What are the best things in life? sex, drugs, power, etc?

Let's be honest, life is short. If someone had all the money they needed to do whatever they wanted, what would they do? Don't say "it depends"- There's a reason why rappers all rap about the same things... Basically, is there ONE THING in life that's more enjoyable than anything else, or is the best habit a combination of things someone likes to do?
Also, please don't answer if you're a devout Christian or other type of follower that's against sex or drugs.
*Drugs as in safe drugs, not sketchy drugs such as pills or heroin.
Finally, ONLY ANSWER if you've actually done any of the listed things. Don't answer if you haven't lived life in the manner of discussion.

Sex 43
*Drugs 10
A combination of sex, *drugs and anything else (music, driving, etc.) 45
Basically being able to do whatever you want/power 73
Other (list in a comment) 38
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Comments ( 36 )
  • howaminotmyself


    laughing till you cry and your stomach muscles ache

    puppy breath

    music that makes you dance without thinking




    standing next to a 1000 year old redwood

    watching fireflies

    taking a nap in the sun

    floating in water

    the Robin's return

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    • Ms.Caffinated

      stargazing is one of my most charished events ~^_^~.. especially with a good cup of coffee lmao

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    • dappled

      I would have commented on this poll, but there's no way I can improve on that list of yours.

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    • iintolovethissite

      amazzing summed up :)

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    • adar5

      And being part of the human race

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  • fearless11


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    • ravensuichiro

      i agree..what the hell are those choices really?

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  • Ms.Caffinated

    The best things in life are free... If you run fast enough lol

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  • tastygreenpickle

    best thing in life

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  • KeyboardSolo

    Rappers rap about the same thing for two main reasons:

    1. They're dumb and unimaginative.
    2. They're following the time-tested formula of what sells.

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    • Jack83

      KeyboardSolo: That's pretty critical: "rappers are dumb and unimaginative". If ALL rappers were dumb and unimaginative, none of them would be as successful as they are.
      I do agree, though, that they are "following the time-tested formula of what sells" but why do you think that what they rap about has survived the time-tested formula?

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  • 343Boy

    There's no such thing as "safe drugs", all drugs can be abused, especially if you're excessively using them for pleasure.

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  • The fourth option basicly means all of the above.

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  • cdfarrar

    To know that you are loved by your creater. After that all else is gravy

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  • Having all of the eyes, ears, hands and feet I was born with, and no cancer.

    Not having a nagging woman or screaming child to slow me down and suck up my meager income.

    Having a life free of stress, anxiety, and responsibility.

    Far from the rest of humanity, I recline on the mountainside, taking in the majesty of God's green earth. With axe and rifle, I subdue the world. Lazily I nap beneath the pines.

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  • deejayftw

    I despise Christians and most other religions and don't specifically follow anything and I am against (completely disgusted by) drugs, does that mean I can comment? :D Power and Freedom are everything of course

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    • Jack83

      deejayftw: I respect your answer but I'm curious as to why you're "disgusted" by drugs? Because society says drugs are bad? Society also generally encourages Christianity which you despise- Not all drugs are harmful when done in moderation...
      Anyway, thanks again for your input!

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    • You really did not need to say that you despise Christians or religion you could just say you aren't religious and I'm pretty sure that would suffice.K thanks.

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  • Food,sunlight,life,GOD, the simple fact that we have lived to see the next day...

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  • YummyRee

    Just being happy and living your life without worries stress and no nonsense... Oh and money, power, and sex works good to. Haha!

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  • iintolovethissite

    sex drugs money and murder, may as well be one thing you deal the drugs you make the money you got the money you got the lady's woman can never keep quiet about things for very long so now you have the murder.

    so imah say ur shitty my freind drugs are bad. very bad. quite a good profit margin though...

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  • UliNalaMansae

    with power you can get almost anything, love is all cheesey and kinda gross :P.

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  • SoccerStud88

    Power, which in turns gets you everything you want/need.

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  • norm

    A good woman adds a lot to life. If she looks hot too, then you have it all.

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  • t99206

    money and lots of it.

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  • SnifferOuter77

    Ever seen Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas? Have a weekend like that and by monday your thirst should be quenched. Odds are if you're talking like this then you just haven't been ballsy enough to take it to the brain-pulsing extremes that others have. You'll go through all the stages of euphoria, the peaks, the paranoia, and the crash. Have fun, and use the buddy system :)
    P.S.- and you said Christians couldn't post on this, get on my level son!! Lol

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  • Ms.Caffinated

    A good cup of coffee... l

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  • fuck'em

    I wish i could do anything i want, but i know i'd fuck up too much if i had that power. so i chose music cause i fucking love it more than you can ever understand

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  • dumdum


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  • CreativeThinker

    boobs,butts,pussy,ass,testicle and dick....thats it.............

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  • Faceless

    Just having my two best friends with me. Beer and Cigarettes.

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  • wigsplitz

    I can get sex whenever I want already, so that's not an issue, but if nothing else mattered in my life I'd be high on heroin every day and not have to worry about everyday bills or other such problems.

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  • The best thing in life is music. It's almost a fact. What would we do without music? Life would be awful without it.

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    • wigsplitz

      I could live just fine without music so that's a bunch of crap.

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  • This is like Rock Paper Scissors.

    Power trumps Sex or the Drugs options because with Power, you can do whatever the _____ you want, whenever you want to do it.

    Even if the options were exclusive, I would still choose power - even though it corrupts.

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  • Drugs?? Are you having a laugh?

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