What comes to mind when you think of an incel?

What comes to mind when you think of an incel?

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Comments ( 33 )
  • Wow3986

    Vile hateful brutes that beat, kill, and rape women.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    A douchebag who thinks he's the frienliest person in the world, and that girls hate him for no reason.

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  • ospry

    The meaning of life is having the thickest, meatiest schlong of them all

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  • Somenormie

    no-face from spirited away since he acts like one and since hes forever following chihiro

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  • kikilizzo

    A creepy loser who thinks that treating women with basic kindness the way you should treat all people makes him entitled to sex with said woman, and if she rejects him he blows up and shows his true self which is an abusive dickhead.
    Nice guys are amazing. "Nice guys" aka incels are not, that is why they cant get laid. That, and the fact that they are narcissists whom believe they are Gods gift to man and completely void of flaws and doesnt need to work on anything so everything is everybody else's fault.

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  • Anonnet

    I always thought of the "neckbeard" or "guy that lives in his parents' basement". I don't know why we settled on the term "incel" since it seems like a catch-all term for just any virgin anywhere. Unlike ye olde "neckbeard" or "nice guy", the term "incel" doesn't actually specify a gender or personality. Its parts--"involuntary" and "celibate"--literally just imply that the person can't have sex. I mean, heck, there are non-virgins that fit that description!

    Ironically, I've never heard "incel" used as anything other than an insult, but every time I Google it now, I get results that say it's some kind of hate-based online community where dudes feel like their inability to get sex is some kind of endemic problem with the rest of the world. It sounds like they give virgins a bad name.

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  • Yaidin

    Grind = considering life a game that you can "win" by wasting as much time as possible earning money while letting meaningful connections rot away. This is why all the "sigma males" are always on the grind. Because they cant find value outside of increasing their high score, their balance.

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  • Kermitthehog

    Losers that hate women because they won't sleep with him.

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  • AsterBean

    Honestly, I judge the person using the word more than the person being accused of it. Sometimes it's the same person.

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    • They call themselves incels why judge me for what they choose to label themselves? I judge people who judge others for no reason more..

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      • AsterBean

        I am okay with that. We all judge. I just hate the word "incel". It's a lazy word. You don't have to use the word. It's not even accurate. It was made up by sexually frustrated people who only thought they knew what the word celibate meant. Continuing to misuse a word simply because you don't know any better isn't a good enough reason for me. So yes, I judge. I have high standards and am a snob. So be it.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    An incredibly socially awkward person (typically young man) who keeps to himself and may have very low self esteem.

    They're not inherently hateful. Unfortunately the most hateful, angry subset get the most attention.

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    • Wow3986

      So you support incels?

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      • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

        "Support". I support extremely socially inept and awkward people to get help so they can function as well as possible in society.

        Weird fact: incels did not start out as a hateful, misogynistic movement. There were female "incels" too and still are.

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        • Wow3986

          Okay but you just said that you support incels. So why do you support people that beat, kill, and rape women?

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          • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

            You would have to be around a woman to do those things, and as far as I know, incels have issues interacting with women.

            Incel means involuntary celibate. A lot of them have severe mental health issues or may fall on the autism spectrum that effects their ability to socialize.

            If anything, you're ableist.

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            • Wow3986

              Incels HATE women. And because they hate women, women are beat, raped, and killed. So you want women to die?

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  • StrawberryLollipop

    A reddit mod or discord mod who has sour and entitled personality

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  • Holzman_67

    Sexual frustration

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  • malaparte

    Guys that are often kind of cute but have convinced themselves that a 'few millimeters of bone' are responsible for their lack of romantic or sexual success. They actually do not care about women or sex most of the time, they just happen to think that success will lead to happiness and fulfillment, and they define 'success' as the ability to add as many notches to their bedpost as the 'Chads' they both idolize and despise.

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  • KholatKhult

    They all have Japan fetishes

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      imagine a world with putincels

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      • KholatKhult

        Used to be a relatively popular guy to foreigners, I fear we won’t be getting anymore thirst-trap styled videos with comment sections full of horned up older ladies for old Vlad anytime soon. A true loss

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        • litelander8

          I’m not an “old lady” per say. And Putin might be a shitbag. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s sexy as fuck. 😂

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          • Wow3986

            So you like murderers?

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          • KholatKhult

            Get in line Lite !
            I’ll trade you for an hour with that twink that runs Canada

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            • Curiouskitten444

              Lmaoo our boy Justin Trudeau

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            • litelander8

              Cuba’s heir? Lol. He can get it too. 😂

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    • Meatballsandwich

      Actually, Japan has the highest virginity rate in the world, so it's absolutely not the incel-paradise they imagine it to be.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        Their idea of Japan and the actual country bare very little resemblance.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    A misogynist that is overweight, addicted to the internet and blames the world for their virginity.

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