Waking up at 7am?

That’s when the average person wakes up, at least according to Google. Fucking unbelievable. I have a few questions:

-Aren’t you suffering? I’ve only waken up so early through K-12 and I was miserable all throughout.

-What’s the point? If we all wanted to push the working day up forward two hours, that’d be fine and theoretically we could just do it.

-Do you get used to it over time? Are you fully rested and fine? Because I was never able to, and the fact that most of you sleep in on weekend kind of contradicts the idea that you can be fully rested from waking so early.

-Do you actually enjoy the taste of coffee (assuming it isn’t pumped full of sugar) or do you just need it to survive?


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Comments ( 19 )
  • KholatKhult

    I wake up at 4 am because it is in the -30’s here in Siberia and I have to take a pickaxe to all of my livestock water troughs before I can do the rest of morning barn chores
    - Nah
    - Nature doesn’t negotiate
    - I segment sleep, 4 hours at night, 2-3 hour nap. I don’t have weekends, I work 365 days a year
    - I don’t take caffeine I rawdog life

    My lady gifted me heated water troughs for the holidays, so once those get installed my morning shifts to 5 am. Living in luxury !!!

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    • litelander8

      I love her. I’m waiting for my invitation. Unless her parents actually took over the suite. Then I guess I can camp in the yard. Sidewalk can come keep a fire for me.

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      • KholatKhult

        Still waiting for the parents to move in, wife will be over there visiting them in the next week
        Got plenty of room in the barns if you don’t mind sharin’ space with critters. Just had 7 new baby goats born in the last 3 days they’ll keep ya warm

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        • litelander8

          Do they drink from baby bottles?🤗

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          • KholatKhult

            Luckily they’re all nursing well, but baby bottles sure

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    • bigbudchonger

      Christ man, that's hard work. I heard you can't take a day off with animals enit.

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  • darefu

    Up at 6ish 7 days a week. Not for work, don't start working until 12 noon. Go to bed between 11 and midnight most nights.

    I really dislike waisting day light or my life. Sleeping is a necessary evil. If you have eighty years to live, and you sleep 8 to 10 hours a day how many years have you lost. I get 5 to 7, I used to function well on 5 but I do find 6 to be better now as I get older.

    I wake up without alarms normally between 5:30 and 6. If by chance I have nothing to do and get talked into staying in bed and going back to sleep, if I sleep past 7:30 - 8, I feel like crap the rest of the day.

    SO, could sleep 12 hours a day and be happy. So to each their own.

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    • Tinybird

      sleeping is better than being awake because in my dreams, I can be happy.

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      • darefu

        Sad, I wish happiness for your daylight, awake time as well!

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    -i work from 6am to 7pm daily so i also suffer

    -lotsa people enjoy gettin up early and would be screamin about how late they were up but i wouldnt mind it

    -i always hated it but i only work a few months a year now so ill live

    -i fuckin love coffee candy sugary & creamy or straight black i have some every mornin

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    • litelander8

      See above comment.

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  • LloydAsher

    I wake up at 6 and I have no problems. I'm a night person but when the job requires it I man the fuck up.

    Eventually it's the new normal. Now it's impossible to sleep past 8.

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    • Grunewald

      I could sleep past 8 any day. Generally though it's 7 or maybe 6.40 either because of work or breakfast with my flatmate (which I don't like to miss).

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  • newnormal

    Waking up early is like a secret club for crazy people, and I'm the president! I mean, sure, it's tough at first, but once you're in, you'll never want to go back. The world is so peaceful and quiet, and you can finally hear yourself think. Plus, you get to be the first in line for all the best morning activities, like getting the last croissant at the bakery or the best parking spot at work. And let's not forget about the coffee, it's like liquid gold and the elixir of life. I mean, who needs sleep anyway? Early birds are just too cool for that.

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  • Anonnet

    - No, I'm not suffering. I don't like waking up that early, but a job's a job.
    - I currently work in an office with a 9 hour work day. If I moved it up by two hours, I would wake up at 9, but I also wouldn't get off until 7. I'm starved enough for daylight as it is, I don't want to deal with more places being closed, too.
    - No. Changing the hours wouldn't help me, though. I just hate getting up and going to work. It doesn't matter when work starts, I've worked a bunch of different jobs that start at all hours of the day. Whenever that alarm sounds, I want to shoot it with a shotgun and roll over.
    - I enjoy the heat of coffee, particularly in the winter. I can easily substitute it for tea or hot chocolate or whatever other hot drink. I'm not a big coffee drinker, though, I usually just drink water.

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  • Vvaas

    my sleep schedule goes crazy i could be asleep at night and wake up during the day but then it randomly flips and i get messed up

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes I wake up at 7am, I'm naturally like that, when I want to stay lying down on the couch worried about life.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I'm lucky if I'm up before noon.

    I'm on medication that requires me to sleep 12 hours, its rough.

    I like coffee with cream and sugar.

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  • kikilizzo

    I wake up around lunchtime naturally,, or later. When I work I get up at 7.

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