What annoys you?

What was the last thing that annoyed you, but you knew was a stupid thing to be annoyed about.

I discovered my roommate was using the bathroom towels to clean the kitchen instead of the kitchen rags. I'm glad they cleaned, but they used the wrong towels. Grrr...this made me so stupidly annoyed. Is it normal?

Voting Results
76% Normal
Based on 62 votes (47 yes)
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Comments ( 51 )
  • dinz

    I get really annoyed when I call people on the phone and they don't say anything until I say "Hello".

    I thought Etiquette dictates when you pick up a phone you pick up a phone you say "hello" and the caller replies.

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    • wigsplitz

      Or how about when someone calls you, you say 'hello', and immediately they say 'who's this?'. Um, you called ME, bud! Who are YOU?

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    This website lol

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    • Great answer!

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  • People who don't pay attention. I hate having to repeat myself.

    "Huh? What were you saying?"

    With all my rage.

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  • kawaiigurl

    when people say "ok...???" as though what i said was stupid or something. it's annoying

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  • Ixu

    I get really annoyed with people that close the bathroom door when there's no one in it. I find knocking quite awkward on closed bathroom doors and avoid it so when the door is closed I assume there's someone in it and it annoys me sooooo much to find that it was empty the whole time!

    Also other cars on the road. I loathe other drivers.

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    • Ldizzy1234

      Oh my gosh!! Everything you said! Me too!!

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  • bristexai

    When someone disagrees with me.

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  • wigsplitz

    The last thing that annoyed me that really shouldn't have....well, I was just at the gas station, I only had 3 items to buy, and this guy managed to get in line 2 seconds before I did, and of course he was ordering a fucking sandwich. It always annoys me so much when this happens either with people ordering sandwiches or those damn lotto freaks.

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  • Isabella80s

    That's really bizarre to use bathroom towels to clean a kitchen... you're definately not alone in being annoyed at that. Hang on, do you mean actual towels? Or toilet paper? Sorry, there could be some American/British confusion on my part here! But still, which ever kind of towel - it's a bit odd and not that hygenic!?

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    People who can't drive properly:

    Driving in the middle lane with no traffic in the inside lane, going slower than everybody else. - WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!??!? MOVE OVEERRRR!!!

    Not using indicators at all at roundabouts - REALLY!?!? Thats how you cause crashes you dumb fuck.

    Tailgating - Just fuck off, seriously

    Driving at 40mph in a 60 then driving at 40mph in a 30.

    Trying to squeeze through gaps that are too small. JUST FUCKING WAIT!

    Not thanking me when I stop to let you through/out when I didn't have to, but did because I'm kind. YOU FUCKING PRICK!!!!! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST THANK ME!!!!?? IT'S FUCKING MANNERS YOU SELFISH CUNT!!!

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    My roommate hired two men to come around and kick my bedroom door down and then to assault me. That was pretty annoying...

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    • I do believe this is a reasonable situation to be annoyed with. In fact, I think you should be pissed, not just annoyed. I hope all turns out okay.

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      • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

        Yeah, in all honesty, I have never been so angry in my entire life.
        I'm still furious. It's making my skin crawl that I'm actually sat next door to her.

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    • Shackleford96

      Damn, that's fucked up right there.

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      • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

        Oh it's okay.
        The police are now on to the bitch, she's getting expelled from uni and never again will be able to attend uni and has to pay a full fee of £4,000 for our flat. Sucks to be her.
        Bitch messed with the wrong person.

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        • scumfuck

          haha shit sweet revenge love this !

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        • Shackleford96

          Well, she got what she deserved.

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  • gspauldi1999

    Just a few minutes ago I was on Facebook Chat with my friend and in mid-conversation she logs off...

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    • gspauldi1999

      OH! Also on FB there is this guy that shares every single thing that he sees, it's sooooo annoying!

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  • dom180

    I tend not to get annoyed by things I think are stupid to be annoyed about. There are far too many important things to be annoyed about for me to have any annoyance-energy left, I guess! xD

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  • Littlebadgirl

    When people don't get sarcasm and are like "nooo... but it's not like that, let me explain it to you".

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  • Anime7

    It annoyed me that all my friends are in relationships and I'm not, would that be a dumb reason?

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  • KeddersPrincess

    The fact that time's flying by too fast.

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  • strangebuttrue

    People who use the "f" word all the time.

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    The last time I had contact with a human being.

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  • Caryopteris

    People who call on my personal phone, and demand to know who I am. Excuse me? You called ME! I always ignore their question and ask who is calling, and they act like I'm the rude one!

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  • people (mostly women) who stand chatting in the supermarket aisle with their trolleys, ignoring people who want to walk thru, then when they notice they move slightly so you still have to squeeze by

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    • charli.m

      Ugh I hate that! Or the ones that see you there, and just look at you like "Yeah? So what?" AND KEEP TALKING!!! Usually, they've pushed past you to stand in your way, too.

      I hate people in public. They always annoy the crap out of me.

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      • yes!! grrr

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  • mclinking

    Neighbours. Who needs them?

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  • Emily513

    Tea leoni pisses me off

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  • sissycakes

    the thing that makes me extremely angry is when people stand around in the hallways, or when people are outwardly angry for no good reason.

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  • Justs0meguy

    When I'm trying to enjoy a movie and my friends/family will NOT STOP TALKING/MAKING COMMENTS.

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  • CraneyCrow

    (1) The way people don't park between the lines like they're supposed to and then there is no room for another car to park.

    (2) People on this site who act like two toddlers fighting over the same toy. They get off-topic and because neither will give in, the posts just go on and on and it's nothing but rubbish. The person asking the question should delete all the rubbish, except, of course, when the person asking the question is the one guilty of starting the argument and posting most of the rubbish! In that case, the moderator (or whoever is in charge) should delete the entire question.

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    • I know this is annoying, and it isn't stupid at all to be annoyed about the childish arguments. They seem to be getting worse and I hope it is just a phase. I'm not sure what can be done about it. I'll take individual responsibility for my own stories and delete threads that turn sour, but some are looking for that negative attention and I don't know what to do about it.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    The way my wife doesn't want my son to wake up early on a weekend.

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  • bristexai

    You are his mistress on the side...

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  • AssBurgers

    People with no manners, who just stop dead in front of you or walk directly at you, with no intention of getting out of the way. I've noticed it's mainly women who do this, especially the old birds.

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  • myownopinions

    I am really annoyed by any form of beathing (mouth breathing, audible nose breathing, etc.), but what I really shouldn't have been annoyed at was when some old people have one of those oxygen concentrators or whatever they're called to help them breathe. It's just that *puff sound that it makes really gets on my nerves.

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  • dodongos

    Oh also, people on Facebook that say "Like this if..." Shut your fucking face! It's called 'like' because you click it if you LIKE it, not because someone tell you to!!

    Especially pictures that say "Like for this, comment for that." They ALWAYS put the obvious winner on the 'like' side, and the obvious loser on the 'comment' side, because they know that lazy fuckers on Facebook are going to like and NOT comment.


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    • bristexai

      There is a page on Facebook that says that if it gets 1,000,000 likes, someone's dad will get off drugs. I really want to know how that works... There are a lot of morons on Facebook.

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      • dodongos

        Dear God...

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  • dodongos

    when I try to share some small thing that I thought was funny, and the person cuts me off and says "Wait, hold on.." GAH, never mind!

    I don't know why that annoys me so much, but it does.

    Or when I ALWAYS listen to music people recommend to me, but nobody EVER listens to my suggestions!!


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  • Shackleford96

    I have been getting really annoyed at the stupidity of drivers lately.

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  • Alyssajade143

    I have to many things to list that annoy me.

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  • yeah

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  • AvrilLavigne

    That was funny. I think you're really disciplined when it comes to cleanliness. So I may say that it was really normal to be annoyed about. :)

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Friends! I know some idiots. I do not care if your universe is ending over a women. YOU DO THIS EVERY TIME! GET OVER IT!

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  • Fartyr

    When no one takes out the garbage but me . When no one changes the toilet paper roll but me. When no one cleans the lint filter but me . When no one vacuums but me . When no one cleans the toilet but me . When no one picks up a shirt lying on the floor in front of the closet even after I leave it there three days just to see if anyone else but me will do so. When no one else cleans the shit stuffed into the sofa cushions but me. You get the picture? Don't get married.

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