We should tax the hell out of parents. let me explain this first

We have too many people who become parents when they should not be. This creates problems for the child as well as depriving them valuable opportunities. Now I think we should make it illegal to have children if you do not pass a test. This test will cover a few things. You have to take a psychological exam, compatibility test with partner, educational test, and medical test to see if the mother is fit to even have children.

If they find out you have a child illegally they tax the hell out of you. Taxes are often used to discourage a type of behaviour. Why not use it to stop this type of stupidity? The government in facts cuts taxes for people who are coupled and for people with kids. Which is bull! Apparently a single person makes more money than two adults living together with or without a child.

This means people like octomom who I think is a terrible mother gets all this extra money she saves when all her children are messed up and retarded. Alright the doctor was on the line since you are not suppose to add that many eggs. This most likely being the reason they have so many medical problems.

Did she not once think "maybe this is not healthy to have this many kids"? Do we need to encourage people to have kids since they know "Oh ill get a tax cut"! No we shouldn't! We have too many people who don't take proper care of children and too many children in the system.

I agree with the idea not the solution but have nothing better 20
I agree with idea not the solution have something better 14
The taxes will do more damage than good 12
I disagree with all of this 36
Other idea I will post a comment 2
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Comments ( 80 )
  • anti-hero

    Don't quit your day job for politics.

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    • I never claimed to be a politician.

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      • anti-hero

        Well, taxes are a political matter.

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        • Yes I guess you cant care about politics unless you are running the show. Not like people should be informed or know who they are voting for. I guess you believe we should just be a bunch of idiot sheep and not care about whats going on.

          Believe it or not this shit is important to ALL OF US! Not just the politicians. So sorry for caring about what is going on in the country. You go sit on a log like an ignorant boob if you like. I would rather pay attention.

          Though you are probobly like so many others who just do not have the attention span for that kind of thing. Am I right? What a stupid notion. I guess since I am not a science teacher I should not pay attention to the class. Not like that failing grade will stop anyone from graduating right? What if people took that attitude about everything? Are you really encouraging people to stay stupid sheep? Are you fucking kidding me?

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  • howaminotmyself

    I see you have a firm grasp of this system you speak of.

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  • Dot123

    People shouldn't have kids in the first place. Too many people on this planet. The world needs to have less people.

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    • disthing

      People still need to have children, or the human race would disappear pretty quickly.

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      • Dot123

        True, but not everybody needs to have kids!

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        • disthing

          But most people want kids at some point. We're animals, for the majority of people the desire to procreate is an instinct.

          Human population expansion is pretty much exclusively happening in the developing world. Most developed countries have sub replacement fertility, meaning the birth rate is too low to replace the existing population. Immigration causes the populations of developed countries to expand, not high birth rates.

          There's basically a positive correlation between socioeconomic wealth and birth rate. The poorer the country, the less access to contraception, less access to education (including sexual health and family planning), higher rate of infant mortality, lower the life expectancy... The higher the birth rate.

          The way to slow down population expansion, or reverse it, is to make conditions better in the countries with high birth rates. Not to wag your finger at the wrong people.

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          • They still have children in undeveloped areas. Also certain places of Africa are very poor and the US sends lots of money to them. As well as these nice christian women on television saying "Please give to these poor children starving in Africa".

            However a lot of times the food never gets to these children. The reason is the gangs there are stealing all the food and it never gets to those people. So its not like all of these people are really being helped as much as people tried.

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            • disthing

              Yes, and many of these countries have endemic corruption problems at every level. This all makes the effort to improve the situation in these countries that much more difficult.

              Long-term solutions for struggling nations have to be established primarily from within the countries, rather than from outside. Short-term aid will always have a limited impact. Like you say, just sending cash won't necessarily work. You can't just throw money at a failed state and expect them to use it to right themselves.

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        • Yes

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    • True

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  • You only pay all this tax in the first place because the rich hoard money in their bank accounts. Every guy who has a million in the bank, is a million removed from circulation in the economy.

    Poor people, those on welfare ect, are not the problem as they can't hoard money. They have to spend it to survive, spending is good, spending is putting it straight back into the economy.

    The rich sit on their money and make us all poorer and poorer.

    Kill the rich, abolish tax, open your eyes.

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    • Rich people are either born that way or they got their through hard work like the guy who owns apple. Also poor don't ever seem to be encouraged to stop being poor.

      Yes they get benefits because they are poor but they do not get anything useful like job training and help finding work. Programs that claim to help are usually exploiting them to make themselves money. Most of them will claim to be charity organizations. Not all charity organizations are shams. However most organizations claiming to help the poor are just using them for their own gain.

      Generally people who are poor grow up in a poor area, went to shitty schools(Public) and are not well educated. Middle class are not very rich but not very poor so they do not always have the luxury of saving but no benifits.

      People who are rich are either born into money or they earned everything they have themselves. People who are rich are smart and might spend money in investments and they also have a thing called business expenses that you can label almost anything under. Saving money in the bank creates interest and if its a large amount you get very good interest. However if the bank crashes you might lose a large amount of that money.

      The poor are too poor to contribute that much and yes most rich probobly knows ways to stay rich. However killing someone simply because they make a higher income makes you a greedy cunt. I think most dislike greedy bastards. So you really have no right to talk about rich people you savage monkey.

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      • Jesus christ you make no sense

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        • Yeah I do. We cant go robbing everyone since they happen to have more money. Does that mean every person with poor eyes can go stab someone for not having poor vision? Maybe that cripple in a wheel chair should go break everyone else legs cheering "NOW YOU FUCKERS CANT WALK EITHER!"

          See how fucking brilliant that sounds? It makes you a dick. A civilized person is not going to take out misery on others who happen to be more fortunate. Unless of course that person is being a dick about it. In which case its probobly more understandable.

          Anyone who beats up a person with more money for having more money is a greedy bastard. They only care about themselves and are selfish cunts who want to make the world suffer. Well when you make everyone else suffer the world is going to come back and fuck you over.

          So NO! Being a fucking dick is not the way to fix being poor, blind or crippled. Are you fucking retarded? THAT MAKES SENSE DOESN'T IT! If not you are a greedy fuck and self centered. Try considering someone else feelings for fuck sake.

          Yeah not everyone is blind, crippled, or poor but is beating everyone down fixing anything? NO!

          So yeah I am not a worthless dick who wants to cast my medical problems onto the rest of the world. Yeah I guess that does not make sense. It would not make sense to a piece of shit self centered dick like yourself.

          So yeah when you are beating people with a cane I am going to laugh when some pissed off guy shoots you in the back and cripples you even more. Heres the thing. I do have medical problems. I am not going to spread it to everyone else because I am a self centered prick!


          Are you fucking 4? You must be since an adult would understand the world does not revolve around them. You are beyond stupid and people like you are disgusting. You are the lowest of the low. Do you have any morals at all? You are the scum of the earth and you deserve to be spit at.

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          • "Try considering someone else feelings for fuck sake. "
            "It would not make sense to a piece of shit self centered dick like yourself....You are beyond stupid and people like you are disgusting. You are the lowest of the low. Do you have any morals at all? You are the scum of the earth and you deserve to be spit at."

            The irony.

            And as for my previous comment I was not saying that your statements about punishing someone who has more than you make no sense but rather your idea of economics and how money/ wealth distribution works. Theres no need to constantly be on the attack especially when you are so off the mark, I also believe you misunderstood tommythecats comment.

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      • Circumstance means nothing, it doesn't matter how you get the money. Every guy who has a million in the bank, is a million removed from circulation in the economy. And that cold hard fact means they fuck everyone else, intention be damned. And if you don't agree with changing this fact, a fact that ruins people's lives, then you must be evil.

        Kill the rich is more a metaphor, for cutting them and all the excuse makers like you off at the knees. To limit the amount of cash one can possess, and restore a human level of comfort to the people. A solution, instead of phony rationalisations. Because that's all they/you can do, string people along until their/your last days, then the next batch of filth crops up to take place.

        Your stance could best be equated to treason against humanity, and you have the nerve to tell me I'm greedy. Maybe "kill" should not be metaphorical in your kind of case.

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        • So to fix this you want everyone to be poor? Yeah if one person gets raped we should not say everyone needs to be raped, if someone is blind we should not make everyone blind, if someone is poor we cant just make everyone poor! That does nothing! it just puts everyone in one beautiful shithole you created.

          Like I said you are a selfish self centered cunt. A civilized person is not going to be so greedy to take everyone else stuff for themselves. So what next you going to stab that guy working the cashier since hes not homeless? Than he could rob the manager, and than the manager can go stab the CEO.

          Maybe you should try earning shit instead of stealing it you stupid fucking cunt. You are a greedy fucking bastard and for this reason you can not talk about rich people. The pot called the kettle black. So shut the fuck up you lazy fucking bumb. Also yours is a crime again humanity.

          Since you are too fucking lazy to try and get anything yourself. To try to make a decent living. You are a lazy, greedy fuck and expect fucking everything handed to you. Why dont you try to earn something you stupid piece of shit? Instead of saying "They make more money and have a better job" I WILL KILL YOU!

          Are you that fucking retarded? Yeah lets kill the doctor who spent his years in medical school probobly poor as fuck to start but finally making good money in the later years. Same thing with lawyers. You are the prime exapmle of one of the things that ruins people. You are GREED. GREED AND LUST. Those are the biggest down fall of man kind. Greed makes people want everything for themselves without earning it, they expect it, they expect to make 25 fucking dollars an hour for minumum wage.

          Now let me give you a business lesson since you are obviously not intelligent to understand something so complicated. This is how is works. Also yes this an very simplified example. We have the higher ups which is lets say a manager. We have below that a supervisor and we have below the the no rank workers.

          Lets say the boss gets 1000 d0llars. They might take out lets say 606 for business expense but still have to pay the workers. Now lets say to pay workers they have 349 left. They have a manager, 3 supervisors and 9 workers that are the lowest rank.

          You might only need one manager and he will be making sure the 3 supervisors are doing what they need to do. Now those 3 supervisors need to watch the low ranked people and make sure they are doing what they need to do. You need less supervisors and less managers so these people are going to be paid more.

          Now lets say the money to pay these people is broken into 3. They are going to pay the manager 100, the supervisors are going to be paid 50 and the bottom are going to be paid 16. Now why do they pay the bottom less? The reason for this is they need more of the lower people, they need less supervisors and even less mangers.

          However the people like the managers and the supervisors generally will have more experience OR more college education. So either they worked up and now are trusted to rule over people OR they went to school to be taught how to be in that position.

          I find it sad you really do not understand how these type of things really work. You must be a snobby entitled American brat that mommy paid for all through school so you dont understand where money really comes from.

          Now depending on how much people are getting paid really depends how well the company is doing. Since pay is determined on how much money is left for workers, how much workers are in a position. So yeah they could pay 35 dollars to the below workers but that means everything else is going to cost more and they will have less workers. If you are going to bitch about money learn how business works first.

          Business does not produce its own money. Unless of course you are the government. A regular business does not do this though. They make money from other people buying the product or service.

          To keep a business open you have expenses. You have to pay bills, taxes, utilities, workers, and even advertisements. Its not as simply as you believe the matter is. You seem very poorly educated on this subject. Maybe your arguments would make more sense if you read a book. FYI Library is free dipshit.

          What a wonderful example you must be. What did mommy and daddy cut off your credit card and now you are too good to work at mcdonolds? I bet that is the case isnt it? Now you see what the world is really like without your fucking credit card.

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          • I don't think you understand. The rich would still be richer than others, but the gap wouldn't be SO BIG that it has people in misery and destitution.

            You do not speak any truth (and stray off to the point of making little sense) and simply regurgitate EXACTLY what you've been conditioned to say. I sounded somewhat like you several years ago, before I took a good long look at how the economy is run, who runs it, and why it has always been "fucked up".

            You should spend less time cussing me out and more time thinking for yourself.

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          • Hugh*Janus

            Wealth distribution. Too few people control too much wealth and the money's not circulating. Those few people can't do with that money what the entire middle class and poor could do with even a tiny fraction of it. The middle class and poor SPEND their money, they don't hoard the majority of it. Consumer spending is what keeps things going, creates jobs and allows people to live more comfortable lives.

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            • If the guy made the business that was him trying to make money. If he was smart enough to keep himself from going poor that was the business he earned. If he did not force everyone to buy the product it was of his own free will.

              Now there is a different to fair business and ripping people off. If they offer a reasonable price for something enough to make a decent profit its fair.

              However if they find ways and some businesses have done this to ensure the product does not last or know they are about the only source to get the product and put prices unreasonably high its a rip off. That is them being greedy but for a business to succeed you need to make a profit. However they still have a right to do it.

              Now they earned that money. If you were not smart enough to think of the idea tough luck. What are you going to do next? Fail the A kid since he happens to be smarter than the rest of the class? Yeah not the A students fault your an idiot is it?

              I dont think we should be expecting that A kid to some how teach the whole class. He did good either on his own or had extra help. Now if you said "Lets get some extra help getting that D kid educated" yeah makes more sense. If you say "Lets try get this poor kid a job" Yeah I get that but that is not what you are doing. You are saying lets fail that A kid! Just because one kid failed. Is that fair? No! Does anyone win that? NO! What does that make you? IT MAKES YOU A DICK! and I am sure as hell the A kid thinks so too you fuck.

              Also rich people have to spend money but they probobly can spend some and still have some over. Its stupid to think anyone can get away with spending nothing. You need to spend some to survive. Learn economics my friend. You obviously do not know it very well.

              Secondly why should we be telling people how to spend money? If its something you earned? You are just as greedy and fucking everyone else! Its not your money so get the fuck over it. Would you like someone going into your pocket taking your wallet and saying "Well this is going to be spent on yoru kids, this is your car and you can only spend this on bills and oh this left over you have to give to the girl scouts and you say "But I dont want to buy from the scouts" and they say TOO BAD!

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          • Queen^of^Spades

            Yes, i agree. we do not need the government meddling in our lives any further.

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        One cannot simply "stop being poor". Good, educated, hard-working people find themselves being poor everyday, despite their best efforts.

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        • By that logic batman should have gone around killing everyone else parents right? Since he did not have parents. Its not everyone's fault he is without parents but did he go around killing parents. NO! He even took in orphans that lost parents. See we should do that! Make things better not make things worse.

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        • Yes I know its hard to make money I never said it wasn't. However we should not punish someone for doing good. People seem to forget rich or poor we are fucking people. A poor man can become rich and a rich man can become poor.

          You should not hate someone since "Well they are doing better than me". If you do you need a slap in the face since that attitude is just so fucked up. If someone does something to somehow become rich and they use to be poor you know what? GOOD FOR THEM! When that poor man gets rich should all the other poor people be pissed off since that poor person made a life for themselves? NO! We should congratulate them for being able to make it instead of wanting to mooch off them and abuse them since they succeeded.

          If someone is a snob and rich and one day lose all their money they are going to be at the bottom looking around and seeing what it feel likes. That rich person deserves to be poor since they were such a fucking dick to people when they did have money.

          If someone is poor and wishes everyone was poor well honestly they deserve to be poor since they are a dick. You dont wish your misery on others. Just since you got a bad wrap does not mean you have to make everyone feel it.

          If you are going blind should you go stab everyone with vision saying "Look now we are all blind" Does that do shit? NO! It doesn't... It just makes everyone miserable like you. It fixex nothing! We should be working on bringing people up not pulling everyone down.

          People who are misreble want others to be misreble. No no one should have to deal with that but is it better pushing the same misery on someone who does not deserve it? NO! It makes you a dick!

          I am sure people with glasses wish they could see but are they going to live life trying to make everyone blind? NO! They are sad about it but they are not going to make others feel their pain. SO NO! BEING POOR DOES NOT MEAN EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE POOR! IT MEANS YOU ARE SELFISH DICK!

          Now if you want to lash out at someone who was a jerk to you well I completly understand that since they wronged you. Yet people want to do this to people they never even met since they are misreble. Now to all those people who want to make the rest of us as misreble as them "FUCK YOU"! You are not the only people on this god damn planet get the fuck over it.

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          • charli.m

            You amaze me. Each time I think you've shown how completely fucking insane you are...you go and go even crazier. What the fuck has anything you just ranted got to do with anything?

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  • WhiteCrow

    You relize that...
    1. People would go extict.
    2. Poor people couldn't have sex.
    3. Noone in America wants new taxes...
    4. This would make the childs life worse.
    5. Kids are our future.
    6. Without kids, people wouldn't learn how to take care of them.
    You are apparently a fuckin damn motha fuckin bitch who hates kids and sex and fucks his fuckin sex dolls all the fuckin damn time. You should be ashamed. (Also this is basiclly true all ready. Childsupport...)

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    • No you could still have sex just use things like A CONDOM! or birth control. Which not everyone uses since some assume that its never going to happen to them. Also I never said EVERYONE should stop having kids. I am saying people should think before they have them. Like that pregnant 16 year old that cant afford the baby. So to use some protection.

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      • WhiteCrow

        You also got to consider Catholics. They don't believe in birth control. Condom/birth control doesn't always work. Still sticking with what I said with child support though. '_'

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  • Hugh*Janus

    Read my lips: NO NEW TAXES!

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    So the child who didn't choose to be born will now be born to poor parents.

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    You don't have the right to say who can't have kids. But I think it's more than fair to tax parents, I shouldn't have to pay for other people's dumb kids.

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  • Queen^of^Spades

    Yep i totally agree with you. Specially this part-
    "I think we should make it illegal to have children if you do not pass a test. This test will cover a few things. You have to take a psychological exam, compatibility test with partner, educational test, and medical test to see if the mother is fit to even have children." Is it weird to think that my parents would have failed the test?

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I don't think you deserve to breed. FAIL.

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  • TheCrazyone1301


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  • loopoo


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  • cȱɱpɩɛx

    Just sterilise everyone on the planet. In a hundred years, human problems will be reduced by a factor of something percent and the last mewling scrawkers will blethy their dying murrow in the filk.

    Sorry, reading Jabberwocky at the same time as writing this.

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    • While that would bring down the population for the time being you do not think about the future when we would go extinct.

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      • cȱɱpɩɛx

        But what of it?

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        • You really do not see the problem with this? Why don't you just figure that out. Also we would not be able to sterilize people as that would go against peoples rights.

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          • cȱɱpɩɛx

            I shall now do this face:


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            • If no one has kids ever the human race will die! There is indirect and direct. The indirect method would be taxing people. the direct method would be cutting everyone by law. Now the second is considered unethical for the reason you are touching someone’s body. The first which I mentioned is indirect so its secondary.

              Do you understand this? Why I did not say something like "Lets just clip everyone" since its too direct. You can work around the issue but it becomes an issue when you are directly touching that person. You can not be direct in these type of issues. Since there is too many ethical issues which come to it.

              Its kind of like the "No smoking laws" they did not DIRECTLY ban cigarettes. What they did was started making it harder and harder to smoke. They started adding reasons and areas for people to NOT smoke. Making it nearly impossible to smoke. However they never directly banned smoking. You simply prevent the issue but something like this could never be banned. There is no way to enforce it. Does that make sense?

              I applied the same situation to this here. The law is indirect.

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    • Shackleford96


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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Well thank fuck people like you don't run the country. The point of a free society is that people can do what they want and aren't subjugated like some 15th Century middle ages bullshit.

    Also, if you tax the hell out of parents that'd make the life of the child even more shit that it already is. Well according to you obviously.

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    • Leviathanel

      seems obvious eh? i was more or less going to say what you just said. sort of goes without saying doesn't it?

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      • squeallikeasacofpigs

        Great minds think alike bro

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