Weird fear of being intoxicated or out of control
About a year and a half ago I started feeling like I was living in a dream. I would have these deep thoughts of whether my reality was everyone else's. I wondered if the people I knew or the things around me were actually real, or if life was just something I was experiencing with no one else. Prior to these weird feelings I would smoke marijuana and I had experienced a few very unpleasant and out of control highs. Since then I've been terrified of even being around people smoking, when I'm next to a person smoking ill hold my breath til I'm sure the smoke has moved. I also get very nervous about drinking alcohol because I'm afraid I will blackout or have some weird adverse side effect. I'm also scared of passing out. Recently I woke up in the middle of the night with a bloody nose and I lost my vision for about 30 seconds, felt very cold, and I fell to the ground. These fears are just so annoying, I can't drink coffee anymore because for whatever reason it makes me feel sick and anxious, I don't take cold medicine because I'm afraid of side effects. It feels like all this came out of nowhere in the past year. I also have had bouts of self harm with cutting and hitting my self. I've been on lexapro for 3 years but I feel like a crazy person and I'm tired of being cared of everything. Is this normal?