Want to be part human part machine?

Ok, all my life I've wished to donate my intact human body to robotics science so I can instead of committing suicide be secretly aethenised and a real life replica (part human-part machine) robot be made out of me. Same resemblance, body structure, but metallic endo structure, a super AI 'brain' programmed to remember everything my bodily senses have ever contacted and make creative new decisions based on that data... meaning, once I'm fully functioning and operational no one I happen to bump into from my past will suspect that who they're meeting is actually an 'Ex Machina' version of me. People! I'm a human being but to be honest, humanity in general has become a pain in the a**.

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38% Normal
Based on 16 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    If you’d succeed with that, what would your plan be afterwards? You wouldn’t change a thing, you’d still feel angry and empty without accepting urself the way u are or accepting the outside,because people always make the same mistakes. It’s a repetitive cycle, there still be the same misery and the same problems and given you wouldn’t have a goal, it wouldn’t be of any use. If you have a goal, you can accomplish it now without all of that
    I don’t know where all of your anger came from, if it built up and burst out like that, though always when there is too much it’s gonna be either directed to the outside or inside.
    Eh u probably know that, I guess ur a pretty smart person. I sometimes have something similar in mind, but rather with cloning and changing my genes in such a way to make one superhuman.
    But my endgoal though, is changing the world that pisses me off so much, that others have to live with less pain
    I hope all of that doesn’t sound too cringy, but eh I guess those r my thoughts on that
    I’ve got a lot of problems myself n such, so I kinda know where ur coming from

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    • My plan? Come on, you can't be a super-intelligent AI and fail to have a plan.

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      • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

        What is your plan?

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        • You see, emotionally deep, highly sensitive people usually have utopian plans.. that's a given. But the way humanity has degenerated into a-manipulation-deceit-slander-for-the-sake-of-it-state, means that people who are naturally inclined to the philosophy of harmonious living are at a disadvantage because the reality is 'Life Is War', so, instead of continuing to live with the 'disadvantage' of being highly sensitive to the injustices people like me face and such, i'd rather have a part of my existence that's enhanced (artificially.. I don't care!) to get even with the toxic people and even help other people like me to have to have win-win opportunities in the social war of maneuver.

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          • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

            U can help people now though. U don’t need to be part machine for that
            Humans always make the same mistakes, just in another context n time. Utopia isn’t possible because you need life and death, creation and destruction for evolving, meaning there is always some disadvantage in every new thing. All good things come with a bad one too
            With so many different people, with greed and our level of society, it’s nearly impossible to make everybody equal and cherish natural abilities of an We aren’t on such a great level, Manipulation has always been a daily part of a humans life. Maybe we’re over it in a few thousand years if we survive, who knows...
            Im gonna evolve myself before I have the ability and wisdom to change the world, because you need to get more than you think you know now, to make a plan for the greater good. I push it away too, it just seems too much at times and that’s why you have to take very small steps in such goals. I dunno I will give my whole life for that purpose, maybe live on a farm the last few years, but I’m not planning on getting very old, but many things done. I’m on my way now, started a few things, deal with myself and it’s gonna be hard, I really wish I wasn’t born, but this is the thing I really need to do.
            So if what you said you want to do is your goal, strip it off the technological cyborg and work on yourself without the mechanics.
            We both seems too hurt to think straight, meaning we put too many negative emotions into our thoughts...Life is shit, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help others avoid that shit
            Also the toxic people, there’s a reason behind why we act the way we do, which means u can make it better too and if ur really highly sensitive, I’d dunno if empathy is included, you’d even feel with those people. I dunno I see them as two different, but close things, cuz the first one is more with senses and the second one with feeling

            Well I seem to have repeated a few things there, but eh

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  • Well, that is the whole point.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    But you'd be dead. That robot would be a different person waking up and remembering your past life as their own. While that robot would essentially be you to everyone else, it wouldn't be you to you. And then once you're dead, it wouldn't matter to you whether or not that robot was created and woke up and was happy. You wouldn't even know about it anyway.

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