Weird fear . . . iin

Okay every time I hear a loud plane flying over my house, I think it will crash into my house! I know the odds are rare but every since the 9/11 attacks, i have been terrified of planes. I actually lost an uncle because of the 9/11 attacks. Every since then I have refused to get onto a plane. A really weird sounding plane just flew over and it sounded pretty close and scared the sh*t out of me especially since there's no airport near me. -_- Really wish I could get over this phobia. . .

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Comments ( 8 )
  • zchristian

    I had it when i was a kid i used to run inside the house when ever i heard a plane..

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  • dirtybirdy


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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I have lived in places where they fly over my house and had this same fear. So yeah you are pretty normal.

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  • foreveryoung5

    It is completly nprmal but the only thing i can think of that will help you is to go on a plane with some people you REALLY trust.

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  • keeping_up_with_da_kids

    I live in a small town with three airports surrounding my town two military one not all I hear is airplanes and jets sometimes see the occasional low flying stealth bomber.

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  • Anime7

    I had the same fear. Well sort of. I think this is pretty normal. If anything think of the money you'll get after the lawsuit, that thought ought to make you fear it less.

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  • Two words if you want to get over this fear. Exposure therapy. ;) & bring someone you trust with you.

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