What are your thoughts on mixed changing rooms?
Thoughts on changing rooms used by both men and women?
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Thoughts on changing rooms used by both men and women?
It depends on how comfortable people in the place are. It seems a good topic for public experiments where an extra changing room could be provided to be used by both men and women.
I don't care for them. I welcome post operative transgender women and I'm sure there have been plenty of preoperative trans women on estrogen in restroom or dressing room who I haven't noticed, because they could pass. I'm not cool with the idea that anybody can wake up one morning and say, "today I feel like a woman", then demand entry into women's bathrooms, dressing rooms and locker rooms.
Didn't mean transsexuals tho in particular,just in general men and women using same changing room. It personally makes no difference to me whether I'm In just ladies changing room or a mixed one.
Sure that would take all the fun out of being a young lad and boring a hole in the wall of the men's to look into the women's! For gods sake, will somebody think of the kids!!!
I see both sides. My older brother is gay and feels more comfortable dressed like a woman but usually doesn't go out dressed like a woman unless people are aware of the situation because he doesn't want to stir up anything.My friend's 12 year old got harassed by a pervert dressed as a woman in the woman's bathroom at the library.