Water makes me gag?
Every time I drink water I gag and want to retch. I am reminded of a vodka aftertaste and just can't drink plain water at all. I can drink juice and soda fine.
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Every time I drink water I gag and want to retch. I am reminded of a vodka aftertaste and just can't drink plain water at all. I can drink juice and soda fine.
Tap water does this to me. Bottled water and (clean) well water shouldn't cause an after taste though.
Consuming that much sugar is bsd for you. I dont like water either so I always chug about 2 cups worth 2 or 3 times a day. I cant just sip on it.
I don't have that problem mainly because my taste buds feel super defective.
Depends on your source of h2o. Dasani and aquafina are literal trash bottles of water, and well water tastes like rotton eggs, but good clean (non Flint, MI) water shouldn't taste like much of anything other than slight natural minerals from the rocks it bathed in