Walking around the world?

I want to walk around the U.S. or maybe even the world. I'd obviously take transportation if I have to (boat/train/plane) but I want to go and see what the world is these days. I would do small jobs here and there for money, food, shelter, etc. Idk why I want to do this but I do. I am 18. Am I crazy?

Go for it 62
Yes, you are crazy 7
No, you aren't crazy 15
Not a good idea 19
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Comments ( 17 )
  • i.eat.rapists

    I recently went backpacking all around Asia with my girlfriend. No cars, luggage, jobs, phones. It was the best thing I've ever done. Do it.

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  • Saggists_DntWorry1204

    There was this guy who walked around the world carrying a cross on his back the whole way. He was a pretty cool dude.

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  • Run Forrest Run!

    But I love traveling too, I hope to work for the embassy once I graduate.

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    • Shackleford96

      I love this comment :) You totally beat me to it!

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  • eats,shoots_and_leaves

    i traveled around the est coast busking with a friend, best thing i have ever done, you be suprized how little money you can spend if you go about it wright. when we where low on cash for a motel we just started knocking on doorbells and telling our story, i was suprised on how kind most people are, some times we gust slept on couches, but often people gave us their spareroom and we ate with them, we spent the evenings with soo many random families .
    we only roughed it once but it was summer so it wasn't that bad

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  • Just make sure you're prepared.

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  • BrokenSympathy

    I'd like to thank all of those who have commented on this so far :) really inspirational and I'll be sure to keep things as safe as I can if I do go. Thank you all for the advice, tips, and great inspiration :))

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  • Shackleford96

    You might be a little crazy, but that can be a good thing sometimes. I say if that is what you feel is your calling, then go for it :)

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  • ToddStellar

    For 5 years I jumped trains and hitched all over Canada and The States. It can be tuff at times, but I also had other issues. It all depends on how you do it, I guess.

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    • Failedcasanova

      The stories you could tell. God I need to do something like that.

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  • misca

    "Walking around the world?" as title and then "I want to walk around the U.S..." :D Thank God the sentence didn't end there.

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  • Faceless

    Me too. then Id get to the middle east then turn around and walk home mad and think, stupid world.

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  • LizardSkin

    Walk? Run Forrest Run.

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  • mcbeats

    Do it man!!if you have balls enough to go for it..just do it

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    Well you could do it, but there are some places on this world where you don't want to go because it's too dangerous, you'll need to know where that is and avoid those places.
    You will also need money for places to stay and food, because realistically you won't get a job just like that everywhere you go.
    Just don't be naive and you can do it.

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  • zchristian

    Then theres that man that has walked around the world twice or was it three times i cant remember it to good...

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  • equanimity

    Plan well. :)

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