Wearing masks

I have zero mercy for people who won't wear masks. While mask-wearing doesn't completely eliminate the virus, it certainly helps lower the spread. I think people who won't mask up are some of the most inconsiderate folks around.

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Comments ( 34 )
  • LloydAsher

    I've been saying from the start that covid is never going away. We just need to live with it now.

    Especially since I just had a bout of covid. I think delta.

    It's just a new sickness that occassuonqlly stops workflow. Nothing new, dont have bodies littering the streets so I dont understand why you need to demonize people who want to live how they want. Dont like it? Move somewhere else. Dont force others to move because your inconvenced.

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    • How hard is it to be a considerate person? Either wear a mask or don't complain if you transmit the virus to someone you care about.

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      • LloydAsher

        It's not considerate to force people to do things they dont want to do. I find wearing masks to be inconvenient not compassionate because a mask does little to protect you if you spend most of your workday in close proximity to other people. Or if you spend your day outside and have to wear it.

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      • jackstormwater

        The Anonymous Poster is one of the most inconsiderate people in the world and is obviously just projecting their own selfish flaws on others by calling them inconsiderate.

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        • Yes, it's inconsiderate of me to ask people to NOT give me the virus. What am I thinking?

          Sarcasm very much intended.

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          • jackstormwater

            People can’t give you the virus if you stay the hell away from them.

            Also, didn’t you take your vaccine? I thought that vaccine was supposed to actually, you know, work??? 🙄

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  • Lowering the spread does not mean eliminating it( you are bound to get it sooner or later). Vaccinated people can be reinfected again.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think this way of thinking is a major problem with society. If you demonize ppl when they have a different opinion than you you shut off the dialog. This is the same as a person who tells you jesus is god and when you disagree he says you're a bad person. Even if you can prove jesus isnt god he will not listen becauae "youre a bad person". Your ego is keeping you from seeing another point of view. It makes me assume you dont really have an argument to support your opinion

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    • I see what you mean, and you do have a good point.

      However, my argument is that it's not that hard to be a considerate person. Wearing a mask is one of the simplest things someone can do, so if someone refuses to do something considerate, then how am I supposed to respect them?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Im sorry but when you say this its like you're from a different universe to me. Do people still wear masks where you're from? Im a truck driver and drive through 3 states a day and almost 100% of the population I see do not wear masks. I only see them if I go to a restaurant or something. If you dont respect ppl who dont wear masks youre talking about the vast majority of the country from my perspective. Ive never been to newyork or cali or london or whatever. But I can tell you mid west, mid south, deep south arent wearing masks anymore.

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        • LloydAsher

          My midwest town said fuck it after the first 6 months.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            It feels to me when I turn on the news everyone is sick and dying from covid except for you, me, and everyone we know.

            I also personally doubt many ppl who say they know someome personally who has died. Your chances of knowing someone who died is about 237 in 100,000th in my state. How many ppl do these alarmist know? Every alarmist says they know someone who died. Its a statistical impossibility they all know someone.

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            • LloydAsher

              No one I knew died of covid. On the other hand my great uncle died of a heart attack and we weren't able to have a funeral because of covid.

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        • Of all the places you've been, between places that have mask mandates and ones that don't, have you noticed any differences in the COVID rates? I'm not being a wiseass, I'm genuinely curious.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            If you look at a per capita map it almost looks random. Texas and Florida had pretty low amount of cases despite no mask mandates. According to the map my state got the 3rd worst case amount. Which surprises me because it didnt seem bad at the hospitals but atleast half the ppl I know have had covid.

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  • jethro

    I only wear one if I absolutely have to. If you want to wear one 24/7 knock yourself out. But if masks really work, why the vaccine? If the vaccines work, why the masks? I will take my own chances and decide for myself. It isn't up to you to decide for me. If a business requires masks and I don't want to wear one, I just don't patronise that business. It's their choice to require it and mine to not and then choose to go somewhere else. The business needs me more than I need them.

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    • "It isn't up to you to decide for me."

      Great, then how about we let women control their own reproductive systems?

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      • jethro

        I'm not stopping them. They can do what they want. It's the government that is making the choice for them. Just like the masks and vaccinations.

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  • jackstormwater

    Masks are a sham. Throughout my entire life we never wore masks. For almost the entirety of human civilization we never wore masks. Now all of a sudden we just happen to need them now? Even though viruses, many much worse, have existed since before the start of humanity? Our education system is really failing us. You think people who won’t mask up are the most inconsiderate folks around? Good. Because anyone who tries to make me wear a mask isn’t worthy of my consideration.

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    • I almost hope that you give the virus to someone you love. That'll teach you.

      If you're so worried about "consideration" and "freedom," then how about letting women control their own reproductive systems.

      All I can say is, I'm glad I'm not a redneck.

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      • jackstormwater

        Your comment proves that your side of the whole COVID argument is just pro-hate and pro-death. It’s what you’re rooting for and you just admitted it. You certainly don’t need to convince me that you hope someone I love catches the virus. I thoroughly believe you.

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        • I'm not pro-death, I'm anti-virus. I just have a hard time empathizing with people who refuse to do things that help lower the rate of the virus.

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          • jackstormwater

            Why? Do you live your whole life trying to minimize the chances that people will die of any other causes? My bet is no. If so, you would have been wearing masks pre-COVID to prevent the spread of the flu. Your stance is hypocritical. It’s just grandstanding with no substance and no consistency.

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            • Yes, the ONLY reason I cover up is to protect other people, as I know it does more to protect others than to protect myself. I have no problem spewing hate towards people who put their own ego above the well-being of others.

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  • Curiouskitten444


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  • Preschoolgamer

    I think that covid may go the same way that the Spanish Flu did, Keep mutating until it becomes unable to affect humans just as what happen to the Spanish Flu. Meaning the pandemic will have a social ending rather than a medical ending since if almost impossible to kill off any disease completely(well all except small pox)

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  • Not sure what side you're on, but there's nothing "fearful" about wearing a piece of cloth over your mouth and nose.

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    • jackstormwater

      Yes there is. It is cowardly. It’s like walking around with a helmet on your head and shin pads at the grocery store. You would be a punchline as a germaphobe in a cartoon 20 years ago.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I wrap my head in a plastic bag sealed with duct tape but I'm still having respiratory issues.

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