Voices in my head command me.
I was have been diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety disorder. I have this voice in my head that talks to me and tells me what to do. Sometimes it says things like “if you don’t go do this you’ll die” other times it tells me to cut or to kill myself. It tells me I’m worthless and a failure. I also spend a lot of my time talking to myself and the voice in my head. It’s not an external voice, I’m not hearing it, I know it’s in my head. I asked my psychology teacher and she said that may be schizophrenia. I am afraid to ask anyone else because people think I’m crazy. I also don’t have the social skills to even approach anybody. I believe I may have Asperger’s syndrome as well because I have absolutely no social skills whatsoever and people think I’m rude because of it and my girlfriend has pointed out that I have these weird obsessions. Do you have any advice for me?