Weird fear of being intoxicated or out of control

About a year and a half ago I started feeling like I was living in a dream. I would have these deep thoughts of whether my reality was everyone else's. I wondered if the people I knew or the things around me were actually real, or if life was just something I was experiencing with no one else. Prior to these weird feelings I would smoke marijuana and I had experienced a few very unpleasant and out of control highs. Since then I've been terrified of even being around people smoking, when I'm next to a person smoking ill hold my breath til I'm sure the smoke has moved. I also get very nervous about drinking alcohol because I'm afraid I will blackout or have some weird adverse side effect. I'm also scared of passing out. Recently I woke up in the middle of the night with a bloody nose and I lost my vision for about 30 seconds, felt very cold, and I fell to the ground. These fears are just so annoying, I can't drink coffee anymore because for whatever reason it makes me feel sick and anxious, I don't take cold medicine because I'm afraid of side effects. It feels like all this came out of nowhere in the past year. I also have had bouts of self harm with cutting and hitting my self. I've been on lexapro for 3 years but I feel like a crazy person and I'm tired of being cared of everything. Is this normal?

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 13 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • DolphinAngel

    Of course this is not at all normal and you probably know that yourself... Advising you to seek help maybe a bit rude but you should consider talking to someone aside from this forum because this sounds like some serious problem which I do not feel qualified to help you with...

    However, I may tell you that it appears to me perfectly normal to question reality from time to time but not too deeply like you described... What I think is that what you experience and think to be real is real as I share this existence and many other people and sentient creatures on this planet do and even if this all is not real how could we possible know? And isn't it trivial if it is not real because it appears to be real and our subjective perception will tell us that it is...

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  • hootiemomma

    Self harm is not normal. The weed has nothing to do with your problems. See a mental health professional. God Bless you!

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  • richardbturgid

    U r scared because it is dangerous. Follow your fear and don't smoke the crap!

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  • jezabell95

    Such as the self inflicted pain or being afraid to take cold medicine.... I think you should talk to your doctor about that

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  • jezabell95

    Parts of it are normal but other parts are not... when you experienced the out of control high your mind received it as a trauma and you could be experiencing some pts which would cause you to be afraid of getting high again but some of it is abnormal

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