What are you afraid of?
Suffication | 5 | |
Death | 13 | |
Failure | 22 | |
Snakes | 2 | |
War | 1 | |
Public Speaking | 9 | |
Terrorists | 3 | |
Spiders | 18 | |
Being Alone | 20 | |
Crime | 3 | |
Gangs | 2 |
Ask Your Question today
Suffication | 5 | |
Death | 13 | |
Failure | 22 | |
Snakes | 2 | |
War | 1 | |
Public Speaking | 9 | |
Terrorists | 3 | |
Spiders | 18 | |
Being Alone | 20 | |
Crime | 3 | |
Gangs | 2 |
I already failed, I like public speaking, snakes are cool, Osama Bin Laden has been captured so I'm good, spiders don't creep me, i love gangs, I love being alone, suffocating is kind of scary, and I am the crime. So death. :)
I was afraid of not getting a life at all, being raised under the daily threat of nuclear annihilation, so I have endeavored to live each moment to the fullest. I've gone on great adventures all over the world, without regard to safety or security; looking down into the throat of a live bubbling volcano, for instance and sailing around the world. Nobody has managed to kill my spirit, though some have tried, and I shall continue to live until I die. I shall not go to MY grave regretting the things I haven't done.
I like how terrorists still have no votes. Obviously they're good at their "job" then.