Was the moon landing real or faked?
Yes, do you think it was real or faked?
It was real | 34 | |
It was faked | 16 |
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Yes, do you think it was real or faked?
It was real | 34 | |
It was faked | 16 |
If it wasnt why did the soviet union say that we also did it? Didnt they have every reason to try to discover and prove it didnt happen.
That is indeed some of the strongest evidence that it was real. The Apollo missions happened at the height of the Cold War, and the USSR was perfectly capable of tracking where the radio signals from the Command Module and Lunar Landing Module were coming from. If the USSR had any reason to doubt those signals were coming from where NASA claimed they were, they would have said something.
Of course, the reason conspiracy theories survive is that the fruitcakes will always be able to come up with some bizarre, highly implausible, ridiculously complex alternative explanation for every fact that doesn't support their fantasy. In this case, I suppose they could claim that the USA launched unmanned, robotic probes that bounced messages sent from Earth back to Earth, landed on the moon and then returned.
I watched the netflix series inside job and it had a hilarious conspericy about the moon landing.
We did make it but the astronauts turned it into a sex paradise on the moon. So that's why it was faked to cover up the fact that the astronauts never left.
It's real and one of humanity's greatest accomplishments. The brave men that went to the moon are heroes and so are the thousands of men and women that built the Saturn V rocket and the moon lander that took them there and everyone else involved in this incredible endeavor.
Over 150 million horsepower, 20 tones of fuel burned per second, top speed of over 24000mph, strong enough to make a small earthquake, the Saturn V is the queen of all vehicles!
You can't fake that. Not to mention all of the equipment they left on the moon. It's there. Science stuff, mirrors, rovers, moon buggy...
Becoming a space-faring race is our destiny. Our future is among the stars and space races always bring progress into every aspect of our lives. Invest more in space, less in war and other bullshit.
I want to watch man set foot on Mars in my lifetime, just like how my parents watched the moon landing. Science fiction becomes science fact! Ain't nothing better than that!
Naw I'm content with dying on earth. Visiting? Sure staying and dying? I'll let my kid do that crap.
If they make ships with artificial gravity and need someone to pilot it between Earth and Mars, or Earth and whatever - I'd be more than willing.
It would be the best, most exciting, badass job a man can do. Well, maybe second to being Chuck Norris...
The problem with syfy artificial gravity is... well impossible with any technology we could feasibly come up with in the next 50 years. It most definitely would cause cancer to stand next to that generator.
That being said no one saw the internet coming so who knows? Maybe antigravities key is made of things we already have.
Centripetal force of course is an option but the speeds to create said artificial gravity would need to be very advanced and heavy.
We need a space elevator or something first to get shit into orbit cheaper. Space to space travel is easier than working with atmosphere and gravity.
"Over 150 million horsepower, 20 tones of fuel burned per second, top speed of over 24000mph"
are you sure youre not referrin to my foxbody?
Virtually anyone today can verify that the moon landings were real with some fairly modest laser timing test equipment.
One of the early moon missions left some laser reflectors on the moon - that would reflect light back the exact direction it came from.
These have been used by multiple countries to measure the slight changes in the moon's distance and orbit since then.
At this point in the USA I believe they only bounce a laser back and fourth daily now. In the 1970's they were doing it more frequently, and a lot of different countries did it.
These will last potentially a 1000+ years since this is just a set of high quality mirrors... that does not need power.
Eventually, it is expected that enough lunar dust will settle on them that they will no longer function. At this point (40+ years later)the return signal is still strong.
Life was much cheaper (to governments) in the sixties, the astronauts were squaddies, being exposed as cheats by the Russians wasn't even worth contemplating, of course it was real
Adam Ruins Everything - Why the Moon Landing Couldn't Have Been Faked:
meio dificil de responder, sendo sincero o universo é um lugar em constante expanção e vive em movimento, mesmo se um foguete saisse agora da terra com a lua em um lugar, em outra hora a lua estaria em outro lugar
tipo, o universo não é um lugar em que as coisas estão paradas e sim um lugar onde tem constante movimento, alem dos perigos de pedras entre outros...
Fake. The film crew got footage from the moon then came back and green screened the actor in who couldn't get his line right.
Idk I wasnt there but I can tell you alot of the footage they passed as being real was faked. It looks like bad 1960s special effects. Its laughable. Idk how anyone can watch some of those videos and not say it looks fake.
Apollo 11 landed on the moon in July 1965. At that time, Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey was in production.
What's actually laughable is the idea that the US Government, with all the resources it had at its disposal, couldn't have produced video images that were at least as slick as those in 2001 if there was some huge conspiracy to fake the landings.
Trying to be charitable, I guess it's possible that you and others who swallow this guff just don't understand how crude and limited the technology of the Apollo missions was. The microwave band transmitter on the Lunar Landing Module had an output of 20 watts, which is only five times the legal limit of CB radios. The bandwidth available was very limited, and it had to carry voice, video, LEM telemetry data and biomedical data for both of the astronauts. Weight was a huge issue on the LEM, and if you look at the size and weight of studio TV cameras in the 1960s, it's not at all surprising that the video camera on the LEM produced images that were grainy and generally poor quality.
I think part of the problem is that a whole lot of people today have been exposed to science fiction movies and TV shows set in space, and they've come to believe that they depict what the reality of space travel must be like. There's so much of a contrast between those and the shitty videos from the Apollo missions that they come to the bizarre and reality-denying conclusion that the real is fake, and the fake is real.
I'm also convinced that while many people who didn't live through the sixties might believe they understand the state of technology back then, those beliefs are also simply wrong. I don't recall anyone complaining about the video images from Apollo 11 at the time, and that was simply because most people were accustomed to watching low-res, interference-prone black and white TV. It's almost like the conspiracy nuts believe that NASA should have been able to transmit full-colour 4K TV from the Moon if they were really there.
Booj, old boy, you missed your calling in the field of marketing. From the lottery, to religion, to political delusion, marketing puppet masters are artists at manipulating the primitive mind. I just can’t get interested in mindlessly happy people. At least, writing software for missiles is tangible shit.
Video technology was not nearly as advanced as now back then, and the ability to transmit and receive high definition video or dense data from orbit did not exist yet.
So those crude looking videos transmitted from space were in fact state of the art for the day. A lot of ordinary local TV news was not much better. I well remember the landing on the moon in 1969. I used to watch on Black and White TV all the launches and recoveries.