax, and finally started to warm up, then went to sleep. I woke up later absolutely soaked in sweat (I had 6 or 8 blankets on me), and after that I couldn't sleep much, had lots of bad dreams and broken sleep. Today I'm physically sore, I feel like I've got the flu, vague nausea, dizziness, wooziness etc. Before I went to bed last night I had one of those brief violent shakes, like when people say a goose walked over their grave, but I didn't think anything of it.

    I've been weaning myself off an antidepressant, and I've had very mild panic attacks before, but nothing like this. I really hope it won't happen again, but if it does I'd definitely consider calling an ambulance, it was awful.

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    • kiki_hawaii

      your situation , from information I gathered from your summary, had me believing you could possibly be suffering from withdrawal symptoms from being taken off of the medication. sometimes taking yourself off of the medication too fast or your body really is used to it and even weaning yourself off you can still feel withdrawal symptoms which sometimes happen to include shivering shaking sweating things of that nature. but also with you having anxiety I can also just be a symptom of your anxiety attack like I was told mine was when I had this happen but I am fortunately think there's something deep down causing this not just anxiety or maybe inviting just comes from the shivering and shaking making you nervous that actually turns into you becoming inches which actually makes it worse . that's how I felt the shaking and shivering came on and then I became very anxious which made it worse intensified the symptoms. from reading and researching on this subject I found that this can happen from fibromialgia also blood diseases or blood infections any bottle e infection such as UTI , for drug users who happened to use IV needles it can be from cotton fever which is when a piece of the car and get into the bloodstream and your body beast please trying to fight it out of your bloodstream so you come down with a fever like symptoms, and it also can be caused by a tumor in the brain which also can cause anxiety and other mental illnesses and symptoms that go alongside with it. I think just being a very very cautious and being very very organized with dating when it happens what you were doing before it happens how you feel after it happens will help you determine better maybe what's causing it and also seeing a doctor who experience in his medical field has maybe personally heard of the symptoms and self and dealt with a patient who has the for these symptoms as well. I've come to notice because I myself have anxiety when I go to the doctors with symptoms such as these that is soon as I mentioned that I haven't diety its an automatic ok well okay it seems I ity that's all and I get sent out and that's because if they cannot top of the diagnosis they need to figure something out before discharging you so that's what they like to do . and after all of my studying and researching on this exact send them and the exact problem in reading about personal experiences ranging from ages as an infant all the way to the elderly I've noticed that everybody's symptoms are the same except not everybody several things I ity and not everybody's life style and bodies are the same so there's really something out there that doing that and I feel like the doctors just passing it off is anybody because things I can do crazy things to the body because you're mentally nervous and scared so body react in different ways did you ever have a flu or a temperature when you have the symptoms because only on occasion I have other than that the other two times I've had this happened there was no flu or fever involved I'm starting to think maybe it's all the gluten in the food in the crazy anti biotics and MSG and things be put into our food or maybe environmental things that are making this happen to people I'd be curious to find out where every person who had this happen live and see if there's maybe a coincidence .

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      • Inukjuaker

        Let us all write down everything daily (journal) and see what we were doing and even what we are eating... I want to know what is wrong with me...

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        • zSplity

          Dont know if you are still doing this but i just started my little symptom journal!

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  • moltencw

    This happens to me every so often and I can say I'm 99% sure its GAD. Whenever it starts happening I pick up my guitar and start playing a difficult classical song that takes full concentration and it stops within 30 seconds flat. I used to have 5-10 panic attacks a day but with medication and therapy I have roughly one every other day. Though these bouts of shivering don't feel like a normal attack playing my guitar makes both go away in less than a minute so I really believe it's psychological

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    • aries44

      Congratulations on doing your own therapy. I really believe that nobody can help you except yourself. We all have our demons in some way although never aware of them.

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  • Drysdale

    You know, I've had this attack for years, though usually mild, would start shivering as if I was hypothermic till I got into bed an warmed up, but last night was the worst ever. When I was almost asleep, my joints started to ache, just like i was getting the flu but it came on fast and it hurt.Then I started to get cold ( although when you think about it, it's still not the same as a normal chill ) I started to violently shake, like a seizure, my muscles tensed up, hard to breath, it kept happening in waves. After about a half hour of this I painfully got myself in the bath to warm up. soon as my body started to warm up I started throwing up. Got out of the bath and back into bed and for the rest of the night it was in between sweating and cold.

    This is definitly not panick attacks, cause when I was in the bath I notice my legs were bluish purple a sign of poor circulation, my mother thinks it is either migraine related or raynaud's.

    Has anyone else experienced seizure like shivers and stomache sickness

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  • kfranklin721

    I had my first episode last night. It started by me feeling like had some body ache then I started to feel cold. The violent shivers began and the were bad almost painful and I couldn't get my hands and feet warm, felt weak and my head hurt. i had four blankets and comforter on before I started to get warm. When I woke this morning I was a sweaty mess.
    Now I feel like I partied all night. What a feeling. Anyone figured out what's going on?

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    I had this problem when I was younger (circa 15 years old). I completely ignored it, taking solice in as many warm blankets as I could find. It ultimately went away on its own accord, so I advise just waiting it out. You don't have an anxiety disorder based solely on this symptom. A panic attack may resemble a pattern of bodily arousal, but its defining characteristic is your malappraisal of its significance. Thus, as long as you trivialize this condition, it won't bear and psychological significance.

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