What are each of your own predictions on covid19?

2 weeks ago, CNBC issued a report stating that they thought that daily new cases and daily new deaths from COVID19 were going to begin falling within the next couple of weeks. Now, on Aug 6, I'm reading all these brand new projections on several different sites stating that daily new cases/deaths will not only keep climbing, but will keep accelerating their climbing rate. They're predicting that the number of daily new cases and deaths may be up to 4 times higher than it is now by December of this year.

What exactly has changed in the past 2 weeks to be suddenly predicting a totally reverse situation from then? I'll guess but I don't know how accurate my guess is, 2 weeks ago, many people were preparing for mamy more shutdowns again. Then a few days later I recall reading how many of these new shutdowns will no longer happen due to the fear of the outcome of our economy. It really honestly makes sense if that's the reason for the 180 in our future projections.

However, if new COVID19 cases and deaths continue to multiply in the dramatic way they're now predicting, then there will eventually not be enough people around anymore or well enough to work and keep the economy afloat. So what's to do?

Also, how accurate do some of you feel the new COVID19 projections are? How do you feel in your opinion things will turn out between now and the end of 2020? Please comment on any of the above paragraphs.

And check the box below on what you think the number of new daily cases and deaths will be by the end of the year compared to today.

Go down 5
Be about the same 4
Be somewhat higher 9
Be multiple times higher 5
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Comments ( 51 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    salesa my top secret bat soup recipe have dropped considerably

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    • leggs91200

      I won that auction on ebay, you better deliver it real soon, I am tired of waiting.

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    • Really, I am concerned about the progression of the outbreak, but I still want to have a sense of humor now and again

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  • Ummitsstillme

    People will get a bit of it via a future hypothetical vaccine or from the virus itself and likely be fine and innoculated to this novel virus.

    If they aren't of advanced age, and suffering from underlying health problems, they will likely dodge it. Statistically it has a death rate less than the seasonal flu for people under the age of 65.

    That said, it is a weird virus. It affects so many different people in so many different ways. A husband can die while his wife just can't taste food for a week.

    Vitamind D is proven to help as well as zinc. A strong immune sytem is ideal, that means exercise, not drinking in excess.

    Hydroxychloroquine on the onset, with a physician's guidance has proven to mitigate.

    Maybe sadly we just realize that this is a worldwide reality and do what you can to protect the most vulnerable with coverups and avoidance. While likely healthy people should expose yourselves to others and get it and donate your antibodies to help others. Or don't? Random healthy people do die, but not empirically.

    Also it is worth noting, that atleast in the United States, testing is happening on a much bigger level than in other countries. This is true, not just Trump speak. Many businesses constantly test employees. Our company is testing for the antibodies, and it can tell you if you have it or HAD it; the both go into the database.

    I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but there is a financial incentive for many health institutions to label people dying with covid19 versus- from covid 19.

    Whether places are freewheeling with their definition of dying "from" covid19 is for others to decide.

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    • I'm reading now that they discovered that 90% of people in China who had the virus now have permanently damaged lungs and have to spend most of their time on ventilators. 90 freakin percent! I was going to agree on all you said about the virus not always being serious if I hadn't just stumbled across that site saying the 90% of everyone who gets the virus will have permanently damaged lungs and have to spend most of the rest of their lives struggling to breathe.

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      • McSorley

        That's total horseshit. They said 90% of 100 people treated in a single hospital in Wuhan still have damaged lungs, not 90% of the entire Chinese population which is, what, like 1.3 billion? You're saying over a billion people are on ventilators? LOL

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        • I meant 90% out of the 100 they tested. So if 90% of the people who happened to be specifically tested had damaged, how does that not mean that it's highly probable that 90% of most people everywhere have the same issue? So just the former covid19 people tested have the problem, but all of the former covid19 people not tested somehow have a totally different situation?

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          • donkeykong716

            The issue was the AFAIK the virus had two strains, the one in WUHAN was much more destructive, then there was a mutation to the second strain which spread around the world. (and apparently it's mutated again, but still, not the original first one which had nastier symptoms)

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          • McSorley

            I totally overlooked the "who had it" part. I was like, dude, this person thinks nearly all of China got Covid and is on ventilators? LMAO, my bad.

            But you didn't say "out of the 100 they tested" in your original comment, you said out of everyone who had it. How many in China got it, like 90,000 or so? So, your bad too, eh?

            Almost 20,000,000 people have had corona worldwide. If the lung damage you're describing was so common then most of them should already be on ventilators, right? That's just not the case. I think you're a little paranoid, to be honest.

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            • Could you please try and find a minute to respond to my last comment? Did you read the "From brain fog to heart damage.." site? Do you no longer think I'm being paranoid?

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            • I hope I'm being paranoid, but I just don't know if i am. Now i stumbled accross an article stating how so many former covid19 victims now have permanent heart damage and brain. Google title heading "from brain fog to heart damage, former covid19..something, can't remember rest, just google "from brain fog to heart damage, covid19", and it'll bring up this article stating how once you've caught the virus, your body will very likely be badly damaged for life. This is why I don't think I'm being paranoid.

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      • darefu

        And you are still believing information that comes out of China or the WHO.. I've got some oceanfront property in the Arizona for sale too..

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        • Are you trying to say that it's not true that 90% of people previously affected with covid19 have damaged lungs? So tell me, where are the sources suggesting otherwise? They haven't tested most former covid19 victims elsewhere yet, these are the only testing on this matter they've done so far anywhere. So tell me this, have you met any former covid19 victims who told you that they feel healthy and can breathe just fine?

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          • darefu

            I'm not saying it's not true. I'm saying I wouldn't believe the Pope if he repeated information he got from China. Also as most politians can tell you you can manipulate any numbers you want to prove your point. Unless you know all the details I don't believe percentages or reports like this. What if they only tested 100 people who were put on ventilators then that's 90% of the most severe cases not of everyone who tested positive for it. Same for those with heart or brain damage. I personally think 90% of all reporters have brain damage and if I got to pick the ten reporters that got tested I bet I could prove my point.

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            • You do have a point. Actually, let me ask you this, do you know anyone who's had the virus, recovered from it, and does not have heart or lung damage and is walking around and breathing just fine? Finding out about more people from our real lives who got infected and then came out of it ok will help make it look convincing about those reports being exaggerated

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  • have_a_good_day

    They don't make viruses like they used to

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    • YE

      Dude, the earliest HIV/AIDS infection cases were brutal, at least in the middle and advanced stages... sores in the mouth, hair loss, pencil thinness, loss of appetite, boils. Generally, the image of an HIV/AIDS patient then was scary as hell.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Im guessing you're not in NY? They were doing the same thing here when cases were high here, constant changing projections and moving goalposts as to what we're trying to do. One day they say one thing the next day they say the opposite.

    It's more of a fear campaign than a virus.

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  • leggs91200

    They are going to use covid 19 as an excuse for every problem the world has.

    It is a scapegoat.

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    • I just read about how in China they discovered that 90% of EVERYONE who got covid19 now has permanently damaged lungs and have to spend most of the time on ventilators. I also just read that they discovered that they will never be able to find a vaccine that effective. This is no scapegoat. I've just learned that this is much worse than I even thought when making my post up top yesterday.

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      • leggs91200

        They are also saying that people who caught it but recovered will have a life span 25 years less than average.
        But that is not the worst, all their wieners are going to fall off before that happens.

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        • Haha. Were you being funny about the 25 years shorter lifespan too, or was that part serious?

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          • leggs91200

            It was a joke. I am not surprised you asked.

            I think what it really is - people who are overly worried about covid have an IQ 25 points lower than average.

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  • YE

    Santa will be in debt this Christmas.

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    • leggs91200

      Will he have to buy a car at a "Second chance" lot?

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  • raisinbran

    We have bigger problems in California than the virus.

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  • Covid is no black plague, it will slowly become a mild disease as people develop herd immunity. It is not the end of the world.

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    • I don't know, I've stumbled across some new articles now suggesting otherwise. This may be closer to the black plague than we thought. See my response above to Leggs91200.

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    • LloydAsher

      I agree, children are almost completely immune to it and people from the ages of 18 to 45 are 20x more likely to die of homicide than of covid.

      Covid just kills people who would already be in danger or getting the regular flu.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I predict after the presidential election the reporting will deminish greatly overnight.

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    • darefu

      I agree, it's being used as a political weapon right now and numbers are being manipulated. People are being tested multiple time and each time being reported as another case.Some Labs are reporting only positive results. As well as if you die in a car accident but had cvd 19 in your system then you're a cvd reported death. These labs and medical as a whole over welmingly support the Dems. Day after election numbers will unbelievably change.

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      • So you could die from heart disease or lung cancer and also had covid19 in your system, and the covid19 had nothing to do with your death, the system will still post it as a covid19 death?

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        • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

          Not only that but if the doctor labels it as covid death the hospital gets money from the government

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        • LloydAsher

          Yep that's how shit works now. My father works in the medical system, had to rule that a kid died of covid even though he was found 3 miles downriver drowned.

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        • leggs91200

          Possible, they are doing everything they can to boost the covid numbers.

          Kind of for the same reason that schools are trying to get as mank kids as possible labeled "autistic". There is money in it for them.

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        • darefu

          Yep,the numbers are really bogus and may be causing more problems. Enough people see the political game being played that they don't take it serious, don't take me wrong cvd 19 is worrisome and dangerous. If you have a health condition already or are elderly ( I would say over 55 ) you should take protective measures. If you have family or visit/work with other that fall in that category then again take protective action (except for a certain boss then it might be beneficial to remove your mask and touch everything in their office) just kidding! As far as cvd 19 goes I will not be surprised if trump wins news stories about cvd will gradually be less except for it being an impeachable offense, and if Biden wins it will continue to be a major problem until he takes office then it will either quickly go away and he will be a hero or it will be the Dems reason to take over running everything and implementing a socialized system.

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      • YE

        HAHAHA! Meaning COVID-19 is now associated with car accidents? It should get itself a lawyer.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        And even after all that manipulation the CDC released in may estimates that the death rate is inbetween 0.2% - 0.8% with a likely number of 0.4% (for ppl who are tested positive for the virus) this number is far lower when you consider how many ppl are A symptomatic and never get tested.



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    • leggs91200

      Kind of like how christmas music comes to a screeching halt at 12:00 Dec 26th?

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      • YE

        Spelling the end of the 'Boney M' plague.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        Sort of

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  • Iforgotmyuser

    most scientists predicted covid will end early 2022 or late 2021. Cases won't just become less, they'll go through multiple curves of going up then down until finally this pandemic is over

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  • McSorley

    Off topic, but I gotta say the videos of SJWs getting beat up and kicked out of stores for not wearing masks are fucking hilarious.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Bigfoot recently died to covid. The noose and bullet holes were just an underlying condition.

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    • leggs91200


      Umm, is the Loch Ness monster still doing alright?
      What about slender man?

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      • Mammal-lover

        god I hope so. We need to send them cotton masks asap.

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        • leggs91200

          I think slender man is MTF TG. He just wants to stay slender so he can fit into cute clothing.

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          • Mammal-lover

            I could see that, probably wears panties qnd thigh high socks

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    • Alvex

      🐵 ooch ooch eech eeech!!

      Gorillas in the mist!

      Don't make a monkey outta meee!!!

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