What can i do about my cat?
My family recently had to move. We brought our 6 pets with us. 3 dogs and 3 cats. At our other house, our cats would roam free outside. And even though this is a trailer park, we thought our cats would be fine because they stay close to home. And they did.
The trouble is, they were always digging in our neighbor's garden. She has complained numerous times and told us that she hates cats. We bought a repellant for her garden that would keep cats and other small animals out. She wouldn't except it, and insisted on buying something of her own.
Anyhow, two of our cats have mysteriously gone missing. We don't want to accuse, but we do, of course suspect her.
Now my cat wanders around the house all day meowing loudly. We can't let him outside, for fear of losing him too. I think he's lonely. And sick of being cooped up. If he does go out, we have to take him on a leash. There's just the dogs and him. Should I get another cat so he won't be so lonely?
The dogs (which I hate, but that's another story entirely) just growl and nip at my cat. I want to do what's best for him. What should I do?
Serious answers only please.