What’s the easiest job for a college student?

Currently delivering pizzas. I was thinking of being some sort of worker for the college or in library where I’m not doing any real work.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • kikilizzo

    Most common jobs are fast food restaurants and delivering pizzas and such, which you're already doing. I wouldnt call that easy though. I worked in fast food once and its hella stressful and unless you're an extrovert it's a pain for many others reasons too. It's extra hard since most jobs require education nowadays so if you're still in school it can be hard to get anything else.
    Something like being a night guard at a company could be pretty chill I guess. Not sure what's required to get such a job but it seems chill unless something goes down which probably doesnt happen that often.
    You could also apply for jobs at stores that usually don't get a lot of traffic, so you'd mostly sit around. Sounds very boring to me but if your goal is to do nothing it should be a dream.

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  • dude_Jones

    Maybe you could sell your blood to a blood bank. You’re basically being paid to be a vegetable.

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  • Somenormie

    What's with people suggesting Onlyfans?

    There are far better jobs than OnlyFans.

    OnlyFans is just nothing more than complete trash.

    If you want to work somewhere how about work at a retailer or work at a thrift store or something.

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  • Rocknrolla81

    OF lol

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  • Holzman_67

    Chimney Sweep

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  • Tommythecaty

    Going to college.

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  • Kmoshea5

    I’m cashiering at a gas station right now. Speedway: been there about 1 year and a half now so working ok so far. I guess plan keep working there until they tell me I don’t need to show up anymore???

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Get into warehouse production. Amazing pay flexible hours for part timmers and so easy a monkey could do it

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  • darefu

    Being a student! You asked for the easiest, well there it is no responsibility except to learn and be a student. Let your parents pay for it and give you money, they have plenty and are old with no goals or use for all that money anyways. If you are in the USA, just get a loan if parents can't give it to you. Let Brandon and the tax payers pay for it. They owe you for being born.

    Really, if you want to be a full time student the best or easiest are going to be those that are the most flexible with your scheduling. The ones that are going to help you out the most are those related to the direction of study. If you're studying to be a lawyer even a job in the mail room or as a runner can give related experience.

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    • Gambler

      Couldn’t care less about what you think is fair or unfair.

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      • darefu

        Wtf, didn't say anything about fair or unfair??

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  • randypete

    a fluffer for a porn film

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Wait people get paid for that?? I'm gonna go talk go my boss right now

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  • wigz

    Stripper, bartender.

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  • malaparte

    Library page. Pay is shit, but it's easy, flexible, and can accommodate weird hours sometimes. You don't really even have to interact with people, just point them in the direction of a clerk or assistant if they have a complaint or a technical issue of some kind.

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  • LloydAsher

    Walmart, or retail jobs. Where they are large enough to accept your weird hours.

    Probably the worst place to work is a factory. Tried to work 2, 12 hour shifts within my school week. Sucked so badly.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Why are people saying stuff like OnlyFans and YouTuber? Those jobs aren't "easy" especially if you want a guaranteed income every month. You have to maintain a steady stream of content, which puts a lot of stress on a person, and even before then you have to work up a decent following so you can even *MAKE* any kind of money.

    Also, and I'm not sure how OF works, but with YouTube you can put a lot of effort into a video just for it to be demonetized, so your work will essentially just have no value. Days/weeks/months down the drain unless you have a Patreon to supplement it. That's why you see a lot of YouTuber burnout.

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  • kelili


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  • sweetone89

    When I was in college, there was a job at my campus called "Computer Lab Monitor". You would just go sit in a computer lab and make sure anyone who entered was signed in, and you would lock up before you left. Basically, you just sat there and got paid to do your studying...i.e. reading textbooks, writing essays, etc. with the benefit of having all the university's resources right there.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    Pornstar and YouTuber/Twitch streamer immediately come to mind, but it's only easy if you're lucky enough to make those jobs work out. You do have to have certain qualities outside of luck as well though.

    Part time work that lets you just sit around a lot is ideal. Pet store work isn't that bad in my experience and was what I did before getting my associate's degree.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      Depending on what you do on YouTube being a YouTuber isn't that easy. I watch people who put a lot of effort into their videos just for YouTube to be like, "Hahahahahaha....DEMONETIZED."

      You also have to build up a following for these types of things or already be known. It's not exactly "easy".

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