Weird outlook on friends

I have a friend thats quite wealthy who lives currently in thailand but flies to the states a lot. We have went out a few times before. Anyway he was telling me that in thailand he got strong arm robbed by 3 ladyboys. He said he was walking down a desserted road at night and they told him to give whats in his wallet and he gave them hundreds of dollars. No knife was presented he just handed it over to small asian ladyboys.

Immediately I get this bias like I dont want to hangout with the guy that much because I need friends who are willing to be more scrappy than that. I think even my weakest friend is good to take atleast 2 ladyboys. I know it sounds silly to read but think about it. Dont you want men in your circle that you can depend on when things go sour?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Have you ever fought three people at once? It’s not like a film where they line up to be beaten up one by one, that’s three sets of fists and feet coming at you simultaneously.

    Your friend opened up to you about being mugged and your first reaction is to want to cut him off? You don’t sound like you’re much of a friend to be honest.

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    • Theres more to the story than just that. I never said I'm gonna cut him off but he does put off a lot of weakness vibes. Its both in the way he dresses and how he carries himself. He appears to be the perfect victim.

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      • Grunewald

        You put off a lot of weakness vibes. If you are physically strong, defend yourself AND others. I mean, I'm a woman and even I don't judge my guy friends on the basis of how well they could defend me. I don't go looking for trouble, stay away from other people who do, and know where not to hang around at certain times of day. If after all that someone still has the audacity to hunt me down, sure I'd kick and scream and whatnot as a survival reflex but let's face it: I'm basically just waiting for God to take me, so I'm good to stay and I'm good to go. No muscle-man friend is going to add another year to my life.

        Also, if you felt secure enough about your own means and your own finances, you wouldn't need to humble-brag about having rich friends.

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  • Higenleth

    He probably thought it wasn't worth the fight and didn't even need the money. Sounds like Hollywood fucked with your brain, like it did for most americans.

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    • Explain how you got from this that has hollywood fucked with my brain

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  • He was not mugged and he had another guy with him

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    • Anonnet

      He was mugged. What you described is what mugging is. If he has another guy with him, maybe that other guy should have brought a knife. Even then, it's still far less trouble to just give them the money, especially if he's wealthy.

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