What age range are you in?
Under 12 | 43 | |
12-17 | 421 | |
18-29 | 470 | |
30-39 | 78 | |
40 or older | 91 |
Ask Your Question today
Under 12 | 43 | |
12-17 | 421 | |
18-29 | 470 | |
30-39 | 78 | |
40 or older | 91 |
Remember that the voting results are only indicative of people who have voted...it just shows that more kids have voted...I'm 36:)
And it's actually funny for me that there are 8 ppl who are under 12. Lol :D
What the fuck. Under 12? Why the fuck are children under 12 on this website!?
33. lol- the kids ask, and we adults provide our trial and error test results....whether or not correct.
Actually if you add them up most people here are over 18.
Damn, you adults are retards!
i think alot of young people get on here because they are curious about things that they are to scared/embarassed to ask anyone taht they know so they use the internet
Well, I'm an OAP teenager. How old? As old as I feel and act. What the hell!
Well, I am in the 40 or over group, so maybe the total will average out.......kidding of course...
what level am i at if i were in school you guess 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 & so on, you guess this. i would put half my brain at the age around 30. my real age is 23
Look at all the young-uns! Explains a lot about the content of this site huh? :)
16, but sometimes I feel like I'm 40 dammit. Self righteous indignation never hurt anybody.
Honestly, after running across many stupid comments and "advices" under the majority of the posts, I was expecting more people under 14. I'm 19, btw.
36 and proud of it. im not too old to date women of 24 yrs. up to 40. these r the best years of my life. my wife is 25
Holy >.> I really concern for the future now. I mean seriously, look at how inappropiate many of the questions on this side is for young people, and look how many young people we got on here! >.>