What about kicking russia out of the un security council

There's a plausible movement to realistically kick Russia out of the UN Security Council.

The background is that the UN Charter named 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council:
The Republic of China,
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
United States of America

The General Assembly then elects 6 other non-permanent member countries (3 each year to a 2 year term).

It was pointed out in the last day that Russia is not named in the Charter as a Permanent member, and only the permanent members have the effective veto over security council actions (it's not an actual veto, all permanent members must vote "yes" for a security council action to be valid - so if one abstains or votes "no" a security council action will not pass).

Also, several people have stated that they recall no vote that would have assigned the vacant USSR seat to Russia after the USSR broke apart.

Right now there is a detailed search of all UN Security Council and General Assembly votes to see if Russia was ever voted into the Security Council, or voted to assume the Vacant USSR seat.

If no such vote is found that assigned the permanent USSR seat to Russia; Russia can then just be told that they are not even in the Security Council (they have not been elected in the last 2 years either as one of the rotating seats).

This could get interesting....

I'm sure that this will not go over with Putin well if Russia was not formally assigned the USSR seat and kicked out of the UN Security Council.



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Comments ( 11 )
  • Boojum

    I have no illusions about the value of the UN as an organisation or even as a talking-shop, but I was intrigued when I heard this idea mentioned a few days ago.

    You listing "The Republic of China" made me wonder if China might also qualify for expulsion on similar grounds, since the People's Republic of China that now sits on the Security Council is definitely not the same as the Republic of China. Trying to give them both the boot would open a huge can of worms. However, according to Wikipedia, this change was done formally: UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 in 1971 recognised the PRC as the legal representative of China in the UN, kicked the Republic out of the UN altogether and gave the PRC the vacant seat on the Security Council.

    The change from the USSR to Russia was apparently done with a shrug - a tacit acknowledgement that the USSR had never actually been a "union" in any true sense, and in reality, it was always Russia and a collection of subordinate countries who had to dance to the Russian tune.

    Kicking Russia off the Permanent Security Council would be nothing more than gesture politics. Also, it would feed the common Russian delusion that poor, innocent, widdle Russia is just trying to get by in the world, while big, bad America and all the other decadent countries of the West are doing their best to destroy it. That paranoid, victim-mindset is very useful for Putin's PR machine in their efforts to convince ordinary Russians that their not really all that great standard of living isn't due to the Russian government's incompetence and corruption, but instead caused by the evil, blood-sucking countries of the West.

    On balance, I think things should be left as they are. If nothing else, it's darkly amusing to watch the Russian ambassador to the UK sit there and try to defend his country's actions and keep his face straight as he spouts what he must know is the most ridiculous crap.

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    • LloydAsher

      What can the economy of russia really do? Cut oil exports? The usa and saudi Arabia can cover for those shortfalls until russia just collapses from it's own highchair of stupidity and bravado.

      Russia should of been smart and pulled a 9/11 on themselves and blamed Ukraine. Not say ukraine is filled with nazis and than start to bomb apartment buildings under the guise of "peacekeeping"

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  • RoseIsabella

    I would personally love to see the biggest, gayest leather-man take Vladimir Putin's bootie hole virginity. I don't usually support anal rape, but when I do I support the anal of a communist dictator! 🤩😱🤪🤣

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the us should send a carrier group to the black sea to harass and provoke the russian navy in the same fashion that the russian navy is accustomed to doin

    they really dont need such pressure right now

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    • olderdude-xx

      I don't know if a modern US aircraft carrier would fit though the locks to the Black Sea.

      Even if they did... there is too much risk to the carrier in such a small body of water and without its normal escorts (which includes attack submarines that just follow the Carriers around and can act to protect them).

      Russia would love to sink a US Carrier in the Black Sea...

      The US does run Cruisers and Destroyers into the Black Sea with some regularity.

      Another factor is that right now Turkey has announced that no warship may transition though the canal unless it is returning to a Black Sea home base. There is an International Treaty from 1936 that guarantees right of passage with the provision that in the event of a war involving a Black Sea nation that Turkey can prevent transit of warships and war resupply ships. Last week Turkey declared that there was a War condition and announced no warship (and war supply ship) transits unless they were returning to a Black Sea home base.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        what locks to the black sea?

        its not a canal its a strait of size big enough to transit any ship

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      • Ummitsstillme

        A couple of a10's could litterally end this silly sitting line of Putin tanks.
        On an aside, sort of off topic, what is Putin's end game now? It was to reestablish a big part of the USSR, but considering the resitance and the WORLD's response, what do you think his goals are now?

        It doesn't seem practical to just shell the shit out of a place you want to possess.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          an ac-130 gunship would be even more effective

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        • Boojum

          That enormous line of vehicles all neatly arranged on long, straight stretches of open road also made me think of A10s.

          As for Putin's specific plans now, who the hell knows? He's stated his goals of destroying the Ukrainian military and removing the government of Ukraine, and I haven't heard anything suggesting that there are signals that he's having second thoughts about that.

          The analyses I've read by people who seem to be qualified to speak to the issue say that they believe things are going to get much, much worse. Putin can't back down because he can't allow himself to be seen to fail. He simply does not give a shit about how much destruction he causes, how many civilians he kills or even how many Russians die. Nobody in the Kremlin has the power to force him to stop, and it's even possible that the information he's getting from the military makes him honestly believe things are going to plan. The Russian Minister of Defence, Sergei Shoigu, is a notorious arse-licker of whoever is in power. The guy has been steadily floating toward the top of the heap ever since the collapse of the USSR, so he obviously has a rare talent for telling the boss whatever they want to hear.

          There were those who suspected that Putin (well, the Duma, supposedly, but everyone knows it really would have been his decision) was going to impose martial law on Russia today. That didn't happen, but what did happen was that very harsh restrictions on freedom of speech were introduced, and the process of blocking Twitter, Facebook and YouTube from Russia are underway at this very moment.

          What is certain is that thanks to Putin's enormous ego and mediocre intellect leading him to make a monumental miscalculation, things are going to get much worse for both Ukrainians and Russians, although not in the same way.

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          • Ummitsstillme

            I tend to agree with most of your points. I am sure he is hiding in a bunker under some Siberian mountain, like an angry pouting child.
            I really don't see an end to this unless someone on the inside can physically take him out, but thats not likely. I suppose the other option is to appease the child? Surrender Ukraine like the world did for Hitler?

            Hitler didn't have nukes. I suppose the best option is to proxy fuck him and pray he isn't insane enough to play nuclear games.

            I fear if he has pivoted to just "winning" vs the original plans of an efffortless steamroll of Ukraine, and an American/NATO lay down, and is willing to just shell the shit out of every city, we may need to worry harder.

            Although they did take care of the
            Zaporizhzhia plant, that proves its not entirely a scorched earth tactic; I don't know what the international ideal move is.

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  • KholatKhult

    Sure why not

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