Want to go back to the old days
Is it normal I would like to go back to the old days when men were men and women and children knew their place.
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Is it normal I would like to go back to the old days when men were men and women and children knew their place.
You mean the good old days when a husband could beat his wife to a bloody pulp because she didn't have what he wanted for dinner on the table when he came home from his manly factory job, and if a neighbour got annoyed enough by the bangs and screams to call the police, the cops would check to see if she was actually dead, and just shrug and drive away if she wasn't?
The good old days when fathers could physically and sexually abuse their kids and everybody would ignore the bruises and signs of mental trauma?
The good old days when men were expected to keep their emotions tightly screwed down, suck up all the shit life threw at them, and accept the fact that the survival of their family was entirely on their shoulders?
The good old days when kids grew up never really knowing their father, because he spent most of his waking hours slaving away in some soul-destroying job, came home exhausted, and didn't have the energy to connect with his kids?
The good old days when the best a woman could realistically hope for was to find a husband who didn't beat her up regularly and didn't demand more than three minutes of sex once a week?
The good old days when the media constantly pushed the propaganda that the highest aspiration of any woman should be to have a tidy house, lots of kids, and a family that was clean and well-fed?
There are quite a few people who would love to live in that world, so your view is pretty normal in that sense. But the explanation for that can be found in the fact that half the world's population is of below-average intelligence.
I dont think back in the day that many people were beating their wives and raping their kids. And id say propaganda aimed at making wives good mothers is more healthy than woke propaganda telling women its brave and noble to have a public gender crisis and etc.
I’d rather die than have my life only be valued by how well I can pop out a son and clean a house.
And when was that, if I may ask...
It seems that the history books in every part of the world have records of discord on these issues.
Perhaps you wish to go back to before Adam and Eve?
Remember: Just because you imagine a time, place, or event; does not mean it really existed as you remember it.
Also, the history books are often distorted: Primarily written by the winners or by "historians" who put their own spin on things to tell a good story.
That sounds aggressively sexist, but I do wish that children didn't have such wide-reaching social media.
So do any of yall recommend the Friends reunion or is it all just underserved hype?
As a black man trying to make it in this world, it seems to me that this Boojum fellow's comment is exactly the sort of thing you were trying to prevent with this attempt at a distraction. Even if the person who posted this wasn't serious this question opens the door to a powerful discussion. That's not the sort of world you would like to live in is it?
Nope. I was trying to put a distraction for 2 reasons.
1. This is a bait post, he wants people angry. Show how uninteresting they are by making the primary topic of the post completely unrelated to the post.
2. The closest thing to "good" we get from this are the same old users posturing over the common sense shit we all already know, that the OP already knows. If you look at Boojums comment and think anything new has been added then I'd be fuckin worried that you had to be told that perspective when it's the baseline.
Edit: Not intentional that it sounded hostile towards Boojum, he may be unaware that we all already know what he commented.
As a black man trying to make it in this world, I must admit that I have taken a look at your profile once or twice. I hope my interest doesn't alarm you, as a young woman. Allow me to assure you, this old man is not romantically interested, but you do remind me so much of my young daughter, who suffers from similar anger issues.
I have observed a few things, which make this comment of yours incredibly perplexing.
You, yourself seem to enjoy discussing the same issues repeatedly, and it seems as if most of the people who frequent this forum agree with your opinions. For example, you seem to deeply enjoy posting about transexual children's genitals. Now, young lady, I am very interested to hear everyone's opinion, and I do believe you are entitled to yours, but it seems as if you are guilty of the same transgressions you are accusing others of.
I have also seen you post many times that you believe people should be allowed to freely post their thoughts and opinions on the internet. If this is the case, why do you, young lady, feel the need to police what others can and can not discuss freely? Why should you attempt to derail every conversation that you, personally, find unappealing?
Whether you believe this post to be genuine or not, it is still an issue worth discussion. Please enlighten me if you disagree.
I look forward to your response.
That's interesting. So we're just ditching the initial convo you responded to and trying to pivot to the next one in hopes to compensate with a completely irrelevant win? Here's a hint, if you're trying to salvage some sort of "win" to compensate then pick a topic I'm likely to know less about, maybe don't pick a conversation about "me", I'm kind of an expert in that field. But I'll humour you.
I enjoy talking about certain topics or find certain topics more important than others? Like...Yeah?
Oh, you sneaky wee doggie. First of all, you're blatantly lying because trans children having operations to be the opposite sex doesn't exist and therefor not an issue I'd be against unless it happens in the future, which means the only person bringing up genitals of children is you. Not only that but you are trying to lie about my position on the topic of trans children which has little to nothing to do with genitals in hopes to shame me out of my position that I don't believe adults, such as yourself, should be able to groom children into the trans identity. You clearly take issue with that because you are trying to portray me as a negative simply for thinking you shouldn't have such an ability to groom kids.
Erm...Are you ok, bud? I do agree that people should be able to speak their opinions but I don't go around this site making that point? I tell you what, you send me, let's say, three comments where I've made such a statement and I'll believe you haven't pulled another Rabbit out your ass.
That said, people are free to post their opinions and I'm free to react to those opinions how I wish. If I feel like a troll post is being used to bait people then I will either ignore it or make a point of making it known, and the great thing is that the OP still gets to speak their "opinion", they simply don't get to dictate if they're taken seriously.
If it ever was worth being discussed about it's not an issue worth discussed by people like you. You use these topics to jack yourself off, there's nothing YOU could bring to the table because the second you feel like your position is being damaged you will pivot into some juvenile personal topic, like you did here, meaning you don't have the maturity to even suggest what topics should be talked about and who can talk about them.
I look forward to the next topic you pivot to.
If you didnt fangirl over the original run of Friends, you probably wouldnt care for the reunion.
The world was a simpler place. There was no internet or social media meaning everyone didn’t know everyone else’s business. A fight was a fight with fists for men and sharp words if it was women. Marriages lasted and survived on the mans income because everyone didn’t need the latest i phone or i pad, we didn’t all need huge cars 2 or 3 to a household. Kids were happy playing out building dens and riding 2nd hand bikes, not sitting in front of the X box all through their free time. Families had values and men were proud to provide for their family. Survival on the benefit system was considered a failure not an expectation that the state would provide.
Oh and by the way, you all seem to presume I am an abusive man who just wants an excuse to beat his wife. Sorry to disappoint but I am a woman.
"I am a woman."
No you're not.
You post all day about how women need to control their partners, deny them orgasm, and make them do whatever women wish on command. Now women need to learn their place? Seems a little inconsistent.
Ah, so you're a woman who wants some manly man to provide for you while you stay at home baking cookies and looking after your 2.5 darling kids.
That's perfectly normal, Mrs Cleaver.
There were cracks in the solid foundation of repression in this world barely surviving on authoritarian patriarchs. For example, the best high school algebra teachers were women who had hit the glass ceiling. Were some of these women capable of brilliant advancement eventually to become Nobel Laureates? We will never know.
I am a woman who would happily sacrifice some of my so called liberation for the good of my family.
They try to make it out into being a degrading thing for a lady to be a housewife. I wonder sometimes if some liberal men actually can not make enough money to support their wives and like to tell themselves that theyre doing a noble thing by letting her work a low paying job. Like its for her own good or something lol. If you can make enough money theres absolutely nothing wrong with letting her raise her own kids and not the daycare
Sorry to disappoint you honey, I don’t have a wife. I’m a woman with a husband!
I embrace my womanhood. I am proud to clean my home and keep it nice for my family, cook them good food, launder their clothes and generally do the things women do best. I don’t feel the need to do man things like the younger generation of women seem to want to do.
Because you're brainwashed. Most chefs in the world are men. Not all women are good at cooking. You're just a lazy parasite who doesn't want to work. What would you do if your husband died? I like earning my own money and not parasite like you.
At what point did I say I don’t work? I didn’t work when my children were small but worked part time once they were at school. I now work 4 days a week full time hours. I keep an allowance for myself and put the rest of my wages into a joint account which pays for our holidays and other luxuries. Meanwhile I do most of the housework as I don’t expect my husband to do this, but he will often help out, but it’s his choice.
If a man makes enough money to support his wife and kids isnt it kind of messed up to make her work if she's only gonna have a low paying job? I mean if she's got the skills to make serious money then ok I see that.
But daycare is a few hundred a week if thats all shes gonna be making why not just let her raise her own children herself? And if shes at home raising the kids why wouldnt she clean and cook? After all the man isnt even at home he's at work. So naturally shes gonna fill those roles. People now think its so degrading for a woman to stay home and raise her own kids but its in actuality healthy to the family structure.
I recently read 'One Summer - America 1927' by Bill Bryson.
He had a lot of interesting and amusing things to say about Herbert Hoover. Like how someone who had known Hoover well for 30 years once said that he'd never heard him laugh aloud. Hoover was also prone to writing long, detailed refutations if a newspaper ever published anything questioning his decisions and statements.
I'm sure he would have loved Twitter.
A lot other stuff in that book about the media, politicians and celebrity culture (Charles Lindbergh, in particular) confirmed my belief that the more things change, the more the fundamentals of human nature stay the same.
Don't you like being called a bigot for not wanting to suck woman dick, or have your neighbourhood burnt down?
You clearly want to beat your wife and return to a time when you could club women over the head and bring them back to your home.