What are your thoughts on transgenderism?
Recently there has been a lot of discussions about whether it is transphobic to refuse transwomen in women only spaces with the tweets of J K Rowling etc..
I've read that there are countries that are allowing children to transition. I am against that. A child is too young to take this type of decision.
I've also read that an asian guy who identifies as a black american woman is now teaching history in a college. I don't mind people identifying with whatever they want but on the other hand it doesn't mean that because you identify to it that I must consider you as such which makes me think that ciswomen have a right to want spaces where only biological women are permitted.
There is also the case of a white german woman who takes medication and her skin is now black. She looks black indeed but being black is not only a skin colour. There's a story behind it. The same when you're born a woman in a patriarchal society.
Or is it transphobic to think like this?
and yes, Ive been called a terf more than often recently.