Was this normal for a young boy to do to a cat?
I was about 11 years old and I was petting one of our house cat's, and she was purring, and so I started petting her with my penis and she continued to purr. She was purring because she liked how my penis felt. That made me feel good about myself. It was erect, of course, as I had to masturbate a little bit beforehand in order to increase the reach and force when I pet her. Otherwise it would be like petting a cat with a string instead of your hand and she's not going to feel that. It wasn't sexual or anything. I made myself aroused by thinking of girls of course. It wasn't sexually arousing in itself to rub it on her. It was just a good feeling how she liked it and it increased my self confidence and my confidence in my penis. I petted her head with it and she looked up and licked it. I didn't intend for that to happen, but I didn't like it. I'm not some kind of creep or anything. Her tongue felt sandy on my penis.
Is this normal for boys to do to their pets?