Visual snow

Obviously visual snow is not normal, but I just decided to see if anyone had any luck getting rid of it. I know there isn't a cure but I have hope someday that I'll be able to see clearly again.Is there anyone here with visual snow? If so how severe is it can you still see? My visual snow hasn't bothered me much but after reading about it I have a feeling someday it'll get worse. I can't remember ever seeing clearly in my life i've always seen static not as bad as most but its always been there. What do you think visual snow really is? When you first saw it did you think it was normal or kind of weird?

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38% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I was born with it, in fact my parents remember freaking out when one day as a kid I turned to them and said

    " the static is really strong tonight "

    During the day I'm so used to it i don't really notice it unless I'm brought attention to it like now, at night though it gets pretty bad, not enough to severely limit my vision but it does to an extent

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    • Questionator3000

      Although I want to see clearly, and although I would love to experience what it feels like to see clearly I couldn't possibly imagine a world without static. I've had it so long that I don't even know exactly what the word clear even means. At night I stare at the static so I can fall asleep, and sometimes if I focus on the static long enough it forms a shape. I like my visual snow I just wonder how long it'll take until it really starts getting bad.

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  • I think it is somewhat normal. It does not seem to be a rare occurance. I see static, mostly when it is darker. When it is lighter I see auras and dark is staticy.

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  • didact

    Maybe you have the true reality, and we don't . I mean that sincerely, our eyes are just rods /cones/and more intricate layers of membranes. Hang in there.

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    Had it since I was a kid.
    Didn't know it was abnormal until some time in high school.
    Reality doesn't seem all that real to me sometimes because of it.

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  • Ellenna

    If this is serious, why haven't you seen an eye specialist?

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    • Questionator3000

      An eye specialist? Why would I waste my time on one? There is no cure for visual snow (yet) so the only thing I can do is wait.

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      • Ellenna

        I'm sorry, I should've googled the term first because I'd never heard of it before. I realise now there is now cure and it sounds an extremely limiting condition to have.

        I apologise if I offended you with my ignorance

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        • Questionator3000

          Its ok :)

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  • MissClaire

    Sometimes I get it after vigorous exercise.... the massage therapist says it is to do with my posture (tense in the shoulders)

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