What bathroom should he go in?

I know someone who has decided to switch genders but hasn't gone under the knife yet.he still looks as a man but goes by a woman.which bathroom does he go in?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • NeofelisNebulosa

    My ex girlfriend was rather butch looking, and one time an old lady hit her with a purse when she went into the ladies' room. She should have flashed that old bat to prove she was in the right restroom.

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  • chained_rage

    I still don't get why people call them bathrooms when there are no baths in them...and if you do attempt to bathe yourself in there, people look at you funny

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    • noid

      And they aren't restrooms, at least I don't rest in them and haven't seen others resting!

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  • postmanlover

    Well as long as he make pepe with the door closed and looks enough like a lady, who cares. It just a bathroom. Ladies go pepe behind doors so we don't see privates in ladies bathrooms anyway.

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    • noid

      OP said he still looks like a man though.

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  • Arm0se

    If he has a penis he's supposed to go into the bathroom for penis people. Doesn't matter what his orientation is, he still has to do it.

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  • deshikd

    Honestly it depends on the rules of wherever they are. Unfortunately, only certain places have laws/rules in place that allow transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as.

    If you respect this person you probably shouldn't be calling them man and he, if they've told you about this. You don't have to go under the knife to be transgender.

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