Waiting till marraige to lose your virginity: worth it or not?
Yes | 294 | |
No | 481 |
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Yes | 294 | |
No | 481 |
I say... make your own choice on this and forget what others tell you to do or not do.
Others shouldn't be deciding what is or isn't good for you in bed.
Believe it or not, sexual incompatibility can ruin a relationship. Do you really want to wait until after marriage to find out that he just can't keep up with you?
anyone who agrees with this is stupid...sex isnt the only thing in a marriage...and if the people truly love each other(as they should before even considering marriage) then it wont matter...only whores and sluts care enough about how good a man/woman is in bed to let it ruin a marriage/relationship
There you go just pull out the slut card as your reply fails. that is so not true, lets just say any girl that cares if the sex is good is a slut thats brilliant! wow just wow.
I notice this is the second anti-sex comment from AnonymousMan. I can now conclude that he is an unattractive (in all ways, not just physically) lonely man who has never spoken to a female
lol bro, way to be judgemental...i only stated my view on the subject nothing more...and im not lonely and ive spoken to many women before, but i dont go for the ones alwatys after sex...i go for ones that want an actual relationship, not just to have sex every night...also, being that you judged me without even knowing me or what i look like i conclude that you have issues of your own and you are trying to push them off on me
sex isnt everything bro...its the people who always want sex who are at fault for the world having too many people in it
This comment is not only ignorant but, judgemental and malicious only a Fucking idiot would truely believe that horrible sex can't ruin a relationship. I take it you're a virgin. So how would you know? Take your bull shit elsewhere.
lol I'm a virgin and proud of it, only a fucking moron would think horrible sex WILL ruin a relationship. Sex isn't everything bro, people think of it more as a need than a want these days. YOU WON'T DIE IF YOU DON'T HAVE SEX, AND I'M LIVING PROOF OF THAT! I'm perfectly fine, and alive, even after being a virgin all my life therefore your statement is null and void, and I've been in some good relationships as well...oh, and did I mention we were both happy without? yeah, I rest my case now
Since there's alot of negativity on this comment, I'm going to just pop in and say I agree with AnonymousMan. Except for the last part xD It doesn't really make you a "slut." I guess I can see where everyone else is coming from though. What if you marry someone and your partener has a high labido and you have a low labido, then you end up in a relationship where your pressured to have sex. Depends on how your partner handles it. I honestly think sex isn't everything though, people think of sex as more of a need than a want these days. :/ it's pathetic.
You took it too far with the slut part.
I would suggest waiting until you realize that you truly love each other, that doesn't necessarily mean marriage.
It is worth it,but take time to develop a strong sense of self, and please do not marry so you can have sex . Fall in love with yourself first, find out who you are, and then find someone who is worthy of you. Good luck to you.
I'm not religious or anything but I have a boyfriend right now and we will wait till marriage even though if he maybe isn't good in bed I don't know but well I also don't care as long as I love him.
I think it's worth the wait. But I probably wouldn't wait that long myself anyway!
Sex is sex.
Love is love.
It is up to the individual whether or not those two should be mutually exclusive. And personally I wouldn't want to commit to someone if I didn't feel we were working in all aspects... if I couldn't satisfy him and the fire was dying, I wouldn't want to keep a half dead thing going on the premise of some long dead, dogmatic sense of morality.
Act in accordance with your nature, that it harm none do as thou wilt, and the world would be a better place to live.
I don't care what you choose to do with your body. Kindly do not tell me what to do with mine. Slut is a word used by Christians, conservatives, and *mostly* women who fear their own bodies. In my opinion the only true slut is the one who has sex for validation :/
lost it when i was 17.
thank god i didn't wait until i was married to do it and think "was that it?"
she didn't love me and i didn't/don't give an actual fuck (pun greatly intended). it was just sex for fun.
Someday your wife will have to masturbate on the sofa in the middle of the night because you are too self-righteous to give her oral sex. Look at yourself in the mirror, and vow to straighten out your own sick attitudes. Giving sexual pleasure is an obligation of the heart, you asshole!
I actually don't even believe in marriage anymore. But that might be because I'm from Holland.
It's your decision, ultimately, but if you want to have the best relationship you can possibly have, then wait... Marriage is about so much more than sex and any relationship should be, for that matter :) You decide, but that's my advice :) Also, Don't listen to the people saying, "Why marry them if you don't know if they're good", well, how would you know if you're a virgin? :) Society is so screwed up making it seem like sex is more important than the rest of what a relationship is supposed to be... Besides, would you like to simply "have sex and forget it" or find the one you're going to spend the rest of your days with and then "make love?" Waiting is soooooo hard and believe me, I know cause I'm personally a horn dog, but it's worth it, in the end :) I waited for my husband and he waited for me and we are so incredibly happy :) Wanna know why our sex life is so great? :) We've had zero sexual experience before each other, so we're truly happy and aren't unhappy in bed :) But Yeah, Your decision :)
Sex has become something to be ashamed of isn't it? People invented marriage to try to keep that 'vulnerability' of sex and to force people to keep sex for after marriage. Sex however is the core of life.
To me if my wife to be is not a virgin it means she don't give a crap about marriage or me. I will dump any woman over that fact.
Kudos to those who don't just take up on the first oppurtunity given to them but as for holding out for marriage...not worth it, sex has so many benefits and is just an all around euphoric experience, marriage and sex are two sepwerate things, marriage is a legal bond of commitment sex is an act of love and/or reproduction. Or alternatively recreation and/or stress relief, or perhaps even a workout lol. whicever way you look at sex I don't see commitment being a part of it which is what marriage is all about.
I don't really believe in "love" so I'm not going to say wait until you "love" someone, and I'm not really big on the whole "soul mate" thing so marraige doesn't mean much to either, but my theory is this: sex is for making babies. The best way to raise a child is for him/her to have both parents in his/her life. I say, wait until marriage incase someting happens, but I'm not going to judge anyone who sees it differently. If you can't wait, then that's fine. Use a condom, of course. I, however, think that it is best to wait because I know I won't be having sex unless I want a kid, and I refuse to raise a kid by myself, so I guess I'll be waiting until marriage, but that's just me.
To be honest I think its a pretty silly idea. By all means wait until you feel ready to have sex but dont for a second think that the arbitrary threshold of marriage is any different from any other arbitrary threshold.
I am all for waiting until you feel like the time is right but don't feel forced to wait by these holier then thou types.
And on a side note what about gays that cant get legally married where they are or me who doesn't plan on ever getting married.
I'm still in the I don't ever want to think about marriage time, I chose neither though because I probably would have chosen both.
you should wait. it only makes it as special giving up something that you can never get back is precious don't you think? Wait, is for the best
Worth it? why would it be worth it? What difference does Marriage make? You have a legal document that says your partnered with somebody? Yay.
If you asked me if it's worth it to wait til you feel like you are in love I'd say yes.
In reality 55% of couples have sex before marriage. This number has not changed since the early 1950s
Like NeuroNeptunian said, I think it depends on how much emotional value you attach to sex, or if you're religious or something.
Maybe waiting would have made my first time more special or whatever, but it also would have made sex seem like a really big deal to me, and I prefer to think that its just a regular part of relationships.
Personally, I do not think that I would be able to wait until after marriage. I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with people who do believe that it is best to wait, that is just their choice.
Don't wait. You could regret it later! If your partner is not satisfied sexually he/she could cheat on you and ruin your marriage. Sex is not everything in a relationship, but it's still an important part of it.
Know yourself and know other people sexually before getting married. And of course do it safely
It depends on how much emotional value you attach to sex.
My husband wanted to wait until marriage and we waited until we were engaged :P We both have a wicked sex drive, though. I would have died of sorrow had I gotten married and found out AFTERWARDS that my husband can't put out at LEAST once a day.
Its nice to think this way, waiting til marriage and making it "special" by doing that. But the simple fact of the matter today is that people just dont wait for marriage anymore, so if you are someone who is doing this then feel good about being pure yourself, BUT dont get upset or confused when you find out that the person you eventually wish to marry lost their virginity years before and didnt share your same sentimentality.
I know plenty of people that were like this, and then were pissed off for some reason when the person they decided to lose it too was at least 5 deep already....as if its a damn contest. Hell I havent had sex in years, I never gave a shit one way or the other.
I have to agree 100% on this.
I've never dated anyone and of course I am a virgin but I don't give a shit if the person had more sex partners than me. All that matters to me is how much that person cares about me and who they are.
Well what the hell am I supposed to say to someone like that? Sorry, my life continued despite your presence in it?
Some people are a lil nutty about it, as if life is like what you read in a romance novel or something. I knew girls from college that were 14-22 at 22 yrs old. In my opinion thats far too many, at least at that age. But its their life after all. Both extremes are kinda silly. I just never understood how some people think along those lines. As if the person they are destined to meet was looking for them this whole time as well. Sure its nice to think like that, but totally and completely unrealistic.