What are yalls favourite chess openings?

mine is the French Defence even though its a bit cramped

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Comments ( 11 )
  • KholatKhult

    Chess is all luck and no skill.
    It all depends on what pieces you get

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  • I prefer advancing the queen's pawn three spaces, the king's pawn two spaces, and then using bishops usually or sometimes knights and the side pawns to advance and create a hostile line for my opponent to make advances upon

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    • Why was this down voted? :( It's a good opening move. I bet it would work on you if we played

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      • KholatKhult

        Ignore the haters, this chess opening pulls mad puss

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        • Muh' fuckers goin' learn tahday

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    • so queen's pawn opening into something flexible?

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      • I read somewhere that whoever controls those four squares in the middle has the field advantage

        I open up two spaces on queen's pawn. At this point I'm just playing the field, my opponent may match with his queen's pawn or I may get to push it up one more. If I don't, I would probably position the knights and/or bishops and the adjacent pawns.

        If I do get to push that pawn up again I guard it with the king's pawn and the queen. I like to slowly build defensive walls of pawns and guard everything strategically. Best case scenario my opponent moves his pieces haphazardly and landlocks powerful pieces away.

        Sometimes I'll notice possible ways into striking that I usually camouflage pretty well on the chess apps I've played on. Not my usual m.o., but if I see the opening and I can ease into it it's pretty satisfying

        Overall I'd say I'm better than average, not an official grandmaster or anything though

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My dad played competitive chess in college. They had me on so much adderall when I was in my teens I got very close to beating him. Never even got close before the adderall. I was thinking 4 moves ahead.

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  • Grunewald

    Whatever the computer AI will let me do.

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  • The one where I bite the pillow and expose my bare ass to my opponent's bishop.

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  • Boojum

    Zippers are fast and convenient.

    Buttons can be awkward, especially when you're fumbling around in the heat of the moment and the damn things are the opposite of what you're used to. Doing a dramatic ripping open move that makes buttons ping around the room can get a positive response, but that can also result in you getting a bill for a $200 blouse.

    Laces are just a total pain in the ass.

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