Voices in my head command me.

I was have been diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety disorder. I have this voice in my head that talks to me and tells me what to do. Sometimes it says things like “if you don’t go do this you’ll die” other times it tells me to cut or to kill myself. It tells me I’m worthless and a failure. I also spend a lot of my time talking to myself and the voice in my head. It’s not an external voice, I’m not hearing it, I know it’s in my head. I asked my psychology teacher and she said that may be schizophrenia. I am afraid to ask anyone else because people think I’m crazy. I also don’t have the social skills to even approach anybody. I believe I may have Asperger’s syndrome as well because I have absolutely no social skills whatsoever and people think I’m rude because of it and my girlfriend has pointed out that I have these weird obsessions. Do you have any advice for me?

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Comments ( 26 )
  • President Donald J. Trump

    Please consult a doctor

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  • Leonard_Hatred

    Thats likely a demon speaking to you. When you hear it again just say something like 'Be gone in the name and by the blood of Jesus Christ."

    Try it. It worked for me just the other day with some demon trying to attack me. The evil voice was gone just like that.

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    • Ellenna

      There are no demons and there is no jesus christ

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      • Youdontknowme.

        fuck you ellenna

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      • Fugazi,

        Prove it

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        • Ellenna

          It's impossible to prove a negative: I can't prove there's no santa or easter bunny either. If you believe in jesus and demons you prove their existence

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          • Fugazi,

            How can you state it as a fact if it cant be proven

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            • Ellenna

              I'm not stating it as a fact, there may be a god and a jesus and a santa and an easter bunny but until people who believe in them prove to me that they exist, I have to assume they don't.

              It's up to anyone making the positive statement of existence to produce evidence, not up me to try and prove a negative belief

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          • Jujudog

            there is a santa.. he's been in like loads of movies and stuff.

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  • Blueheeleegrl1234

    There might be something people classify as a 'demon' but you don't need to go read scripture or some crap, I sometimes get it too, mine tells me to starve myself, kill myself or worse, just talk to a doctor. They can help.

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  • username1024

    First off my friend, you are the voices. You can absolutely control it. Though it may be hard. You absolutely have the power to live comfortably with a condition that most people won't understand. The first step is knowing that all voices are coming from the same you that hears them. Which means you can learn, with hard work, faith, blood sweat and tears to combat them. Have you ever heard the old native story of the two wolves that live and fight in the mind? One wolf who feeds off love and the other who feeds off anger. The wolf who wins is the wolf you feed the most.

    If you are truly suffering in this way that you have excellently described, work on feeding the voices that causese happiness and peace. I also encourage you to find a support group who will understand your struggle to feed the loving wolf.

    By the way EVERYONE on this earth has a very hard struggle in which we need a support group to lean on. Getting through our struggles help us find what we were born for. Some people get through their struggles as a young child, some finally walk through their struggles in their last days. The point my friend is to get through them while learning how to live with the pain.

    Blood sweat and tears, faith and love will work! ;)

    One last thing, ellana's reply was exceellent. That is how you combat those thoughts/voices, by talking to them with conviction and rationality!

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    • Fenrirr

      Fuck off, you wouldn't tell a person in a wheel chair to get up and walk would you? Mental disabilities can be just as serious as physical disabilities, and some are INCURABLE. I dare you to go up to my mothers friend who has been suffering with schizoid for nearly all her life and has had many episodes and breaking down due to her mind making her see things that aren't there and hear voices in her head telling her to kill herself and tell her that she can control them.

      When you have a mental disability, it literally means you have a chemical inbalence in your brain which cannot be fucking cured by patting someone on the back and saying what you just said. I'd love to watch you go up to a sociopath off their meds and tell them what you just posted.

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      • Jujudog

        Bang on - this needs to be medically addressed. By all means sit in the forest naked shouting Namaste at the butterflies. But go see the doc straight after, OK?

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  • bucketfullofbuttholes

    Not Asperger's, the lack of social skills is a sign of Schizophrenia as well and may have a strong relation with your anxiety. I'd say you go with a good psychiatrist (not a psychologist, they are pieces of ass) and get some pills for the rest of your life because if you are a Schizo (and you're not faking this to get attention) I'm sorry to tell you that it will never go away, it can just be treated.

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    • Ellenna

      Oh yeah, right, the only thing shrinks can do that psychologists can't is give out pills and more pills and more and more pills and they can also certify you.

      Psychologists come from many different schools of thought: some are fantastic and others are useless. Are you a shrink yourself that you can diagnose someone on the internet to have a lifelong serious mental illness and scare the shit of out OP?

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      • bucketfullofbuttholes

        Did I ever say he had Schizophrenia? I said it was a SIGN, learn to read.

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        • Ellenna

          I can read, but can you think?

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          • bucketfullofbuttholes

            You're a bit retarded, stop repyling to all my answers please.

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  • Ellenna

    Have you tried answering back to the voices, which are of course coming from your own brain and NOT A DEMON? I mean literally arguing with them either in your head or out loud if possible?

    I've done something similar to break my addiction to nicotine, putting my fingers in my ears and singing loudly or just going "blah blah blah, I'm not listening to you" when my addiction told me it would be ok to have "just one smoke".

    Have your counter arguments ready and written down and practise them when the voices aren't tormenting you so you automatically use them when necessary. This is a technique of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and you don't need to get into the hunt for a good shrink or psychologist, let alone the expense which maybe you can't afford, there will be books in your local library or google it.

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