What are your views on transgendered people?

What do you think of Transgendered people? Lets discuss

Their normal, and I support them 41
Err, they can exsist, just dont expect to have rights 5
Abnormal. Freaks. Keep em away from my kids 13
They ain't normal, I support them 14
Their normal. Don't support them tho 4
Weirdos who can have rights. Kil me now 5
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Comments ( 199 )
  • Somenormie

    I am neutral on them.

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    • LloydAsher

      I was born intersex and people have this idea that if you are intersex you automatically support trans people. Which isnt true and I loathe the association.

      I'm genetically closer than a female than the bulk of trans females. The difference is that my brain isnt under the assumption that I am something I'm not.

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      • ohh. Yes some people are born without a choice on which gender they are, and others are born entirely cis and take it for granted.

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      • Zonfire80

        Transmen you mean. But your facts mater too.

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        • LloydAsher

          I always got confused on it. I thought trans female referred to a male going to female.

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          • Zonfire80

            Trans female is that

            Trans male is female going on to male?
            Why does that sound so dirty lol
            But yea trans male is female to male

            And trans female is male to female

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            • Yup that sounds kinda dirty. Sometimes i get confused on which is which lol. That cleared it up!

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    • BatterMilk

      So your only half transphobic.

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      • SweetNLite

        Feeling neutral about something is not indicative of having an irrational fear of it. You sound like a puppet spitting out all the latest talking points.

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        • Trap_Supreme_Queen




          an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

          Google is free, ya know...

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          • Clunk42

            How does that apply to what SweetNLite said? Wouldn't it make more sense to reply to BatterMilk with that?

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        • BatterMilk

          Being neutral has nothing to do with irrational fear. Being neutral means that you are not helping or supporting either side in a conflict. I only say HALF (the keyword meaning either of two equal or corresponding parts) transphobic since this person shows no support for trans rights. A puppet? I'm not a representative of any part of an organization or company. How you even came to that conclusion, I don't know.

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          • Just because you don't support something doesn't mean you hate it. Just mean you don't support it

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      • Somenormie

        @BatterMilk how?

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        • BatterMilk

          You show no support for trans rights.

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          • So? Just because you dont support something
            doesn't mean you are afraid/hate it

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            • BatterMilk

              Your right, Which is why I wouldn't be surprised if this person did come out in support for trans rights one day. For now I have to assume this person might be on the fence, since they might have heard some anti-trans viewpoints and decided to stay neutral on the matter.

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    • Zonfire80

      For a second there I thought you typed I would neutered on them?

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    • oh ok

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    • sorta similar ngl

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  • They are mentally ill.

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    • strong word

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      • Trap_Supreme_Queen

        I mean... He's kinda right, even if he had Transphobic intentions. Gender dysphoria is essentially a mental disorder.

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        • BatterMilk

          Doesn't make you less transphobic, though.

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          • Trap_Supreme_Queen

            "Doesn't make you less transphobic though"

            Are you talking to me, or the guy i replied to?

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            • BatterMilk

              I have no clue, since most people here think that trans people should be protected from discrimination. While at the same time say they are inferior human beings and should seek help.

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        • LloydAsher

          It is a mental disorder. The only reason why it's not being labeled as such right now is because theres some politicking going on in the medical field.

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          • BatterMilk

            Even if it is a mental disorder would you still treat trans people as equal human beings?

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            • LloydAsher

              Well yeah they get treated like people but mentally ill people dont get to make laws or dictate whom goes to which restroom.

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            • Yeah, duh. We treat people with mental conditions as human beings. People with gender dysphoria shouldnt be treated differently

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    • BatterMilk

      What if they're not mentally ill, and just want to be accepted for who they are?

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      • Genetically they are the person they are born as, and you cant change your genetic code.

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        • see?

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        • BatterMilk

          The argument to end all arguments. I guess trans people can't be trans because of outdated biology. I think you might be on to something there?

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          • Outdated because science decided to follow politics instead of vice versa

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          • How is it outdated? DNA makes RNA makes proteins is the central principle of molecular biology. Proteins are the building blocks of your body. It is impossible for living beings to live without DNA.

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          • leggs91200

            Even if transgender were able to change DNA or biology, the transphobes would then find some other reason to discredit them.

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      • Clunk42

        Who they are are mentally ill people.

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      • However, let's say I'm white, and I wanna be black (Not really. thats messed up). Is that a mental disorder, or will you let me say n***** and put on blackface because I am black. Its the same logic

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        • leggs91200

          I wonder if during segregation, if the white guys who wanted to be black were allowed to use the black restrooms?

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          • hmmmm?

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        • BatterMilk

          The implication here would assume that it is a mental illness. By the way context matters, look at tropic thunder (Robert Downey Jr. character) that's an example were black face was used correctly. While you look at propaganda from the (confederates) civil war were people used black face to dehumanize the black population.

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          • So you're gonna support me even if i act sterotypically black and completely trash black people.
            And you call me the bigot. You will blindly support me doing something like that?

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            • BatterMilk

              Again, context matters. If you want to act like that then fine by me it's your freedom, I don't care. However, that won't stop from other people from calling you out on it. No, I don't support racist remarks, why you would even think I would support that is beyond me.

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  • techpc

    Abnormal but I support them. It's scientifically a mental disorder to have gender dysphoria, but that's not to say they shouldn't have rights or anything.

    I believe they should be allowed to get gender reassignment surgery.
    I also believe they should only be permitted to participate in sport sections of their original gender(for hopefully obvious reasons).

    I do NOT believe that anybody should be legally forced to call them by their preferred pronouns. Yes, you are an asshole if you purposefully don't call them by their preferred pronouns. No, the law should not enforce that.

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    • hauntedbysandwiches

      I agree, I can't believe that father recently was arrested and is now in prison for calling his child a girl when she's transitioning to be a boy. It should not be a law because it's their choice to call themselves whatever they want but I do not feed into fantasies

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        In what country did this happen?
        I'm picturing some guy sharing a cell with murderers & rapists and he's in on a pronoun violation.

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        • hauntedbysandwiches

          It happened in Canada

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      • BOMBOCLAAAAAAAT what a little karen. Or boomer since he's transitioning

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  • Whatintarnation

    I do think there is a number of them that are legit mentally ill. My sister deals with them a lot working in endocrinology. She says that after they transition a lot of them become suicidal because they thought that once they transitioned they'd be happy. I've got no problem with them personally. It's your life. As long as you're not hurting anyone, I'm good with it. I do think the mental health side of it should be addressed first though.

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    • Trap_Supreme_Queen

      I believe (most) of the people you describe here aren't actually trans, but are what we call Transtrenders.

      a Transtrender will learn on social media (mainly tumblr/TikTok) that you don't need dysphoria to be trans, and that it's just a cute aesthetic thing. Both obviously aren't true, but Transtrenders eat it up.

      And thus, they transition to follow the trend, and only after they transition they realize the huge mistake they have made, and become depressed. They attempt to detransition. Or, alternatively, what you described.

      A real Trans person, while will likely still be depressed after Transitioning, will absolutely be a lot happier. Take it from me. I attempted suicide... 6 times? I lost the exact number. It would have been so much easier to just... Reincarnate as my desired gender, y'know?

      I have Transitioned since then, which is obviously why i'm alive right now. If given the choice, i would still probably quit my current life in favor of a new one as a female, but you never know if all that reincarnation stuff is real or not, so i won't be taking my chances. i'll just wait my current life out, i guess. :)

      Wow, this comment seems to have turned into a bit of an autobiography, i should probably wrap it up now.

      tl;dr: transtrender bad, transgender good.

      g'night :)

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      • leggs91200

        I would think if someone had the resources for a successful transition like surgeries and being able to pass, by the time they got to the point of no return, they would really know for sure if this is right for them.

        Even a "quick" transition can take a few years.

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    • Yep. Ive read many stories of people who transitioned, and then wanted to go back. Apperantly they felt even worse after. The effect on them is scarring, and personally, even if it isn't hurting them, do what you like! Its your body to fuck up.

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      • Zonfire80

        My body too me is not fucked up in fact I feel more happy then ever.

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        • I mean, not everyone is the same. Just that not everyones body reacts to surgery and hormones in the same way. I'm glad you're happy, and im happy for you :)

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          • Zonfire80


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            • any time

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  • Mini69

    Biologically you will always be your birth gender.

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    • LloydAsher

      If by some extremely rare case that your are born with both sets. A chromosomal test is taken to determine your sex and then surgeries will be underway to remove the non functioning parts.

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    • yuppity

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    • BatterMilk

      It's a form of gender expression, by the way there are ways to biologically make you the opposite sex.

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      • But you still cannot change deep bone structure, or DNA. Even if you are transgender you will never be fully male/female

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        • BatterMilk

          Bone structure and DNA have nothing to do with gender. DNA exist to help people people develop, live, and reproduce. Your right people will never feel truly male/female (or the gender they want to be) which leads to suicide. It's my job and society's job to accept them as who they are and not who they biologically were given at birth.

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          • well, fair enough. DNA makes who you are, so obviously it also plays a role in sex etc

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            • LloydAsher

              Plays a role in the sex. Gender is what you identify as for fucks sake. I thought you advocates were educated on your own shit?

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      • LloydAsher

        Aesthetically? Kinda. Biologically? Fuck no. You cant change your biology. There will still be cells screaming that they are the sex you were born as.

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  • Transgendered:
    I don't agree with it culturally in terms of legitimacy. It's your right to be as you wish and I wouldn't stand in the way of that even if I don't believe it's realistic. I can and will call you by the opposite sex's pronouns if I feel like you've earned my respect to go against my own views for your comfort.

    Political Transgendered:
    Go. Fuck. Yourself. These are the sick cunts I would gladly watch having a bullet in them. They try so hard to push it onto children and get parents punished for doing their duty in protecting their children from these sick (((PEDO))) cunts.

    Anyone that comes up with these ridiculous Pokemon genders that deviate from "man/woman" is an utter dipshit that latched onto the Trans topic for instant validity. No, you're not Trans if you don't plan on "TRANSITIONING", you commit to the identity through alteration or I won't believe that even you believe you are Trans.

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    • why do i agree on this from so many levels

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      • Because you aren't a degenerate like BatterMilk that thinks it's perfectly fine to groom children and he thinks people are too weak to proudly fit (((His))) standard of the word "Bigot" if by "Bigot" he means rejects his sick fuckin' hands grooming children to appease his ideology.

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        • I swear, if people like that don't like your opinion, they call you out at " A FUCKING BIGOOOOOOOT"

          Bigot is being thrown around too uselessly. Can we use it for stuff that matters, like real transphobes and homophobes?

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          • They know they can weaponize it to be as depraved as they wish to silence others into submission. I'm not that happy being bigoted towards child groomers though, as are most people.

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          • BatterMilk

            Your exageratting what I said I never said a "A FUCKING BIGOOOOOOOT". Really? So you don't think "I would gladly watch having a bullet in them." Isn't transphobic in any way? Or "sick (((PEDO))) cunts." isn't transphobic in any way? I don't care if your transphobic as long as your honest about your opinion. A lot of people say they're not transphobic, but in reality they show some transphobic opinions.

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            • Except my bullet comment was in regards to child groomers, not Trans people, as is evident by my separation of the two groups in my comment. You have intentionally ignored that context so you can vilify me but you're too much of a dumbfuck to do it effectively as your response implies that you think child groomers and Trans people are one in the same.

              You want to run to the defence of child groomers so I'd happily watch someone put a bullet in you too.

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            • Duh. Of course I'm exaggerating. Ofc its transphobic. When the starter of this thread said politically transgendered they mean transtrenders who just do it for the aesthetic. They give a bad name to those who are really transgender.

              And I don't care about your opinion. If you dont care about mine, why should i care about yours?

              Also @itduz how did we get from emo teenage white girl transtrender to pedophile?

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        • BatterMilk

          Never have I once said that and you know it.

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          • Ohhhhhhh! So now you want to have the views people hold represented accurately? How about you stfu and move on.

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      • BatterMilk

        You do realize that you're agreeing with a person who would kill trans people for not believing in their bigoted political views.

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        • You do realize I'm right here and I can call you out on your blatant lying if the person you're replying to was somehow incapable of reading my position on this themselves to determine how much of a dumbfuck you are for even trying to represent my views as something entirely different?

          I don't want Trans people to get the bullet, I want child groomers to get the bullet, and here you are trying to claim that child grooming should be allowed because it fits into your sick socio-politics. Let me make this painfully clear to you. If you think for one second that the general public would rather allow sick fucks like you to groom children than they would prefer to fit your standard of a "Bigot" then you aren't winning that one. The general public would put your sick fuckin' ass in the noose before me. Believe that, child groomer.

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        • Obviously not the homicde bit. I dont care how confused someone is, at the end of the day their human (Except for rapists, pedophile and murderers. they can just yeet life).

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    • BatterMilk

      I love how you say to trans people "I feel like you've earned my respect to go against my own views" to "Go. Fuck. Yourself". The contradictions are on another level here.

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      • It's simple. I consider Transgender people and political Transgender people two separate groups, that is pretty apparent to anyone that isn't a dumbass or lying.

        Let me put this more plainly. If you are Trans and just want to get on with your life then that's fine by me. If you are politically Trans and try to push this on school children then in my eyes you deserve a bullet, and if you identify with the latter like you seem to here then you would be in the next line up after the reload.

        I'm unapologetic in this, so spare me any depraved lectures.

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        • BatterMilk

          That's like me saying there's two groups of straight people.

          I don't agree with homicide to solve any issue, I'm a pacifist at the end of the day. I agree that there are businesses that capitalize on trans people to present themselves more progressive, while behind the scenes they don't actually care about trans issues.

          There's nothing wrong with kids learning about gender issues, since teenagers who identify as trans tend to be the group who commit the most suicides in the LGBTQ+ community (Leelah Acorn). It's important for kids to know that there are people who want to harm them (or themselves) and that it's ok to express these feelings and it helps to know that they are not alone.

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          • Teenagers should learn about these things, not kids. If you tell a child they can eat sweets for every meal, they will eat sweets for every meal. Wat about children who think they're a bird sometimes because they are using their imagination.
            If someone told them they could really change their gender, they would. Don't deny it.

            Teenagers, on the other hand, should learn about the LGBTQ so they don't grow up to be Homophobic and transphobic brats. And if they discover themselves along the way, that's beautiful. However, when I was going through that phase, most of my friends started identifying as things they didn't have a clue about.
            They did it because they felt pressured. And i don't want more young teens to go through that pressured stage.
            If they were really trans, they would've known before transgender and transitioning became trendy

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          • There are. Those that are straight and don't care what you do with your dick and vag and those that are straight and think you should be forced to be too.

            That's nice for you but I put kids before your pacifism. I'm sorry but no, they had their chance. The problem with the Trans topic is that it has been bolstered up to give people instant value within our culture and introducing such an identity to kids at an age where they haven't matured but want that quick validation is going to result in kids taking on the identity for that reason and fuck up their life when they otherwise wouldn't make that decision. Being trans isn't normal, being trans isn't fun. When you're trans you have to sacrifice large parts of your future but they won't tell you that, they won't tell you that if you want to be Trans you'll generally be repulsive to the general public and your chances of romance gets cut drastically because they know what they're doing and they don't care about sacrificing children to their God so long as they get into their depraved view of paradise. So fuck 'em. I'm getting too old to believe that good will wins the day.

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  • badmanalive

    Let’s be clear here.

    If you’re born with a vagina, you’re a female.
    If you’re born with a penis, you’re a male.
    If you’re born with both... you get to choose.

    Any questions?

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    • No questions. This is how it should be.

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    • LloydAsher

      Well if you are born with both you would be whichever genital set that functions the most.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I don't support transgender but I'm not against them so I wouldn't say anything negative, I just wouldn't be friends with them because I don't believe you can pretend to be a different gender because your gender is in your dna.

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    • I mean, yeah, one could never completely transition. However, you can have your friend choices etc…

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  • momgetthecamera

    I think dysphoria exists and it can be very difficult. But the solution is not always to change your body for something that's in your head, especially pushing this onto children.

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    • Exactly. Kids these days are already messed up as it is. A child who can barely grasp the concept of gender, and different genitals, are being told you can be whoever you like. Ya cant. I had to learn the hard way

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      • momgetthecamera

        You mean you tried to change your gender? You're 18, I'm really surprised to hear that

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        • oh no! I didn't! I mean I did some things hwen i was younger that made me think i could do whatever i want. I cant

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  • 11

    People can do whatever, but I don't get it. I am technically "trans" myself except I realize that it is a mental delusion I need to work through rather than mutilating my body and expecting others to bend to personal fantasy. In my eyes they are no different than those addicted to plastic surgery, it's almost like a form of self harm in some cases.

    Trenders are definitely a thing, and are the reason it's so mainstream now. Real trans people are extremely rare. Ideally you would never even know who's trans, because they would actually try to look and act like the opposite sex, instead of making entitlement their whole personality.

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    • Yes. A lot of people would've never questioned their gender identity in the first place if it hadn't become to mainstream. Just like how people say "Oh im so quirky", but arent really. The real quirky people keep their differentness (is that a word? lol) quiet.

      There is no need for surgery, or that stuff. Keep it simple. If you feel like a different gender then act like the gender and keep it silent, not parade on the rooftops and cut your dick off.

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    • BatterMilk

      How is it mainstream? heterosexuality is the mainstream.

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      • 11

        Sexuality has nothing to do with gender identity, so Im not sure your point there. Perhaps you meant non-transgender or "cis" as they like to call it, is mainstream, as in most common. By mainstream I meant that it is far more frequently brought to public attention than it was 10-20 years ago.

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        • BatterMilk

          Well, it's still not considered mainstream (or acceptable), by the clear transphobia in this comment section. However, I do agree that it has been brought up in public discourse more often, since more and more people are reassigning their gender.

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          • 11

            It's acceptable by all the doctors who are cutting people up and pumping them full of hormones.

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          • Inkmaster

            If you're trying to change people's minds, then you might want to actually try looking at it from their perspective rather than shaming them for something that they don't view as wrong.

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            • BatterMilk

              I'm not shaming people I'm just pointing out the reality of the situation. I have looked at the topic from their perspective and it fails 99% of the time, since you would have to dismiss the deep bigotry that these people hold, which in turn solves nothing. Believe it or not I have changed people's mind on this issue I would say I have a 10% success rate.

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          • Basically, yeah

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          • Clunk42

            Of course a website full of weirdos has comment sections full of the opinions of weirdos. It is very much considered mainstream right now, despite the fact that it's terrible.

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            • Yeah, thats mainstream. On the internet, its very hard to not come across this kind of thing.

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      • LloydAsher

        Heterosexuality is normal. Normal because if everyone was gay humanity would be dead in 80 years.

        How much up your own ass do you have to be to think that its "mainstream" to be heterosexual when it's the default sexuality for procreation?

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        • BatterMilk

          The way that I would define mainstream are things that are popular with most people or common current thought. Obviously, It's easier to market products to straight people rather than trans people since they don't make up the majority of the population (and are not part of the mainstream).

          If everyone was gay then women would go to sperm donors and reproduce. That way the population would not shrink and would help the economy grow. Yes I must be up my own ass, to think that straight people aren't at the top of the social pyramid, yes what's wrong with me?

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          • Okay but what about if sperm banks wern't invented yet, or you're in a warzone and can't go. Only people from western countries will ever reproduce, leading to the fact that eventually people will cease to exsist in places like the Middle East and Africa.

            That logic is flawed. The population would definetely shrink.

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            • BatterMilk

              In that scenario people would subside to polyamorous relationships. One person person will give the seed while the other gives birth in a mutual way (consent of course). Why do you think that only western countries can reproduce? Because they're superior? And brown people suck? If you ask me your logic is flawed.

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    • BlueAlice

      Then you're not actually trans, are you? Real trans people know better than to be truscum

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  • bigbudchonger

    I think that they should have the right to transition and slice off their tits/ dick, pump themselves with hormones and pretend to be the sex they're not (so long as they're over 18).

    But they use gender as a coping mechanism to mimic something they aren't. They've turned gender into some abstract, non-tangible social construct. What they really want to be is the opposite sex, and they'll never be that.

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    • Sometimes people don't feel at home in their bodies. Sometimes they want to transition just because they hate their gender, not necessarily that they wanna be the other gender.

      The thing is, even if they do that, it'll come back to bite them in the fake dick

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      • Zonfire80

        Who cares if my dick is fake at least it can fuck.

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  • Trap_Supreme_Queen

    As a Trans person myself, there should be a "it's not normal but i support it" option, given how we are only ~0.6% of the population.

    Also "Transgenders" isn't a word lmao

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    • oof sorry! Will fix that and add the option. I never actually looked at the numbers, and its very low considering the amount of people on social media who claim to be trans, or trans allies

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Maybe 0.6% of the population in California. Ive never seen one in my life.

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      • BatterMilk

        You clearly don't get out much or you live in a deeply conservative area.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Ok fair point but what about some country in africa or Mexic9 or any random country, how many transgenders are there in the population? Probably less than a American conservative area! I doubt India or China has alot of these people either. When you look at world population as a whole there is no goddamn way in hell trans people are 0.6% of the world.

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          • BatterMilk

            The reason there's no trans people in places like India or China is because people literally get killed for expressing their homosexuality. I don't think that number is too far off considering about 1.4 million American adults identified as trans in 2016.

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            • 1WeirdGuy

              If you are going off American population which I still doubt theres 0.3% of trans in USA. But USA is only 4% of the worlds population.

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            • Sorry, but where does homosexual, fit into transgender? If you wanna chat about all LGBT+Q fineeee, just dont mix em up

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      • LloydAsher

        I have and they were not passable as a female. Tons of drag queens as my gf loves them for some reason.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Never seen one in my life. I think its only popular in big cities in America and western europe. I dont think theyre 0.6% of the world or even America. Maybe 0.0001% and even thats a stretch.

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          • LloydAsher

            The highest population other than in western countries is in Iran because if you are trans you can be gay legally.

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  • ellnell

    Depends. A lot of them seem to just be living a fetish when it comes to men and when it comes to female-to-males they seem to either hate being women due to internalized misgony or they have eating disorders causing them to hate their bodies or are just normal women unhappy with their annoyingly big boobs and tumblr has brainwashed them that this has to mean they're trans.
    You can usually tell they're just living out some kind of weird fantasy because the men dress hyper-sexual or like anime characters and act like stereotypes and the women make themselves look like teen boys or anime characters instead of actual normal men.
    The percentage of actual trans people who's never felt happy as their birthgender seems small but them I support.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      The female to male ones are always gangster or super country

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      • Zonfire80

        Most trans men act like Vegeta which is pretty awesome. Sure where a different breed but it’s fucken sexy when we know what girls want. They want a bad boy.

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      • Zonfire80

        What the fuck is wrong with that. And I aint gangster I’m hard rock and heavy metal.

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  • litelander8

    I don’t care.

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    • Zonfire80

      My point

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  • leggs91200

    Every time this comes up I wonder -

    Do people in general take a transgender person more serious if they are convincing as their chosen gender?

    In other words, if someone does not agree with a transgender person's way of life, would they at least be more accepting if the TG really looked like a woman instead of looking like someone who just does not pass?

    Kind of the way pretty women are shown more favoritism than unattractive women?

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      It definitely makes a difference. If its brock lesnar with a beard in a dress im gonna be like woah

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    • I wonder that… hmmm. Mah dewd leggs asking all the right questions

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    • LloydAsher

      I still dont accept trannies even when they do completely change over. I'll treat them like I treat everyone else, by not caring. I disagree with their mutilation to change into something they will never be. I find their plight to be pitiful and I wish they would have fixed the actual problem in their brain rather their external parts.

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      • Ehh, sir. "Trannies" is a slur. Its like saying fa**** or ni****
        Plz stop

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        • LloydAsher

          Well that argument would be more convincing if you didnt put asterisks to censor the words clearly indicating that those words are worse than tranny.

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          • I said tr**** so as not to confuse peeps

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            • LloydAsher

              I talked about the above comments and my Bi girlfriend told be that faggot really isnt that offensive. Nigger is a bad word to use but definitely is a few magnitudes higher than trannies. That being said it's the internet who gives a shit about slur words?

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  • fatok

    I'd like to bang a tranny

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    • tranny is a slur dewd. Plz stahp

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Why tf is this such a big topic?

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    • idek anymore

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  • AutisticWolfshead

    Your born male, female or intersexual thats it Gender doesnt exist its the creation of a psychologist trying to justify his perversions. You cannot become a woman if your born a man and vice versa and I will not pander to an agenda which is trying to erase women and men with an ideologically driven self destructive idiotically stupid bunch of emotionally immature unstable brainwashed/indoctrinated spoilt self entitled attention seeking Brats. AKA USEFUL IDIOTS.Post modernists cultural marxists SJW 3rd wave feminism LBGTQ Militants (OH THERE IS NO LONGER A G)The militant lesbians kicked out the gay men when they where no longer useful pawns.(ALSO ONLY WOMEN CAN BE TRANSGENDERs according to the same militant lesbians).These are the same lesbians writing books on killing all men.AS to the questionaire they need help in accepting who they are not getting drugs pumped into their systems and their genitals mutilated for nothing but a lie.Yes on that aswell women can still have a baby men get their balls cut off so cant have children sterilisation using a mental health issue.YEAH I DONT THINK SO.

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  • leggs91200

    Here is the thing -

    It is true that one cannot change their biological sex.

    What we can change is our outward appearance and expression.

    Us trans people are going to exist whether the sorry ass transphobes like it or not.

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    • Yeah, you cannot transition completely. Nobody can.

      I have no problem with Transgenders. Transtrenders, however, can just yeet outta that weird mindset of theirs.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I don't think we're at a point yet where we fully understand why these conditions happen. A lot more research needs to be done. However, I do not think body dysphoria is a choice. The act of transitioning is a treatment for this condition as far as I understand, whether or not this is the best treatment, I couldn't tell you, at least not yet.
    They still deserve basic respect though.

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    • every human deserves basic respect (Except intentional murderers and rapists and pedophiles. They deserve to lie dead in a ditch). Transtrenders act like body dysphoria is a choice, and make it seem like "Oh i like blue. I am boi!" kinda thing.

      Body dysphoria isn't cool or cute or trendy. Its a mental disorder that people suffer from and transition so they cure it. Not so they can get themself on the LGBTQ letters.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    The use of "their" in this post triggers the inner nerd in me

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    • lol i realised too late and now i can't edit it :(((

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  • Most "transgenders" are actually in a phase, where they can't decide what identity they want. Most of the time, they come to realize they are comfortable with the sex they have and get over it. While rarely, it turns out not to be a phase and have a mental disorder, having the brain of the opposite sex.

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    • Transtrenders ya mean

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  • sillygirl77

    I'm curious why people seem so concerned if someone wants to change from their birth assigned gender and/or use different pronouns that you expect. I don't understand the reason people are so concerned about what other people do. You do what you want to do within the law and don't worry about others who aren't hurting you or affecting your life

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  • Meatballsandwich

    I don't really care about them to be honest.

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  • freakyman69

    As long as they aren't hurting me I support them. same with gay people the fact that they are gay or trans really doesn't affect me or my life any.

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    • At the end of the day, are ((((REAL))) transgenders hurting anyone? Nope. As long as their happy amirite?

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  • badmanalive

    My father was my mother, but my mother was my father.

    What does that make me?

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    • Trap_Supreme_Queen

      I mean... That just makes you their child. I know you had Transphobic intentions with this comment, but i don't quite see what you're trying to get at here.

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    • i actually dont know…their child?

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  • olderdude-xx

    Most of the ones I've met are normal people, perhaps with a bit of a chip on their shoulder. However, there are other groups with similar chips on their shoulders as well. That doesn't bother me unless they take it to an extreme level (all extremist bother me regardless of the issue or the direction of the extreme).

    Just like other people: Some are great people, a lot are fairly plain and uninteresting, and some are offensive or show very poor character.

    Their sexuality has nothing to do with who they are as a person for the vast majority of them; just like other people.

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    • leggs91200

      When we go through life with people telling us we are fake, should not exist, or just trying to tell us how to live our own lives, yes, we do often have a chip on our shoulder.
      Even the really pretty and convincing ones deal with this once people learn of their gender status.

      Me, I am plain and uninteresting. Just another face in the crowd trying to make it.

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      • olderdude-xx

        It used to disturb me the number of people who deny science and society, including intentional distortions to the point of direct contradictions of what the Bible says while professing their "religious" beliefs based on the Bible.

        Now I know that they are just typical of the generally intentional ignorant who believe that they should control society for their own benefit - and all generations and cultures have those people.

        I sure wish there were less of them though..

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        • leggs91200

          Less transgenders?

          We do not try to control society or whatever, most of us are just trying to make it quietly through each day.

          Some TG, I have known a few, are "loud and proud" but me - I just try to act like everyone else. I don't even talk about my gender status except with a couple gay men at work whom I often joke around with but the straight folks, not so much.

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  • LloydAsher

    Besides them having a clear mental disorder and people propping them up like that's something completely normal?

    Its abnormal to have a brain that belives it's a different sex than what you were born as. In the case for intersex individuals which I am unfortunately apart of we are actually less likely to be trans than the average population. It's a mental disorder. I'm not going to tell an anorexic that they are fat because that's what the belive that's not how you help people by buying into their delusions.

    That being said if you are 18 you can do whatever the fuck you want. Just dont expect me to care about the "injustice" of being barred from a bathroom that is ment for biological females. Even men without dicks (injuries) use the male bathroom. If there was a 3rd stall for non gendered persons than fine. Honestly my solution would be for any trans person to default to male bathrooms. At least half of the trans population would be happy with that settlement.

    If trans people what to be included in sports they need to make a completely seperate division so it's fair for all competitors. In my opinion that would just show the physical differences between men and women development. Would not be surprised if the transwomen were beating the trans males.

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    • Zonfire80

      Transmen can beat Transwomen testosterone
      . Some can’t but some can. Bone can change depending on when the female to male change.

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      • LloydAsher

        Born and raised males have more quick twitch muscles during development which is directly correlated with strength. Lack or testasterone just makes it harder to grow muscles, it doesn't cause your muscles to atrophy until you stop working out.

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        • Zonfire80

          When I started T I gain muscle even without working out. I started T in my early 20s. We may not be stronger than most biological men. Not just because a bone but because of most trans men are short. We are sure hell a lot stronger than Cis women.

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          • yep. That makes sense. Recently I started a thread about trans people and their strength in sports etc. Its nice to have a transgendered person in on the discussion!

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            • Zonfire80

              Nice to hear

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im indifferent towards them. I really dont care. But if they brought a transgender to my sons school to speak to the kids id be thinking what the hell are they teaching my kid. I dont want them to indoctrinate them with that bs. Id worry my perfectly normal son would come home and tell me he feels lke a girl. Then all the classmates in school cheer him on like hes a fuckin hero.

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    • Yes. Telling children before they even grasp the concept of gender and sex, needs to stop. That's how more and more people become transtrender.

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