What can i do about my cat?

My family recently had to move. We brought our 6 pets with us. 3 dogs and 3 cats. At our other house, our cats would roam free outside. And even though this is a trailer park, we thought our cats would be fine because they stay close to home. And they did.

The trouble is, they were always digging in our neighbor's garden. She has complained numerous times and told us that she hates cats. We bought a repellant for her garden that would keep cats and other small animals out. She wouldn't except it, and insisted on buying something of her own.

Anyhow, two of our cats have mysteriously gone missing. We don't want to accuse, but we do, of course suspect her.

Now my cat wanders around the house all day meowing loudly. We can't let him outside, for fear of losing him too. I think he's lonely. And sick of being cooped up. If he does go out, we have to take him on a leash. There's just the dogs and him. Should I get another cat so he won't be so lonely?

The dogs (which I hate, but that's another story entirely) just growl and nip at my cat. I want to do what's best for him. What should I do?

Serious answers only please.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • Pooter1111

    Get another cat but keep them in the house. Sounds like your neighbor has it in for your animals. I agree dogs are a pain

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  • LOUi_CUDi

    thats sad. Ya get some new cats. And ask ur neighbor hav u seen my cats thats not accusing its just wonderin if she seen dem

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  • I wouldn't let him go outside. Getting another cat could help but it's not 100% sure. If you had proof that your neighbor made your cats "vanish" I'd break in and just break everything in her house.

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  • Sara0303

    You don't blame her. I'd kil your cat too

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I would get some more cats. I would keep them inside and not let them outside ever! It does seem like your neighbour might have done something to your cats. Even if not hurting them they might have gotten rid of them somehow. You should have kept your cats inside when you realized they were digging up your neighbours yard. It seems really rude to offer your neighbour spray for the yard they own because YOUR cats are making a mess of things. I know you are trying to be helpful but its just rude. You should have done something about the cats when it began.

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  • Go to your neighbor's house and ask if they've seen your cat and when they say no bust out in tears and make them feel really horrible about it

    As for your cats I would give your dogs up for adoption if you don't like them and get another cat so your cats can be happy and not have to worry about the dogs nipping at them

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  • RoseIsabella

    My condolences, I'm truly sorry for your loss. I'm bipetual(I like dogs & cats) which is why I have a Siamese and he' strictly an indoor cat. Look up My Cat from Hell which airs on Animal Planet and features cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy. It's got lots of great solutions for cat problems. Kitty condos, toys and lots of interactive play time. Those fishing pole style toys are great. I don't know your dogs but I'm sure all that crying to go outside must drive them nuts. Except for farm cats it's really a good idea to keep feline friends in the house. Also if your cat isn't fixed take him or her to the Vet and get it done. Animals are happier and more content when their not restless and horny. Check out these website http://jacksongalaxy.com/ and http://m.animalplanet.com/?mobile=true

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Ask your neighbour and look if they get shifty eyes or not. If they do it's them and you should punch them and burn their trailer down. that's nowhere near what I'd do if someone dared harm my cat.

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  • crissyabear

    That is the danger of allowing cats to roam outside. Try building an enclosure for your cat. Also have spayed/neutered if it isn't already. This will probably help with the crying to get outside. Look up the enclosures on the internet there are some nice and not too expensive ideas. You can probably set it up next to a window to allow your cat to go in and out as it pleases.

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  • Chillpill

    The best thing for the cat might be to go to a home that's more suitable for him. I know some cats are solely indoor cats, but for one that's used to roaming outside, it would be hard to be cooped up. And sadly where you live, for whatever reason, it's not safe for cats to go outside.

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  • KatieLiz

    @skyhuh what an idiot you have to let cats out.
    I would say get another cat. And confront your neighbour. If you can get proof that she killed your cats she could get a heavy fine.

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