What christian extremists must do
Jesus Christ wasn't actually a radical, but what he did led to radical action. He was far from a radical: gentle, peace-loving, minimalist, loving lambs. How is that extremist?
Christianity gets extremist in a bad way by making rallies, missionary work to stamp out outside evil, and beating up of atheists, heretics, and pagans, killing witches, dying for extreme Christian sects, that's the devil's work.
Then there's the sheer, millenary extremism by millennials, Puritans, and fundamentalist Mormons who don't simply want good, justice and peace but either knock on residents' doors to convert you, give you lollies to lure you in the church, or generally fight and defend the faith and impose their sins on other people, demanding that they be sinless like them.
I do the latter of the three, if I saw the cowboy dicksucker I'd change the channel and demand that this filth get taken off the air, that's why I don't watch movies, I don't want this Satan while I'm watching the news.
So what an extremist Christian must do is defend the faith, be a regalist ruling as king, and attack everything outside of what's appropriate to the faith.